party favor

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Rick kicked down the door of an abandoned house and T-Dog and Daryl took down two walkers. "Stay close." Carl whispered in Carmen's ear as the two 13-year-olds went into the hallway,silencers on their guns.

They found Carmen in the woods and she had blood,dirt,and grime on her face and she had bruises on her knees.

Carmen ran into the kitchen, finding empty cans. She snapped her fingers, signaling Carl in the kitchen.

Glenn,Maggie,Carol,Beth,Lori and Hershel gathered up in the living room. Then,Rick,T-Dog,Daryl,Carl,and Carmen gathered up with the rest. They started going through the things they found and Carmen huffed at the sight of Glenn and Maggie. Even though it was months that Glenn and Maggie declared their relationship,Carmen still hated them. Carmen did her push-ups with her two compatible arms and she stopped when she looked at the window. She saw walkers coming and she whispered softly,"Walkers." They gathered up their things and they got in their cars. Glenn put his arm around Carmen,who was sitting in the passenger seat of the blue Honda Civic,but she just grunted and she pulled away.

They had stopped in the middle of the road and they got out of their vehicles. "15, you're on point." Rick told Carl. Rick then walked over to Maggie and T-Dog who laid a map on the hood of a truck. "We got no place left to go. When this herd meets up with this one,we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie said as Daryl and Hershel surrounded the map as well. "What would you say? That was about 150 head?" Daryl asked. "That was last week. It could be twice that by now." Glenn answered. "This river could have delayed them. If we move fast,we might have a shot to tear right through here." Hershel said. "Yeah,but if this group joins with that one,they could spill out this way. So we're blocked." T-Dog said. "Only thing to do is double back at 27 and swing towards Greenville." Rick said. "Yeah,we picked through that already.  It's like we spent the winter going in circles." T-Dog said. "Yeah,I know. I know. At Newnan we'll push west. Haven't been through there yet. We can't keep going house to house. Need to find somewhere to hole up for a few weeks." Rick said and Maggie rolled up the map.

The prison fence made clicking sounds as Glenn thrusted a pole in a walker's waist and Maggie put a machete in the walker's head. The fence opened up and everyone went inside. Glenn and Daryl closed it with wire they found on a run. "It's perfect. If we can shut that gate,prevent more from filling the yard,we can pick off these walkers." Rick said. "So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked. "I'll do it. You guys cover me." Glenn answered. "I'll clear the field." Carmen said and she grabbed out her katana. "No. It's a suicide run." Maggie said. "That's the point." Carmen said with a smirk plastered on her face. "No,Glenn,Maggie,and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl,go back to the other guard tower. Carol,you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste. Hershel,you,Carmen,and Carl take this tower." Rick explained. "Yes,sir." Carmen said as the three immediately started climbing the ladder of the tower.

Later that night,after clearing the field,they made a campfire and Maggie was cooking meat that they had found on another run. "Mmm. Just like Mom used to make." Glenn said and the blade of Carmen's katana shimmered because of the fire that reflected off of it. "Tomorrow we'll put all the bodies together. Want to keep them away from that water. Now,if we can dig a canal under the fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water." T-Dog said. "And this soil is good. We can plant some seed,grow some tomatoes, cucumbers,soybeans," Hershel said and he looked at Rick who was walking along the fence. "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now." "This'll be a good place to have the baby. Safe." Beth told Lori. No one said anything for the past few minutes except crickets chirping. "Bethy,sing Paddy Reilly for me. I haven't heard that,I think,since Barbara was alive." Hershel said. Carmen looked at her grandfather, emotionlessly as the blade of the katana slowly went down her hand,blood staining the blade and the blood dripped down her palm. "Daddy,not that one,please." Maggie said. "How about "The Parting Glass"?" Hershel asked. "No one wants to hear." Beth said. "Carmen, you're bleeding." Carl pointed out and Carmen removed her katana from her hand. Glenn was alarmed by this and Carl wrapped Carmen's hand in a cloth. "♪Of all the money♪ ♪E'er I had♪ ♪I spent it in good company♪ ♪And all the harm♪ ♪E'er I've ever done♪ ♪Alas it was to none but me♪ ♪And all I've done♪ ♪For want of wit♪ ♪To memory now I can't recall♪ ♪So fill to me♪ ♪The parting glass♪ ♪Good night and joy be with you all♪," Beth sang before stopping. She looked at Maggie and the two girls began singing,"♪Oh,all the comrades♪ ♪That e'er I had♪ ♪Were sorry for my going away♪ ♪And all the sweethearts♪ ♪That e'er I had♪ ♪Would wish me♪ ♪One more day to stay♪" The girls stopped singing and they looked at Carmen who had a bloody cloth around her hand. The three girls continued,"♪But since it falls unto my lot♪ ♪That I should rise♪ ♪And you should not♪ ♪I'll gently rise♪ ♪And I'll softly call♪ ♪Good night and joy♪ ♪Be with you all♪ ♪Good night and joy♪ ♪Be with you all♪" "Beautiful." Hershel said as Glenn hugged Maggie and Carmen. "Better all turn in. I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow." Rick said as he walked over to the group surrounding the fire. "What do you mean?" Glenn asked while still hugging his daughter and girlfriend. "Look,I know we're all exhausted. This was a great win. But we've got to push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies may be intact. They'd have an infirmary,a commission." Rick explained. "An armory?" Daryl asked. "That would be outside the prison itself,but not too far away. Wardens office would have info on the location. Weapons,food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine." Rick answered. 

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