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Written: April 4, 2019

I kicked down the door to the classroom with a loud "DAMN YOU FREAKING DOOR!" I stepped into the classroom to see a bunch of startled faces staring back at me, and it was all I could do to stop from laughing.

"Oh hello! You must be the new student!" I looked over at the yellow octopus, and cocked my head to the side. I narrowed my eyes as I stepped closer to him.

"Are you squishy?" I asked calmly. The octopus nodded, and I contiued, "Let me see."

"Nurufufu, I know what you're trying to do. It's not going to work."

I glowered and stepped closer, until I was right in front of him and spoke in a dangerously low tone, "I said... let. me. see." If possible, Koro-sensei's eternal smile seemed to waver, and he reluctantly held out his tentacles for me to touch. I grabed one of them and used it to pull myself onto his shoulders(?). I slashed off 3 tentacles, laughing insanely and thrust my knife down onto his head. He managed to dodge, but just barely. The knife skinned the side of his head, and the side of his face exploded. I did a backflip to avoid getting the ooze on my outfit. I stood up straight and faced the class, my crazed smile now replaced with an innocent one.

"Well that was fun, but I suppose I should introduce myself to the class. I'm Bonds, James Bonds..." The class sweatdropped, and I laughed, "Just kidding! I'm (L/N) (Y/N), but you can call me whatever. Now," I turned back to the teacher, "where should I sit?"


"Very well, I'll choose." I looked around the class, and saw a red headed boy sitting with his feet on the desk, and a nonchalant look on his face. "I'll sit there!" I walked over to the boy, pushed him off his chair, and sat down.


"In the position you were in, you had poor balance. It's easier to push you off like that, than if you were sitting normally." The class snickered at my comeback, and the boy lept off the floor, glaring at me. "So," I interrupted what he was about to say, "what's your name? I told you mine, it's only fair."


"Well..." I murmered, "Now I know why they call it Ass Class."

"His name is Karma," a blue headed boy intervened, "I'm Nagisa." He introduced the rest of the class, pointing at each student in turn. I was about to answer when I was roughly shoved from my comfortable seat. Karma sat down in his chair without a word, and refused to even look at me.

I shrugged and stood up. I looked around again and saw a large black box in the corner. "Yo! A.I.F.A.!" I waved.

She smiled at me, and I walked over to her. "They call me Ritsu here. And I already know what you're going to ask, go ahead."

I nodded and hoisted myself on top of the box, while the class just gaped. "What?" I questioned. They just sweat dropped and turned back to the front, while Koro-sensei continued his lesson.



"Hey! I know you! You're that really blunt porcupine headed guy who came to my house yesterday!" I grinned as soon as I saw Karasuma in the yard.

The class sweat dropped, and Karasuma raised an eyebrow, "Okay Miss (Y/N), since you seem so energetic, how about you start. Try to hit me with your knife." I nodded and pulled out my obsidian dagger. The class stared at me, and Karasuma just sighed and said, "Your other one."

"Oh! This one?" I smiled sheepishly and pulled out a second dagger.

Karasuma just sweat dropped and looked away, "Who wants to go next?"



"Miss Irina?" I questioned, waving my hand in the air.

The blond woman froze and turned slowly to face me, she started crying chibi tears and rushed over to hug me. "You called me 'Miss Irina'! I'm soooo happy!"

I sweat dropped but reached my arms around her to awkwardly pat her back. "Okaaaaayyyy..."


After class ended, I walked over to Okuda, "Excuse me. Okuda?"

She turned around and looked at me, a bit nervous, "Y-yes?"

"I was wondering, since tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have school, if you'd like to come over to my house to hang out? I heard you like science, and I have a really cool project we could work on! I'm sure you'd love it!" As soon as I said that, her eyes lit up and she nodded her head vigorously. I laughed, "Okay! I'll text you the time and address! See ya tomorrow!" I turned and started walking down the hill when I spotted Nakamura and Kayano walking together. I rushed over to them and tapped Nakamura on the shoulder.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Did you need something?" She smiled kindly.

"Well actually..." I shuffled my feet, "I was wondering if on Sunday, I could take you guys somewhere. You see, I'm new so I don't  really know any of the stuff going on around here, so... I was going to take you to my favorite café for some gossip and pudding."

Nakamura's and Kayano's eyes lit up when I spoke, and I knew I had them ensnared, "I would love to go!" Nakamura smiled wider.

"Yeah!" Kayano added, "I'll come too, and call me Kaede!"

"Great! I'll text you the time and the address of the café! See ya Sunday!" I waved as I walked off.

Once I reached home I ran upstairs and collapsed on my bed. This is going to be a looong weekend.

I finished my homework at 4:30, and rushed off to my job at the bar. When I got there, I already had a customer waiting. Not a normal customer though. You see, this bar is a hangout for assassins, and clients. People who want to hire an assassin come in through the backdoor, say the password and the assassin they want, and wait inside. The client then fills out a file for the assassin, and leaves it and his or her phone number. The assassin then calls from the bar phone, and details are given. yada yada they do their job yada yada get paid. It's a lot of work, but everyone has their secrets. Especially assassins and their clients.

I finished a job killing some wealthy businessmen. No idea why they were wanted dead, but I got paid and had fun, so who cares! I looked at my watch to see that it was already 8:00! I have a schedule to follow, and if I don't hurry home, my precious schedule will be ruined! I rushed home, changed and quickly ate dinner. At 9 on the dot I went to my room to do some studying. Guess Alex is doing an over-night job. oh well.. At exactly 10, I rushed to the backyard to start my training. I didn't need it, but I made sure to always keep my skills sharp. I played a little basketball for fun too.  Finally, at 12, I got ready for bed. And by 1:00 I was fast asleep, dreaming of all the blood I could splatter. I smiled in my sleep as I rolled over. Goodnight


(A/N) A bunch of unnecessary detail in there, I'm sure, but oh well. Next time we hang out with the girls! Woohoo! You wanna see what (Y/N) has in store for your project with Okuda! What embarassing stories are Rio amd Kaede gonna share! Les(bian) find out!

Sorry, I had to do that.



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