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The loud banging echoed throughout the church as Sasha repeatedly struck into the church chairs. "She hanging in there?" Daryl asked Sadie as Tyrese handed them the organ pipes. "Yeah. And,if we're lucky,she'll be up by today." Sadie answered. "It was good you weren't here to see it." Tyrese told Daryl. "Where'd you learn all of this?" Daryl asked Sadie as they walked outside with the pipes in their arms. "Medical classes that I went to." Sadie answered. "Are you gonna take the cross,too?" Gabriel said as he watched the group build defense systems. "If it's required to." Sadie answered and she and Daryl dug the pipes into the ground.

"They want to go to Atlanta,but I can't have that." Rick told Michonne about Noah and Klaus,the two young men,as they board up the windows. "They you stay. I'll go." Michonne offered. "I owe it to Carol." Rick said. "We all owe Carol." Michonne said.

About a few minutes later,Rick handed Judith to Michonne and told Carl,"We'll be back soon. Keep an eye out for Carmen." "Dad," Carl warned about the remark Rick made,"Not now,please." "Sorry,sorry. But help her out if she needs it." Rick said and with that,he, Tyrese, Noah, Klaus, Sasha and Sadie left the church with their weapons. Michonne and Carl immediately closed the church doors behind them. Michonne gave Judith to Finn and they got to work to block the church doors.

She felt disoriented as she sat up on the bed she was resting in and felt that something was wrong. She put her hand to her face and felt the bandage that was wrapped around her eye. The door flung open and Carl sighed in relief once he saw Carmen awake. "Good. You're awake." He said as he walked towards her. "Good that you can state the obvious." Carmen said as Carl helped her on her feet. "She's awake?" Finn asked as he stood in the doorway of the room while holding Judith who was sleeping peacefully. "Yeah. She is." Carl answered. "What happened?" She asked as she placed her hand on the bandage. "You just got hurt that's all." Finn lied. "You think you can walk?" Carl asked Carmen. She nodded and began walking, cautiously,out of the room with the boys following her just in case. "Glad that we had Sadie here. Or else, she'd be a goner." Finn whispered to Carl as Judith softly fussed in his arms. "Yeah,but she's gonna find out,sooner or later whether you like it or not." Carl whispered. "Still,we got nothing to fear....except,walkers." Finn whispered.

"You know, I've been there," Tyrese told Sasha as they rode in the truck. "I know." Sasha said,mournfully. "Bob,he would have wanted-" Tyrese said,but Sasha warned,"Don't. Please,don't."

The monitor beeped as Beth stood in the doorway of Carol's room at Grady Memorial Hospital. "Excuse me," A male doctor said,"I'm checking up on her." Beth nodded and left.

"They got no clue we're here." Glenn told Tara as Maggie and Rosita surrounded Eugene,trying to wake him up. "That's great news for GREATM. In less great news for GREATM,we scraped the bottom of the water barrel." Tara said. Glenn looked confused and asked,"What is - what's GREATM?" "Us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of Brothers. GREATM. Thinking about getting a tattoo on my knuckles. Sorry,I'm just trying to think of something else,you know?" Tara asked. "Yeah." Glenn answered. Maggie walked up to the pair and said,"We can't wake him up." "Should we get him to the church?" Glenn asked. "Moving him could make him worse." Maggie answered. Rosita grabbed a water bottle and walked towards Abraham. "Come on," She said as she held the water bottle,with an 'A' drawn on the cap,towards Abraham,"You haven't drank anything all day." Abraham didn't move but his head was in the clouds. "Take the bottle. Seriously,my six-year-old nephew didn't pull this shit." Rosita said and Abraham threw the bottle aside. "Don't do this. Look at me!" Rosita shouted and Abraham looked at her with a threatening stare. She looked confused and they heard a gun click. Abraham looked at Maggie who held the gun at him and she said,"Sit down or I'll put you down." The moment was very intense but Abraham finally sat down which made Maggie put her gun away. "Well,what's next on the agenda?" Tara asked.

