off to the races

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"Hello? Is someone there?"
"Yes. Yes. Who is—?"
"Oh,my God! I can't believe someone picked up! We've been calling since — since it all started."
"Where are you?"
"I can't say."
"You could be 1,000 miles away."
"I'm not going to say where we are."
"Are you—are you someplace safe?"
"Yeah. And part of it is because we're careful. I can't tell you where we are. I'm sorry."
"What ma—what makes your place so safe?"
"It's just....away....from them."
"I have a son. I — I have a newborn baby. I'm with a good group of people. Would you be willing — could you take in others. We can pull our weight. We can help."
"I'd have to talk to the group."
"Well,put them on. Let me make a case."
"Let me talk to them first."
"Please,please,don't — don't go."
"I'll call back in two hours."

Everyone stayed silent as they ate their food. "Everybody okay?" Rick asked the group. "Yeah,we are." Glenn answered. Rick walked into the same cell block with the rest of the group and Hershel asked,"What about you?" "I cleared out the boiler block." Rick answered. "Everyone has a gun and knife, possibly a katana?" Rick asked. "Yeah,but we're running low on ammo." Daryl said. "Maggie,Carmen,and I were planning on making a run this afternoon." Glenn said. "Found a phone book with some places we can hit,look for bullets,formula,or maybe some new clothes." Carmen said. "Good. Good." Rick said and he went back to the boiler block.

"You the guy she was talking to?"
"And you want to come where we are?"
"She said it was safe."
"It is. No attacks,no one's been bit,no one's died,no one's turned,no one's gone crazy."
"Yes,we want to come where you are."
"You could be dangerous. Have you killed anyone?"
"Yes,people who threatened me or threatened my group."
"How many people have you killed?"
"Four. Two outsiders who tried to draw on me. One threw me to walkers. The other one,he was one of our own. He lost it."
"Lost what?"
"Who he was. He threatened me. He tried to kill me,so I killed him."
"How did you lose your wife?"
"How do you know I had a wife?"
"You have a boy and a baby. Tell me how you lost your wife."
"I don't want to talk about that."
"Hello? Hello? No! No!"

Rick heard clanking and he sighed once he saw Hershel go into the boiler room. "She was sorry for the things that happened. She told me that. She planned on telling you. Take your time, whatever you need. You carried us. You didn't let us give up. You got us here." Hershel said. "It's not enough. It's not safe enough." Rick said. "There isn't anywhere else. I know you want to get away from this,but we've run already." Hershel said. "I got a call. Someone called. On the phone. A woman. She was young. She was part of a group. She said they had a safe place." Rick said.

Oscar,Daryl,and Carl went into the generator block. "You know,"Daryl told Carl,"my mom,she liked her wine. She liked to smoke in bed. Virginia Slims. I was playing out with the kids in the neighborhood. I could do that with Merle gone. They had bikes,I didn't. We heard sirens getting louder. They jumped on their bikes,ran after it,you know, hoping to see something worth seeing. I ran after them,but I couldn't keep up. I ran around a corner and saw my friends looking at me. Hell,I saw everybody looking at me. Fire trucks everywhere. People from the neighborhood. It was my house they were there for. It was my mom in bed burnt down to nothing. That was the hardest part. She was gone. Erased." "I shot my mom. She was out. Hadn't turned yet. I ended it. It was real. Sorry about your mom." Carl said. "Sorry about yours." Daryl said. "Sorry about Carmen's." Carl said and he looked down.

"You didn't want to tell him how your wife died?"
"No,I just lost her. But if that's what it takes —"
"It'd be good. You should talk about it,Rick."
"That's sounds — how do you know my name?"

Michonne was limping against a building and she hid behind a car when she saw a red car approach the building. Michonne's heart lighten up when she saw someone familiar : her best friend's daughter,Carmen.

The three got out off the car and Glenn said,"Carmen,go get started." "Okay." Carmen said. Before she could go into the building,Glenn gave her a tight hug which confused her completely. "Oh,this is nice." Carmen said and he let her go.

The young girl walked in the store while holding a red basket. She heard footsteps roaming around the store,making her think that her dad or Maggie was in the store. Carmen went into the clothing section and she saw kids clothes and baby clothes. "How cute." Carmen said while putting the clothes in the basket. She put some items in the basket,but when she went into the feminine hygiene section,she paused. "Oh,Jesus." She muttered to herself as she put a bag of pads in the basket as well.

"Look,at what I got!" Carmen said when she walked out of the store where Maggie was waiting at. Then,Glenn exited the store with lots of formula and Maggie asked Carmen,"You found baby clothes?" "Yeah,I did. I think it would fit on Barb," Carmen paused herself,again,"on...the baby." "And where is it y'all good people call home?" The three's heads turned as soon they heard Merle's voice who pointed at gun at them. Maggie and Glenn pointed their guns at Merle as Carmen pulled out her katana. "Merle?" Glenn asked. Merle put his gun down and he said,"Wow!" He slowly started walking towards them and Carmen shouted,"Back the fuck up!" "Okay,okay,honey." Merle said and he stopped walking. "You made it." Glenn said in amazement. "Can you tell me if my brother's alive?" Merle asked. "Yeah." Glenn answered. "Hey,you take me to him and I'll call it even on everything that happened up there in Atlanta. No hard feelings." Merle said. "We'll tell Daryl you're here and he'll come out to meet you." Glenn said. In rage and the dirty rat he was,Merle pulled out his second gun and shot. He only shot at the car window and the three ran behind the car. However,once Maggie and Glenn found out that Carmen wasn't with them,they ran to the other side of the car to find a horrible sight. Carmen did duck down but Merle had his arm around her neck and held at gun to her head. "Let go of her." Maggie said,pointed her gun at Merle. "Let go of her!" Glenn shouted. "Put y'all guns in the car now!" Merle said. The two adults put their guns in the car and Merle said,"Get in the car,Glenn! You're driving!" "We're not going back to our camp." Glenn said. "No, we're going somewhere else." Merle said. "Don't hurt her." Maggie said as Glenn went in the driver's seat. "Don't worry. I'll take good care of her." Merle said and he tugged on Carmen's orange curls,making her wince. Maggie got in the passenger seat and Merle threw Carmen in the backseat. "Let's go!" Merle shouted as he got in the car as well.

Michonne watched in guilt of how Merle was threatening to end a young girl's life in front of her parents and she realized that two red baskets were left behind.

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