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Daryl's fist came across Randall's face,the young man who was with the people who shot at Rick, Hershel, Barbara,and Glenn. Randall was already beaten up and the location he was getting beaten was in the barn. Daryl striked Randall's face again, leaving the young man in tears. "I told you —" Randall stammered. "You told me shit!" Daryl said. "I barely knew those guys. I met 'em on the road." Randall said. "How many in your group?" Daryl asked. "Uh,30. 30. 30 guys." Randall answered. "Where?" Daryl asked. "They have weapons — heavy stuff, automatics. But I didn't do anything." Randall stammered. "Your boys shot at my boys and girl,tried to take this farm. The girl that went with them was a mother and she got killed. You just went along for the ride? You're trying to tell me you're innocent?" Daryl asked. "Yes! These — these people took me in. Not just guys — a whole group of 'em. Men and women,kids too — just like you people. Thought I'd have a better chance with them, you know? But....we go out, scavenge — just the men. One night we — we found this two-story house. A redhead woman with her 12-year-old daughter. They were nice enough to give us some supplies in exchange for weapons,etc." Randall said. "What did they look like?" Daryl asked. "The mother...she had really short auburn hair and she had glasses. The daughter had dark orange curly locks, beautiful smile,cute freckles,and ocean eyes. She looked just like her mother." Randall answered. Daryl furrowed his eyes and he kicked Randall in his stomach.

"So what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan." Lori said. "Is there a plan?" Andrea asked. "We gonna keep him here?" Glenn asked. "We'll know soon enough." Rick answered. Daryl approached the group and he said,"Boy there's got a gang,30 men. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. The roll through here,our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna wish they were. Boy says he knew Barbara and Carmen." Daryl said. "No one goes near this guy. Especially Carmen. He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat." Rick said. "You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asked. "This was the guy who killed Barbara. It's settled. I'll do it today." Rick said.

"So he's a kid?" Carmen asked Shane as she,Carl,and, obviously,Shane were walking to the barn. "How old is he?" Carl asked. "He ain't a kid. Just — that's a figure of speech." Shane said. "Can we see him?" Carmen asked. "No. Look,this is — this is grown-up stuff,all right? Just let us handle this." Shane said and he walked off.

Randall sighed and he heard footsteps approaching him. He looked up and smiled when he saw Carl and Carmen. "Hey," Randall whispered,"those are cool hats you guys have. I'm Randall." Carmen walked towards Randall with a plate of food and a cup of water. She put it in front of him without saying anything. "Thank you. For you and your mom being generous. I heard about her. She's a real tough lady,but she's sweet too. Hey,I — I don't know what people been saying about me,but I didn't do nothing. I swear. My camp,we got lots of supplies. You help me, I'll take you and your folks back to my people. We'll take good care of you." Randall said. Carmen looked at Carl and they held each other's hands in fear. The barn door swung open and Shane asked,"What the hell are you two doing in here? What did he say to you?" "He just told us about nature." Carmen lied. "Get your asses out this door. Let's go." Shane said and he pulled Carl and Carmen by their arms. Once they got out of the barn,Shane pushed them,making Carmen fall in the dirt and her baseball cap fell in as well. "Please don't tell my parents." Carl said as Carmen quickly grabbed her hat and she got up from the dirt. "You could've gotten hurt." Shane said. "What the hell's going on?" Glenn asked as he approached Shane. "You need to take control over your daughter. She almost got killed." Shane said. "No,I didn't! I can handle myself!" Carmen said. Glenn sighed and he pulled Carmen away by her hand. The young girl didn't even try to talk to her father since she was still mad at what he did.

Carl looked down at the graves of Sophia and the newest one, Barbara. A rose was planted in the new grave. "They're in a better place." Carol said. "No, they're not. Heaven is just another lie. And if you and Carmen believe it, you're idiots." Carl said before walking away. Carol furrowed her eyebrows and she saw Rick speaking to Lori. "You need to control that boy." Carol said as she walked up to Rick and Lori. "Carl? What happened?" Rick asked. "He's disrespectful." Carol answered. "Did he say something?" Rick asked. "Something cruel about Sophia and Barbara." Carol said. "We'll figure it out. It's okay. I—" Lori said,but Carol interrupted,"It's not okay." "I'll talk with him." Rick said and he walked away. "We'll deal with it. If you can calm down,so that I can —" Lori said,but Carol said,"Don't tell me to calm down! I don't need you to patronize me. Everyone either avoids me or they treat me like I'm crazy. I lost my daughter and Carmen lost her mother and her damn mind. But I didn't lose my mind!" With that,Carol walked away, angrily.

Randall sighed as blood dripped down his nose and he heard the same footsteps approaching him. He smiled when Carmen approached him. They were standing, face-to-face,in the barn. "I've been thinking about what you said. About your campsite. What's it called?" Carmen whispered. "It's called Woodbury." Randall whispered. "I'm helping you escape your execution. And I'm staying at your campsite. I'm sick of these people, especially my aunt and my dad." Carmen whispered. "Great!" Randall whispered. "But I'll visit you often to plan when we'll leave. I gotta go. I'm supposed to be resting." Carmen said and she took off to the entrance she came through.

"Doodlebug,doodlebug,go away home. Doodlebug, doodlebug,go away home." Hershel said as he sat next to Carmen,who was laying in bed,and he held her hand. They chuckled and Glenn stood in the doorway. "How is she?" Glenn asked. "She seems to be in good spirits today. Aren't you, doodlebug?" Hershel asked and he kissed Carmen's forehead, making her giggle. The two men left the bedroom and Hershel asked Glenn,"Where's your family from?" "Michigan. But before that or Carmen was born,Korea." Glenn answered. "Immigrants built this country. Never forget that. Our family came from Ireland." Hershel said. Glenn chuckled,"Maggie Greene — I kinda figured." Hershel took out his pocket watch and said,"My grandfather brought this over from the old country. He passed it on to my father,who passed it on to me. I pawed it to pay for a night of drinking I no longer remember. Barbara brought it back. She was a tough woman,my Barb. She's a lot like Maggie. When we were in that bar and afterwards,I thought about a lot of things. You already became a father so you'll understand. No man is good enough for your little girl until one is." Hershel gave the watch to Glenn and he said,"Thanks."

"It's almost time. I have everything ready." Carmen whispered to Randall. She had everything she needed in her satchel and she searched everywhere to the find the handcuffs key. She sighed and she pulled out a bobby pin from her curly locks. Carmen started to pick pocket the handcuffs and she heard a click. She took off the handcuffs and Randall whispered,"Thank you! I promise our group will take care of you." "Shut up! Let's go now." Carmen whispered and she held Randall's hand.

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