Two Truth's and a Lie

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3rd POV


"It's ugly, don't you think?" The (h/c) haired girl swung her legs childishly on the edge of the roof, looking up at the cloudy sky as the rain poured down and soaked her clothes, "This city, this world, these people. It seems the only beauty in this world is the sky and the rain. The clouds above are so free, you know, I kind of envy them. Able to fly anywhere with no one to stop them, I want to be free like that too someday. These people, they're only here to pin you down, they're never there to simply care. But the stars, even when you can't see them, are always there. Don't you find it sad that balls of firey gas, lightyears away, are more reliable than the humans that plague this world? Humans surround me, but I feel so alone; yet, when I'm truly alone like this, surrounded by rain and staring at the stars, I finally feel at peace. It's almost laughable how depressing it is Doctor Quinzel, the only reason I survived last time was because of luck. You gave me a second chance, but what's the point if there's nothing to stay for? I never deserved a second chance, to begin with..."

The blonde woman stepped out from the shadows where she had been hidden, placing her hand on the young girl's shoulder, "(Y/N)..."

--Flashback Over--

The distressed raven-haired girl replaced the cool cloth on the sick girl's forehead, as the door slid open softly and a worried blonde stepped into the room, "Okuda, you've been taking care of her for hours, and before that, you were taking care of the other students. I know you're worried, but you need to rest."

"I can't, Nakamura," Okuda rubbed her eyes tiredly, "I should have known she was sick, I was sitting right next to her. I can't help but feel it's my fault (Y/N)'s in such a bad way."

"It's not your fault, you know how stubborn that girl is, you wouldn't have been able to stop her even had you known. You can set up a futon in here, but you need to sleep, okay? I'll watch over this trouble maker for a while."

Okuda nodded and went to set up her futon, "Thank you, Nakamura."

The blonde nodded, "No worries, I care about her too, y' know."

--Time Skip by Backpack eating Map--

Koro-sensei chuckled quietly as he covered Rio with a blanket. She was sitting on a chair by the sick girl's bedside, head resting on her arms, folded by (Y/N)'s side. (Y/N) was quietly muttering in her sleep, and Okuda lay sleeping on a futon at the foot of the bed. After Koro-sensei left, Nakamura began to stir, looking up groggily at (Y/N)'s tear struck sleeping face. She had never seen her shed a single tear before, and she was very worried. Waking up Okuda, the two stood by (Y/N)'s head, trying to calm her down. Through the tossing and turning, they managed to discern a few words she spoke, "...Sorry... Please... Help..." she kept repeating those words over and over until she shot up gasping, "Let me out!!" 

Rio and Okuda stepped back in shock before rushing toward her and pulling her into a tight embrace, "(Y/N)!" Okuda cried, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

She wiped the tears from her face, "Me too. And thank you, for taking care of me." 

They just nodded and hugged you tighter before finally releasing you. "(Y/N)," Rio held her (s/c) hand gently, "when you were asleep... you were crying. What- what were you dreaming of that got you so worked up?"

The (e/c) eyed girl's eyes saddened, "I guess there's no use hiding it anymore. But, why don't we gather the rest of the class first."

--Time Skip by Natsu breaking into Lucy's house--

(Y/N)'s POV

Even though it was late at night, the entire E class was gathered in my room. The others sat on the floor, clustered together in front of my bed. I sighed and began, "You guys are my friends, and I can't hide it from you anymore. I guess it's time I tell you guys about my past." Even Karasuma seemed intrigued, as he hadn't been told the whole story, "I had a really bad childhood, my brother, Michael, was the only thing that kept me sane in that household. My father was always drinking, my mother was always high, and they would... hurt me. One day, when I was five, my dad tried to kill me. My brother died saving my life, and I kind of just snapped. I killed my father and ripped out his heart, then I killed my mother. I was taken to a mental hospital and kept there for... I don't know how long, but I was slowly losing the little bit of sanity I had left. I grew my nails and ripped open my arm, removing and sharpening the bone into a shiv. When the therapists came to talk to me, I killed them," then everyone in the asylum, "and managed to escape. I became the assassin known as 'the Angel of Death', and when I was around 7 or 8, I was found by a man who took me in as his partner. He even treated me like a little sister, until... one day, he threw me away, telling me my insanity only got in his way."

Okuda walked up to me and sat beside me, wiping a tear from my face, "It's okay if you don't want to answer, but was your partner someone we know?"

I shook my head sadly, "You probably don't know him, he wasn't much of a big shot back then," I lied. Okuda smiled as a sign for me to continue, "Anyway, I was so distressed, I tried to... to kill myself."


"I was saved by a doctor named Harleen Quinzel, she gave me a second chance, and I took it. That's around the time Lovro took me in. I became a new person, 'the Mad Hatter', and used the madness inside me as an advantage instead of something that would hold me back. I moved in with Alex not long after, and she became my big sister, the only family that never left. Then I was offered a job here, and you know the rest..." So I didn't tell the whole story, but if what I just told them wouldn't make them hate me, I'm certain what I hid from them, would, and I couldn't bear to have them hate me. "I'm sorry. I can leave if you don't want me here anymore."

Okuda hugged me tightly, "We don't want you to leave. (Y/N), you were the only one who made me feel good about my science skills; like I didn't have to be physically strong to help my friends."

Kayano hugged me from the other side, "You made me proud of my flat chest, not ashamed."

Rio joined the group hug, "You made me feel pretty and smart, even though I'm in End Class."

Nagisa joined in awkwardly, "You made me feel like I was worth more than just grades."

Karma sighed and looked away, "I guess, you're the one person who I can be myself around."

I smiled, a tear crawling down my face, "Thank you. Thank you guys so much!"


A/N Should they confess soon? Or do you want us to write more?

We'll write a chapter for:






No one (Single Pringle)

Everyone (If you want)

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