all the good girls go to hell

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Andrea was going through the drawers of the R.V., desperately trying to find wrapping paper. Dale walked in the R.V. and Andrea asked,"Wrapping paper,color tissue, anything?" "Seriously?" Dale asked. "How can you not have any?" Andrea asked. "I had been informed of the impending apocalypse I'd have stocked up." Dale answered. "It's Amy's birthday tomorrow. I've been marking days on the calendar just to make sure." Andrea said and she gave a mermaid necklace to Dale. "You don't give a gift unwrapped." Andrea said. Dale chuckled and he gave the necklace back as he said,"Deep breath. I'm sure I'll find something here."

Sophia put a bucket of water on the floor of the tent and Carol asked Ed,"Why don't you come outside with everybody?" "Hell with them people. Wouldn't piss on them if their heads were on fire." Ed said, slurring. Sophia got disturbed by this and she got up,but Ed grabbed her wrist. "Hey," He said,"Why don't you stay here? Keep your Daddy company." Solaná then opened up the tent and she said,"Sophia,Carol,come on." Sophia was relieved that Solaná came. "Yeah,let's go." Sophia said and she held Solaná's hand as the three girls walked out of the tent.

The group was panting as they ran up the hill, determined to get to the camp before anything bad happens. Sweat was rolling down their face and the dog was running besides Carmen.

Everyone was laughing as they sat around the camp fire. "Pass the fish,please." Sophia said and Solaná gave Sophia the fish tray. "Man,that's good." Shane said. Morales looked at Dale's watch and Morales said,"I've got to ask you,man. It's been driving me crazy." "What?" Dale asked. "That watch." Morales answered. "What's wrong with my watch?" Dale asked. "I see you every day,the same time,winding that thing like a village priest saying mass." Morales answered. "I've wondered this myself." Jacqui said. "I'm missing the point." Dale said. "Unless I've misread the signs,the world seems to have come to an end. At least hit a speed bump for a good long while." Jacqui said. "But there's you every day winding that stupid watch." Morales said and Sophia smiled. "Time — it's important to keep track,isn't it? The days at least. Don't you think,Andrea? Back me up here." Dale said and Andrea chuckled as she grabbed her beer bottle. "I like — I like what,uh,a father said to son when he gave him a watch that had been handed down through generations. He said,"I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire,which will fit your individual needs no better than it did mine or my father's before me;I give it to you not that you may remember time,but that you may forget it for a moment now and then and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it."." Dale said. There was a moment of silence until Amy said,"You are so weird." They all laughed and Dale said,"It's not me. It's Faulkner. William Faulkner. Maybe my bad paraphrasing." Amy got up from her chair and Andrea asked,"Where are you going?" "I have to pee." Amy answered and she walked into the R.V. "Yeah,me too." Solaná said and she got up from her chair and she waited outside for Amy.

There was rustling near Ed's tent and Ed asked,"Thought I told y'all to leave me the hell alone,didn't I?" The zipper of the tent starting unzipping and Ed rushed over to the opening. "What'd I say?" Ed asked as he opened the opening. He was greeted by a walker who tackled him and started tearing him apart.

"We're out out of toilet paper?" Amy asked. A walker then emerged from the bushes and bit Amy's arm. Amy screamed and another walker came to Solaná. The walker bit Solaná in the neck and Andrea turned towards where the screaming was. Everyone else heard the screaming and the men started taking down the walkers as the children ran to their mothers.

The group heard guns firing and they saw walkers attacking the camp. "Oh,my God! Go! Go!" Barbara shouted and they ran to the camp. Rick got out his pistol from his holster and he began shooting. "Stay right by me,baby!" Barbara shouted to Carmen over the loud gunfire. Carmen nodded and everyone who had guns began shooting at the walkers. "Baby! Carl! Baby!" Rick shouted. All of the walkers were dead and Carl ran up to his father while crying. "Laná! Laná!" Carmen shouted, trying to find her best friend. Carmen saw Andrea holding Amy in her arms and Amy was bleeding out. Carmen saw Solaná laying on the ground, bleeding out and Carmen quickly ran by Solaná's side. "Oh,no,no,no,no!" Carmen said as she held Solaná in her arms. Blood stained Solaná's neck and Carmen's hands. Solaná put her bloody hand on Carmen's cheek,leaving a blood stain. "Goodnight." Solaná said and she gagged on her own blood. She closed her eyes and like that,she was gone. Andrea was wailing for her sister to come back. Glenn hugged Barbara and her tears stained his jacket. Her glasses slipped off her nose,but she didn't care since she didn't need her glasses whenever she cried. "I remembered my dream now,why I dug the holes." Jim said. Carmen looked at Jim,hate filling in her eyes alongside her tears. "You son of a bitch!" Carmen shouted and she ran towards Jim. "Carmen! No!" Rick said and he pulled Carmen back. "No! No! He knew this was gonna happen and he didn't do anything to stop it! I lost my best friend because of him!" Carmen screamed as she kicked and squirmed in Rick's arms. "Carmen!" Barbara said and she held in her daughter in her arms. Carmen was sobbing into her mother's shoulder,the tears stained Barbara's jean jacket.

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