Welcome to E class

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Sorry that my writing isn't very good. I'd give you a good excuse, but I'm honestly just a bad writer. I hope it's okay anyway.

I woke up in annoyance for the second time that night, this time awakened by the gruff voice of Terasaka as he picked up Itona, "-from here. Take him in, care for him, yadda yadda. If he dies, he dies. We tried!"

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, yawning, "...Terasaka?" He glanced at me and huffed, "D...don't hurt the kitty..."

"What cat!" Terasaka grew irked, "Why would you automatically assume I would hurt some damn-"

Nagisa looked over to me, a bit confused, but glad I was awake, "Oh good, you're awake. We were getting worried. I guess it could be misinterpreted with the way he phrased it, but Terasaka was talking about Itona, not a cat."

I nodded in understanding, "I know."


(A/N But really, take a look at this and tell me he doesn't look like an adorable kitty!)

(A/N But really, take a look at this and tell me he doesn't look like an adorable kitty!)

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(A/N His hair even looks like ears! He's soooo cute!!!)


"Where are we, anyway?" I looked around in confusion as I cringed at the strong scent of engine exhaust wafting into my nose.

"I don't know," Kirara looked up from her murder mystery book, "I think it's chapter 23."

"Not that," I groaned and gestured around, "I meant, what is this place? And why do people keep breaking the fourth wall?!"

"We're at Yoshida's family's company, 'Yoshida Motors'," Kirara sighed, "And to answer your question, the annoying author in charge of these last few chapters, has just been really bored."

"Oh," I looked back to the track where Yoshida and Itona were speeding around, "but is that safe?"

"Yeah," she crossed her arms, "you know he doesn't have a license, right?"

"Relax," Terasaka waved off our concern, "his folks own the track."

"If he gets hurt," I sighed, "I have the right to say I told you so."


Suddenly our conversation was interrupted as Itona flew headfirst into a cluster of bushes, "Idiot!" Terasaka ran to make sure he was okay, "the hell you doing? Help him! The shock's gonna set him off again."

"Relax man," Yoshida scratched his head nervously before following suit, "that wasn't enough to hurt him!"

I sighed AGAIN and ran over to check on the fallen boy, "Jeez, these morons!"

As Terasaka repeatedly hit Itona's face to make sure he was awake, Kirara showed him the book she was reading, "You want to get back at Shiro, am I right? This novel ought to inspire you. Seven volumes, twenty-five hundred pages full of delicious revenge. Read and let your soul be nourished by the darkness within. Toward the end, the hero learns to forgive, so you don't have to bother reading that far."

"Seriously," Terasaka growled, "Way too dark, and no one has the time to read a damn book!"

"I have to agree with Hazama on this one," I nodded wisely and turned to Itona, whispering, "If you need help burying the body, I'd be glad to help."

"We're supposed to be cheering him up," Terasaka complained, "think of your audience! He's probably not the sharpest tool in the she-"

"Idiot!" I punched Terasaka's head as we backed away from an increasingly angry Itona, "Look what you did now!"

"Oh no," Kirara cried, "It's the tentacles! He's about to flip out!"

The others ran back to the group as I stood my ground, listening to Itona's anger, "I'm not one of you losers! I'm strong! I'm strong, and I win!"

"Oh shut up," I growled, "we may be in E-class, but we sure aren't losers. You only lose, when you decide to throw it all out the window and risk everything for the sake of nothing. Besides, Plan 'A' didn't work out, but there are still 25 more letters in the alphabet!" I then grabbed him by the collar and pulled him so his face was mere inches from mine, "So get this through that pretty head of yours and learn to accept help. You can't do this alone, Itona. I've been an assassin since I was five, and the only reason I'm so successful today is because I knew when I had to accept help."

"We're here for you, Itona," Koro-sensei put a hand on both of our shoulders, "I do believe the fire in your eyes is out, in a good way. Those painful tentacle cells can finally be excised now, but don't fret too much. What you lose in power, you'll more than make up for in friends. You will come and kill me, won't you? Starting tomorrow."

Itona tilted his head to the side, smiling slightly, "Whatever you say. I'm sick of this power anyway. And this whole brother thing."

My eyes widened as I looked at him, "OH. MY. GODS!"

I ran up to him and hugged him, rubbing my cheek against his

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I ran up to him and hugged him, rubbing my cheek against his. It was uncharacteristic of me, but he was "JUST TOO CUTE!!"

"Hey! Get off me!" Itona blushed a dark red as my classmates laughed.

I stopped nuzzling him, and pulled him close to me, whispering in his ear,

"Welcome to E class."


A/N I wrote who knows how many chapters, while the others just slacked off and watched TV. DAMN YOU GUYS! I DON'T CARE IF THE OFFICE IS LEAVING NETFLIX, WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A TEAM!!! *Cry in corner*

(If you guys are reading this, "FECK YOU!!")


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