food drive

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"You know,I didn't want to mention anything when we looked this place up in the phone book,but I can't imagine a gun store having leftovers nowadays." Tara told Maggie as the two women stood outside of a gun store. "Don't look good,does it?" Maggie asked. There was clattering inside the gun store which made the women raise their guns but they immediately pointed it down once they saw Glenn exiting out of the building. "Was it a walker?" Tara asked. "Uh,yeah. It was a walker." Glenn lied. "Really? Where's Carmen?" Maggie asked. Carmen exited the store,a toothy smile was on her face as she said,laughing,"He tripped on a stack of boxes and a mop!" The two women laughed as Glenn rolled his eyes, playfully and he said," what we came for." He pulled out four silencers from his pocket as he said,"Four silencers stashed in a mini-fridge. Rule number one of scavenging - there's nothing left in this world that isn't hidden."

"We're here," Gabriel said to Rick,Michonne,Sasha,and Bob as they all stood outside of a damaged building,"This was the food bank. It served the whole county. All the cans at my church were gonna end up here." Rick opened the door to the building and they walked in,their guns were raised. There was a giant hole in the floor which flooded and there was disgusting smelling walkers in the water. "If a sewer could puke,this is what it'd smell like." Bob said. Michonne looked up at the roof to see holes in it, enough for walkers to fall in,and said,"The water's been coming down that hole for a while. Slimed this place up good." "We can use the shelves to block them." Sasha suggested. "Yeah,that's it,Sasha. There's our way. Down those shelves." Rick agreed.

They blocked the walkers with the shelves and began killing them with their knives or machetes. Gabriel was being useless, hiding in a wet corner.

"Hey." Rick said as he approached Carl,Sadie,and Finn who were talking  outside the church. "Tyrese said you guys were out here. Come on in. We got food." Rick said. But they stopped talking and saw something.... unusual about the church. "What is it?" Rick asked. "Those scratches." Finn answered,pointing to the scratches on the side of the church. "They're deep." Carl said. "Like.....knives or something. Someone was definitely trying to get in." Sadie said. "We found something else." Carl said, showing Rick their discovery. "We don't know what happened,but whatever it is,we can handle it." Sadie said,her hands were on her hips. "Doesn't mean Gabriel is a bad guy for sure,but it means something." Carl said. There was words scratched on the wall which said,YOU'LL BURN FOR THIS.

Everyone was laughing and chatting as they ate the canned food,the candles dimly lit the church. "I'd like to propose a toast!" Abraham boomed,making the chatter stop. "I look around this room....and I see survivors. Each and every one of you has earned that title. To survivors." Abraham said, holding up his cup. "Survivors! Cheers!" Everyone said in unison, holding up their cups. "Is that all you want to be? Wake up in the morning,fight the undead pricks,forage for food,go to sleep at night with two eyes open,rinse and repeat? 'Cause you can do that. I mean,you got the strength. You got the skill. Thing is,for you people,for what you can do, that's just surrender. Now,we get Eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. And that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip." Abraham said. "Eugene,what's in DC?" Carmen questioned,her head was on Glenn's shoulder. "Infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. That means food,fuel,refugee. Restart." Eugene answered. "However this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in,you can be safe there. Safer than you've been since this whole thing started. Come with us. Save the world for the little ones. Save it for yourselves." Abraham said. "We're in. Let's do it." Rick said which made everyone,except for Finn,Sadie,and Carmen,cheer.

"I don't trust Eugene. I smell bullshit." Sadie whispered to Finn and Carmen as they sat in a corner of the church. "I agree with Sadie. What if there's nothing there at DC?" Finn whispered. "Then," Carmen paused,"Then we kill or abandon Eugene. He clearly lied to the whole group." Glenn walked over to the small group and squatted,asking,"What are guys doing?" "Just telling scary stories,Dad." Carmen lied,an innocent smile was plastered on her face. "Hmm. Should I tell you the story of It?" Glenn asked,chuckling. Carmen's smile turned into a frown as her eyes grew wide and she pleaded,"No! No! No! No! No!" "Lighten up,Carmen! How bad can it be?" Finn asked,his hand was on Carmen's shoulder. "Tell the story,Mr. Rhee." Sadie said as Carmen immediately put her hands on her ears. "Well," Glenn said,thoughtfully,"It all started in the summer of 1958...."

From outside,Bob sat down on a tree stump, smiling at the church which had such a warm presence but something felt....wrong. He then walked further into the woods but stopped and began sobbing. Suddenly,from behind,a person hit him behind the head,causing him to knock out.

His vision was blurry but it came back and Bob saw a fire and a few people eating some kind of meat. One of those people was Gareth. "Ah, you're back with us. Good news is..... you're not dead yet. That's a relief,right? But try not to read too much into the word yet there. It'll just drive you crazy,Bob. I want to explain myself a little. You see,we didn't want to hurt you....before. We didn't want to pull you away from your group or scare you. These aren't things that we want to do. They're things we got to do. You and your people took away our home. That's fair play. Now we're out here like everybody else trying to survive. And in order to do that,we have to hunt. Didn't start that way,eating people. It evolved into that. We evolved. We had to. And now we're devolved into hunters. I told you. I said it. You can't go back,Bob. I just hope you understand that nothing happening to you now is personal. Yeah,you put us in this situation and it is almost kind of a cosmic justice for it to be you,but....we would have done this to anybody. We will. But at the end of the day,no matter how much we hate all this ugly business...a man's gotta eat." Gareth told Bob. Bob looked down and saw his leg was gone. Because of this Bob began breathing rapidly and Gareth said,"If this makes you feel better,you taste much better than we thought you would."

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