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Written: Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The bell finally rung, waking me from my nap. I guess I slept all day, oh well. I was about to grab my bag and head out, when I heard Shiro talk, "Step foot outside the desk boundary, and your life is forfeit."

'what is he talking about?' That's when I noticed that the desks had been moved to form an arena around Koro-sensei and Itona. Itona looked kinda nice in his red sleeveless muscle shirt. 'Hot damn!'  I cracked a smile before returning to full seriousness.

"Very well sir, I agree to your rule; but let's include another, injuring any spectatorsi also counts as a forfeit." Koro-sensei added.

"Agreed, commence on my signal-" Shiro started.

"I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S GOING ON HERE, and I don't necessarily care, BUT HURRY IT UP ALREADY! I WANT TO GO HOME AND THESE DESKS ARE BLOCKING MY PATH!" I inturupted. Karma snickered, and the rest of the class sweat dropped. "GO ALREADY YOU LAZY SHRIMPS!" I finished, getting bored of the wait. As soon as the fight began, Koro-sensei's tentacle fell to the ground. Everyone was staring at Itona.

'He even has tentacles?' I thought to myself, 'what a catch.'

I watched closely, but after a while, I got bored and decided to add sound effects to the fight. "eeeeeeeeeeee" Koro was blasted with a purple light, "Bam! Boom! Kaplow!" Itona attacked with his tentacles, "Woosh!" Itona's tentacles swung around (a frantically dodging) Koro-sensei, "Wowza!" my brain exploded with how brilliantly planned out Shiro's plan was, "Kssshhhhh!" Itona's tentacle sliced through Koro-sensei's.

"(Y/N), I know you're bored and all, but this is kind of serious. Could you stop making those annoying noises?" Sugino asked me.

I gasped, "How dare you! Annoying! Why I never!" I held back a smirk, "And besides, who says I'm not being totally serious?"

Sugino sighed, and Terasaka said, "I though assassins were supposed to be serious, and dignified, and all. You are the complete opposite."

I put on a stoic face and slowly walked toward Terasaka, a dark aura growing around me, "I am an assassin. Take note of that before daring to speak to me in such a way. I could kill you like-" I snapped my fingers Thanos style, "-that." I then plopped back in my seat, and a grin replaced my earlier expression, "Besides, have you met Irina? She's a complete doofus!"

Terasaka looked speachless, and I smirked. I then turned my attention back to the fight, and continued making weird noises. "Bambambambambambambam" Itona attacks again, "DaDAMN!" Koro-sensei put knives on the floor. "Oof!" Itona was thrown from the classroom,

"KORO-SENSEI JUST YEETED HIM OUT THE WINDOW!! ... Yote? Oh well..." I turned to Maehara, "Is it yote or yeeted?"

He looked at me for a bit before continuing, "I think it's... yote?"

"No way!" Sugaya intervened, "It's totally yeeted!"

The two argued back and forth before Nagisa interrupted, "That's what you're worried about now? Look at Itona!" He pointed to the door where Shiro was carrying an unconscious Itona outside.

"Hey!" I yelled, "Let him go!"

Shiro turned to look at me, "I do not take orders from you, and for what reason would you care about Itona. You were asleep the entire class period, you never even met him."

Koro-sensei sweat dropped and nodded, "He has a point..."

"Hey!" I yelled, "Who's side are you on!? And to answer your question Shiro, I never met him, but I would like to. And, I like his hair. It looks fluffy!" I proudly said before my face grew angry, "Besides, why won't you just let him stay?"

"I cannot do that. He belongs to me, I control him." He calmly stated.

"Kinky," I murmured under my breath, and Karma, who was next to me, cracked up.

Shiro turned to leave, but before he passed through the door frame he paused and said, "Goodbye... Angel."

I gasped at the name, no one knew about that! How the hell did this guy know about that part of my past? I need to figure out who this strange man really is.



Isabel: Sorry for the short chapters, we can't think of what to write about.

Sammy: But we wrote this chapter together. We actually worked TOGETHER.

Lily: Anywho, we figured out that Shiro somehow knows something about your past. How does he know? No one can tell.

Isabel: AKA We, who are no ones, can tell. BUT we won't so... HAHA!!

Lily: No one is reading this anyway, but, after finishing the episode with codenames, we decided to make codenames of our own.

Sammy: My NAmE iS JEfF.

Isabel: I'm Jack, or Jack the Ripper (the second).

Lily: My code name is Persassy.

What's your code name? Comment, we'd love to hear. Though you probably didn't read this anyway.

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