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Written: Saturday, April 20, 2019

Koro-sensei walked into the classroom and began to speak, while squeezing water out of his abnormally large head. I couldn't pay attention to what was being said because I was silently counting down the seconds until the trap was sprung. By my calculations it should be in 3.. 2.. 1.. BAM! Koro-sensei stepped backwards and a net shot up, trapping him. Okuda and I reached into our desks and pulled out guns, but these weren't any normal guns; I held a water gun, showering Koro-sensei in his weakness, and Okuda held our freeze ray, she was simply waiting for my signal to attack. The water petered out, and I yelled for Okuda to fire the weapon. Fog filled the room, and we waited for it to clear. But when it did, we were sorely disappointed.

"Nurufufufufu," the voice of our teacher echoed, "nice try, but you were too slow. That ice gun won't work on me."

"IT'S A FREEZE RAY, YOU UNCULTURED SWINE!" I shouted. 'how dare he call my masterpeice an "ice gun"'

"Putting that aside, according to Mr. Karasuma we have a new student joining us." Koro-sensei changed the subject.

"Great. Ten to one it's going to be another assassin." One of the students grumbled.

"HEY!" I yelled, "I'm an assassin! I can rip your head off right now if I feel like it, you bogan!" I kept yelling things while a few students tried to calm me down. I could hear Ritsu talking next to me, but I was too busy to care.

Then the door was pulled open, and a man dressed all in white walked in. "Okay... somebody likes to wear white," one student commented.

"He is.. kinda tall for a kid," another added.

The man pointed his finger at Koro-sesei, and made a dove appear. "Sorry everyone, didn't mean to startle you. I can see that you're confused," he said, putting away the dove, "I'm not your new classmate, just his guardian. But let's not stand on ceremony, call me Shiro, please."

"I don't know what's weirder," Kayano commented, "a guy in all white, or a guy in all white doing magic."

"Yeah," Nagisa responded, "That entrance even freaked out Koro-sen---" Koro-sensei was in liquid form in the corner of the room, I couldn't hold it in and I burst out laughing. I fell off Ritsu and snorted. Nagisa looked at me wierd, "Umm... (Y/N) are you okay?"

I choked  on air, "I-I'm fine, I just find this hilarious. Koro-sensei is such a scaredy-cat!"

"I am not!" he retorted, returning to his normal form. "Anyway, Mr. Shiro, when will we get to meet your um.. ward."

I tuned out the boring conversation going on around me until a loud noise startled me from my thoughts. A cute boy with silver hair walked in and sat at the desk between Karma and Teresaka. 'bad choice, man. now you'll be in the middle of their petty fights.'

"Victory is mine." The boy commented, "I have proven myself stronger than the classroom wall."

I fell over again, laughing my head off. "Nice one! Could you destroy the rest of the building, so we won't have school now?" Everyone ignored me. 'ROOD' I thought to myself. I looked over to see the boy patting Karma on the head! I snapped a picture, "Priceless!" I yelled, "You're face was hilarious Karma! Do it again!"

Karma and the boy turned to me, Karma glared while the boy siad, "You are strong, but I am still more powerful than you."

"Congrats man, hats off to you. I hear-by present you with the award for modesty." I leaned on my desk.

"I only kill things that are stronger than me." he continued.

'HE COMPLETELY IGNORED ME! HOW DARE HE! I AM- waaay to lazy to fight him right now.' and with that, I sat down, laying my head in my hands, and fell asleep. Hopefully no one will wake me up until school is over. Scratch that, I can't live without my lunch.



Sorry for not writing for so long. Isabel had to go and get sick, and she wouldn't tell us the password to her account! UNFAIR!


Whatever. Anyway, I don't feel like writing anything else right now. Sorry it was short. See ya next time!


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