Dead Dad's and TopNotch Teachers

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"Ack!! I'm gonna be late!" I screamed as I barreled up the hill toward the run down E class building. My haste soon turned to confusion, as I saw E class simply sitting outside having a picnic with some fat guy.

I walked over to them, and opened my mouth to speak, but the fat man saw me first. "Oh, hello! You must be (Y/N)! I'm Takaoka! I'm here to help out Karasuma. Here, have some cake!" He handed me a plate with a (f/f) cake on it, and I reluctantly took it from him.

I ate in silence as I watched Takaoka laughing with the other students. Something was off about this man. I just couldn't place my finger on it. Soon it was time to start class, we lined up and Takaoka handed out a new schedule to us.

Maehara looked at the schedule and spoke up, "Wait. Hold up, hold up. This is ridiculous. First off, this is school. We gotta thing about grades too, I mean c'mon! We can't go by this. When're we supposed to stu-"

He was cut off by Takaoka slamming him over his knee, "Rule number 1, we don't do can't. Rule number 2, we're a family, and I'm the dad."

"Wait up a minute," I stepped toward him nonchalantly, "First off, if 'we don't do can't' as you said, then you won't tell me that I can't fight you right now." Takaoka glared at me, but I continued, "Here's the deal. If I beat you, you quit and head home, but if you win, you can continue teaching this class, and I won't do anything to stop you. That okay with you?"

Takaoka grinned, I could tell what he was thinking. If he were to beat me, my classmates would fall in line out of fear. But I wouldn't let that fat bludger win. I was about to grab my anti-sensei knife, when Takaoka stopped me, "Oh, we won't be using those knifes," He went over to his bag and pulled out a real knife, stabbing it into the ground, "when the objective is to kill a human being, you can't rely on toys, so we'll be using the real mccoy."

I smirked, "That's fine with me old man," I pulled out a dagger myself, "I wouldn't have it any other way." He stood up, gripping his knife tightly. It was obvious he was waiting for me to attack, but I had other plans, I stood up normally and walked forward a few steps, "Just one question before we start." I grew a dark aura as my smirk turned into an evil grin.

"Are you sure you want to be my 'Dad' Mr. Takaoka? Because the last man that claimed that title... well, 𝑖ᴸᴸᵉᵈ ı."

It was as if everything froze around me, the shocked look on my classmates faces, Mr. Karasuma running out of the building, but all I could see was Takaoka. He had let his guard down with those three words, and now he would face the consequences. I rushed toward him, grabbing his head and slamming it into my knee, then swinging around onto his back and pushing him into the dirt. I held my knife above me and swung it down toward his neck, but before my knife could reach his flesh, It was stolen from my hands by a yellow tentacle.

"(Y/N)," I looked up to see a very angry Koro-sensei, "What were you thinking?! I know you're an assassin, but you can't just kill anytime it pleases you!"

I stood up, and brushed myself off, "Don't underestimate me Koro-sensei. I haven't shown you my full power yet. What fun would it be if you died so soon? But trust me," I turned to the rest of the class, "if I were you, I wouldn't get too close. Everyone who gets close... disappears..." With that, I walked off, away from the assassination classroom.


"Yes," I leaned on the principals desk, "I'd like you to fire Takaoka. I told you what he did, besides, your son owes me a favour. If you do this, we'll be even."

"And what makes you think I care about my son's debt to you?" He responded coldly.

"Well," I shrugged, "I could always make him do something to ruin your reputation. For example, if the son of the principal, and the second smartest in the school, behind me of course, were to do something horrible and get sent to E-class. How would that look on the school's record."

The principal simply smirked, "I was wondering whether it was a good idea to let you come to this school or not. But, you intrigue me, (Y/N), so I'll humour you."

"Great." I smirked, as I walked out of his office, "And I'm glad I intrigue you Mr. Principal, because I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeves. I hope you're prepared." Then I closed the door behind me, my (H/L) (H/C) hair shifting with the draft from the closing door.

I turned, and looked up at the ceiling, sighing to myself. A tear slowly slid down my face, "Everything disappears."


How was that! We know we haven't written in a while, but... Summer Break!! Yay!! I'll be writing a lot more, hopefully, so... cool. See ya next time!


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