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"Lori! Here!" The gunfire echoed throughout the prison. Carmen's katana sliced open a walker's stomach,its guts splattering on her clothes. Walkers passed by her as of they hadn't noticed her. "Dad! Daddy!" Carmen said,her head continuously moving from left to right. T-Dog ran to the opened gate that was filled with walkers and tried closing it,but,sadly,a walker grabbed T-Dog's arm and bit his shoulder. Carol watched in horror and screamed. Carmen ran up to the walker that bit T-Dog and the blade of the katana swiftly went across the walker's neck. "Hurry!" Carol shouted and the three went into a dark corridor.

"There's a set of double doors that will lead to another corridor that'll get you back to our cell block." T-Dog told Carol and Carmen as they walked down the dark halls of the corridor. "You should stop." Carol said,her tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm getting you there!" T-Dog shouted. "Stop!" Carmen shouted,tears forming in her eyes. "Why? So I can sit here and wait to die?" T-Dog asked. "We'll do what we have to. You're not becoming one of those things." Carol said. "I can't ask that." T-Dog said. "It's the pact, remember?" Carol asked. "This is God's plan. He'll take care of me. Always has. He's gonna help me lead you out of these tunnels." T-Dog said.

When they turned the corner,two walkers were in front of them. T-Dog pushed the walkers forward until the walkers backs were against the wall. "Go! Go! Go! I'm dead!" T-Dog shouted and the walkers started to eat him. Carol grabbed Carmen's hand and they ran. They opened the door at the exit of the corridor and they stepped out into the bright light.

"Keep an eye out for booby traps. Looks like he's gotten pretty creative so far." Rick said as they stood in front of Morgan's house that had walker traps in front of it. "Hah,he said booby." Carmen said,being the immature girl she was and Michonne softly punched Carmen's arm. "I thought we were just gonna get in and get the hell out of here." Michonne said. "I'm not leaving him on the street." Rick said. "Look,I know you said he helped you—" Before Michonne could continue,Rick said,"He saved my and a girl's life. He wasn't like this then. Jesus,he has a son." "You think he's in there?" Michonne asked.

Rick and Michonne carried Morgan as they made their way upstairs, avoiding the axe booby trap. "Carl,Carmen,watch the wire." Rick told the two that was behind them.

They carried Morgan into his room where lots of weapons were stored in. "I showed him that weapons locker last year." Rick said. "And it had all of this in it?" Michonne asked. "No,not even half. He's been busy. The cot." Rick said and he and Michonne laid Morgan down on the cot. Carmen looked around the weapon filled room and said,"Cluuuutch!" Carl started putting ammo boxes in his bag as Michonne grabbed some guns. Carmen sighed and said,"I'm gonna look around town. Try to find a baby store." There was crunching behind Carmen and she turned around to face Michonne who was eating chips, probably stale,and giggled,"Jesus,Michonne, you're so loud!" "That's what you expect from me. I'm going with you." Michonne said. "Me too." Carl said. "Where?" Rick asked. "No body loots a baby store. Maybe I could get some things from my house. Books,clothes,food, etcetera." Carmen answered. "Is that why you came,"Michonne asked,"to see the house?" Carmen paused before answering,"No, because I care for Little Ass-Kicker too." "You guys get in trouble,you holler,okay?" Rick asked. "Okay." Carl answered.

"Remember how we used to take strolls down the street?" Michonne asked Carmen as they walked down the sidewalk, avoiding the booby traps. "Yeah,I do." Carmen said and smiled a bit. She smile turned into a frown when she stopped in front of a house. "What's wrong?" Carl asked and he and Michonne stopped walking. "Go ahead. I'll raid this house." Carmen mumbled. Michonne nodded and the two walked away.

The front door flung open by one kick by Carmen. She smiled to herself when she stepped in the entrance of her old house. "Nice to see it's not raided." She said to herself and looked at the walls. Carmen grabbed some family photos,most of them were her and Michonne,and she walked in the kitchen. There wasn't food and Carmen walked upstairs. "Which room was it?" She muttered to herself and went into her bedroom. Nothing had changed as the aesthetic type of Sailor Moon wallpaper glowed in the sunlight.

Carmen walked out of her house,her bag filled with items from her home. She walked and turned the corner. She saw the King County Cafe and saw Carl leaning against the two doors,walkers pounding against it. Carmen ran up to Carl and before she could say anything,Michonne approach them. "Hey." Michonne said and gave a photo,with the frame,to Carl. "What'd you get?" Michonne asked Carmen. "Well.....a lot, actually but no guns. I also found this." Carmen answered and pulled out a photo. Michonne examined the photo and smiled when the photo had Carmen, Barbara,and herself in it. "July 4th. When you were eleven." Michonne said,smiling.

"Hey. I was just about to look for you." Rick said as Carl,Carmen, and Michonne carried a crib. "Sorry." Carmen said. "It's all right. You're here now." Rick said. They all saw Morgan was alive and moving,but he didn't look dangerous. "Hey. Morgan. I had to shoot you. You know I had to,right? I'm sorry." Carl said,loudly while facing Morgan. "Hey,son. Don't ever be sorry." Morgan said. With that,the group of four packed up their items in the Honda Civic and drove,what they called the prison,home.

July 4th,2011
The fireworks exploded in the sky and Carmen ran around the lawn with her friends while holding sparklers. "Where's your boyfriend?" Michonne asked Barbara as the two women sat down on the porch. "He's gonna be busy today. Delivering pizzas, etcetera." Barbara said,holding a beer bottle in her hand but the beer had some water mixed in it so Barbara wouldn't get drunk. "I still don't believe that you have a boyfriend." Michonne said. "Say what you want to say." Barbara said, rolling her eyes. "Come on,Michonne!" Carmen said,pulling Michonne's arms. "All right. I'll let you climb on my back this time." Michonne said, getting up from the porch. Barbara smiled to herself as she watched Michonne and Carmen having the time of their lives.

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