"At sundown we fire a shot into the air. Get two of them out on patrol. Then once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us,we go. We cut the locks on one of the stairways,take it to the fifth floor. I open the door,Daryl take the guard out." Rick said as his group gathered up in the corridors of the hospital. "How?" Tyrese asked. "He slits his throat. This is all about us doing this quiet, keeping the upper hand. They're not expecting us. From there,we fan out. Knives and silenced weapons. We need to be fast. Tyrese,Sasha,take them. Daryl,Sadie,you take care of whoever is in the kitchen. I got Dawn. If they're smart,the rest of them will give up. Then it'll be five on three. Six on three once we get a weapon to Beth." Rick said. "12 on three." Klaus added. "The wards will help." Noah informed. "That's best case. What's worst case? All it takes is one of those cops going down the hall at the wrong time. Then it's not quiet. All hands on deck." Tyrese said. "I get it. It might work. This will work." Rick said.

Carmen laid down weapons in front of Gabriel who was desperately trying to clean off the dried up blood on the floor. "Pick one. You need to learn how to defend yourself. We can even teach you." Carmen suggested. "Defend myself? They said they'd go." Gabriel protested. "They were liars and murderers." Carmen corrected him. "Just like us." Gabriel said. "We protected ourselves. They wanted us dead. You're very lucky your church has lasted this long. You can't stay in place. Not anymore. But once you're out there,you're gonna find trouble that you cannot hide from so you need to learn how to fight like all of us." Carmen said. Gabriel looked at the machete and picked up very carefully. "Good choice. But you're not holding it right. You have to be able to drive it down 'cause sometimes their skulls aren't as soft and you need to be able-" Carmen said,but Gabriel,who was overwhelmed,said,"I'm sorry. I think I need to lie down." Gabriel then put down the machete and went into his office. "Well,Carmen,you did it again." Carl told her. "Shut up!" Carmen said and punched his arm.

"We're running out of water." Glenn said as the group, except Abraham and Eugene,gathered up on the right side of the firetruck. "There's a creek up the road a few miles southeast of here." Rosita informed. "Y'all go. I'll stay here." Maggie offered. "You sure?" Glenn asked. "I am." Maggie answered. Glenn felt uncomfortable leaving Maggie with Abraham but he just nodded and left with Tara and Rosita.

Maggie brought out the firetrucks ladder and put it against the front of truck. She then brought out a blanket and put it on the ladder,making a shade for Eugene. She then walked up to Abraham and said,"Get over yourself. You're not the only one who lost something today."

Gunshots echoed throughout the grounds of the hospital and a police car got in front of Noah,who held a gun in his hand and was limping. Two police officers got out of the car and the female police officer pointed her gun at Noah while saying,"Put the gun down,Noah." Noah then put the gun down and a male officer asked,"Where are those rotters you were shooting at?" There was a whistle and the two police officers turned around to be greeted by Rick's group who pointed guns at them. "What do you want?" The female police officer asked,completely shaken. "Whatever this is,we can help." The male police officer said. "You do what we say,we don't hurt you. Put your weapons on the ground." Rick said. The police officers did as what Rick did,but suddenly,a car came and interrupted the moment. Everyone split up which resulted in the two police officers getting in the car and driving off as the group shot at it as it took off. "Come on!" Sadie shouted and they ran after the car. They stopped once they saw the car in the courtyard with nobody in it. "Two,on me." Rick said and they immediately started running after they saw the two officers running across the courtyard. However,Daryl and Sadie stayed behind and checked that no one was in the car. They checked the burned down RV to see if someone was there. To their expectations,no one was there until a police officer,who helped the other officers,tackled Daryl and began beating him. Of course,Daryl fought back and Sadie was in distraught as she tried aiming her gun at the officer who was now choking Daryl. You're gonna be okay,Sadie,just take the fucking shot,Sadie thought and aimed her gun at the officer. She pulled the trigger and the silenced bullet killed the officer which made Daryl throw the officer off of him. "Nice work,kid." Daryl coughed as he got up from the ground and grabbed his gun.

Michonne knocked on Gabriel's office door and immediately, Gabriel answered the door. "You, said you weren't feeling good. You doing okay?" Michonne asked. "Yeah,I was just resting." Gabriel said. "I know all this is new to you. All of it. I just wanted to tell you,for you to know....the things that we do....they're worth it." Michonne said. "Thank you." Gabriel said and closed the door.

Maggie walked up to Abraham,once more,and said,while holding her water bottle towards Abraham,"You're thirsty. Don't say you're not. Did you want me to shoot you down?" "I thought I did. But I didn't." Abraham said. They heard groaning but they heard Eugene ask,"Hell-Hello?" Maggie rushed to his aid and said,"It's okay. Don't move. Just stay right where you are."

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