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I lay sideways on top of Ritsu with my legs and head hanging off the sides as I listened to the rest of the class fangirl over some bike. I was slowly drifting off to sleep when I heard shouting coming from that idiot Terasaka. "It's time for some pest control!" He spat has he threw some sort of bug repellent thing on the ground. It exploded and sprayed weird stuff everywhere as I sighed and hopped off Ritsu.

"That's it!" Koro-sensei turned red, "I enjoy a good prank as much as the next-"

"Get those disgusting things the hell off," Terasaka retorted, "You're a monster you hear? A freak of nature! Anyone who falls for your nice guy act is stupid! That's right!"

I started laughing, smiling sweetly at Terasaka as I walked toward him slowly, my classmates shivering behind me, "A monster?" I chuckled darkly, "You think he's a monster?" I grabbed his collar and pulled his face toward mine, "I thought you knew better than that. Monsters don't always look like yellow mutant octopi. Sometimes... they look like me." I slammed his head into the wall, and walked back to Ritsu, "So, shut the hell up before this monster rips you to shreds you fugly bastard."

Karma sighed and walked over to Terasaka, picking him up and standing him up straight, "Why not man up and kill him already? Last I checked, that is what we're supposed to do here."

"You trying to start something here? Because I've been aiming to bash your head in since the moment-" Karma stopped Terasaka from continuing his annoying banter by covering his mouth.

"A little advice, you got this backwards, you gotta bash my head in before you run your mouth. And (Y/N)," Karma turned to me, obviously annoyed, "Stop playing that dramatic music, it isn't doing anything but be annoying."

I clutched my chest in a mocking way, "Why, Karma! How could you be so rude to a lady? Don't you know you should treat women with respect."

Karma opened his mouth to speak, but Nagisa interrupted, "Hey (Y/N), could you please turn off the music? It be very much appreciated."

I smiled brightly, pausing the music, "Why of course! Anything for you, you adorable cinamon roll!" Nagisa blushed and looked away, and I looked back to the front of the class, where Terasaka was yelling at Karma to let him go.

"You're all a bunch of freaks!" He shouted slamming the door as he stormed out of the classroom.

"Wow," Maehara commented, "What crawled up his butt?"

"Probably a fly," I responded, "It could be whispering things in his brain. They are really annoying..."

A few of my peers chuckled, while Isogai sweatdropped, "Umm... (Y/N) it was a rhetorical question..."

"Oh," I smirked, "I know. I just love making sarcastic and rude commentary!"


"Why are we in the pool again?" I questioned my classmates, as I had not been there during Terasaka outburst.

"Terasaka has some plan to kill Koro-sensei, and he made us go along with it." Rio sighed.

"Well," I commented calmly, "At least you look cute in a swimsuit." I didn't think much of the comment, but Rio blushed a brilliant shade of red. "Aww! You're such a cute tomato!"

Rio opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped as a huge explosion erupted from the dam. I didn't have any time to think as I kicked my legs hard against the current, grabbing Kayano and holding her close. I knew everyone else was in danger, but I also knew Kayano had the highest risk of drowning. I held her face above the water even as I was repeatedly submerged below the rushing waves. As we were about to fall over the cliff, I managed to grab onto a rock, and, with my last bit of strength, threw Kayano ashore (because I refuse to let adorable little Kayano drown.) I held on as best I could, but the rapids were too strong and I was pulled beneath the waves.

----Flashback because I don't want to write the entire scene----

I was covered in blood, a grin stretching across my face, my eyes wide in excitement as I cackled out a laugh. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see my brother glaring at me. "Big brother?" I questioned, my expression transforming into one of confusion."Wh-what's wrong?"

"You're a monster," he answered plainly, "I knew kids were weak, but letting your insanity control you? Pathetic." That word was a blow more painful then any punch, but the words that came next hurt even more, "You're simply a monster, and a burden. I cannot allow this to continue any longer. Goodbye."

As my brother turned to walk away I murmered out, "Brother..."

He stopped, but only long enough to say, "I'm not your brother. Call me by my title... The Reaper."

----Flashback over----


A/N Did that surprise you? I'll write what happens next later, sorry their hasn't been much x reader in this story, 'cause we're all socially awkward and definently don't do romance, but I'll try my best.


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