Friends - Ending

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Where are we going?" (Y/N) questioned as a certain energetic classmate of hers pulled her along.

"You'll see when we get there!" Maehara turned to (Y/N), "You're too slow!" He grinned as he scooped her up in his arms and ran, carrying her bridal style all the way to their destination, (Y/N) only laughing as her best friend kidnapped her.

"Um... where are we?" (Y/N) furrowed her brows as she looked up at the building.

"Party Central!" Maehara grinned as he walked through the doors, (Y/N) still in his arms, "It's a Congratulatory Party for you finally opening up to us!"

"A party? With loud noises? And people? I'm out," the girl struggled to get out of Maehara's grip, but he only held her tighter.

"No can do! Besides, there's lots of food!"


"Yup," Maehara put her down, "So let's get to partying!"

(Y/N) reluctantly made her way into the crowd, but spotting the snack table, rushed over to stuff her face... and her pockets. "I knew I'd find you here," a hand pulled (Y/N) away from the table, "but now I've got to get you away from the dam snack bar."

(Y/N) snickered, "Okay, okay. This is a party, let's dance."


"Stay here for a sec," (Y/N) left Rio in front of the stage as she jumped up to talk to the band. When she returned to Rio, she held out her arms, "care to dance?"

"There's no music."

"There will be," (Y/N) smiled as Rio stepped up, putting one hand on her waist. Soft music began to play, and (Y/N) looked Rio in the eyes, "I don't want to be your friend anymore Rio."


The beat started, and (Y/N) left Rio to jump onto the stage, grabbing a mike and began to sing.

(Song: Friends Don't Kiss friends. Not necessary to listen as the gist is obvious.)

"I can't be your friend anymore, 'cause I'd rather be your girlfriend."

Rio climbed up to join (Y/N) on stage, "Well now that we're not friends, that means I can kiss you, right?"

(Y/N) leaned in and pecked Rio on the lips, "Maybe."


Extended Ending

"You know," Rio smiled at her girlfriend, "I was going to ask you out myself. I had this whole thing planned out, and the absolute best pickup line!"

"Well then," (Y/N) smiled smugly, "show me what you've got."

"Ahem," Rio fake cleared her throat, "Did it hurt?"

"When I fell from heaven? Jeez, that's so old."

"No," She smirked.


"When you crawled up from Purgatory, 'cause (Y/N), you're hot as Hell."









"Well Shiatsu, that's pretty good."

(Shiatsu is pronounced Shit-zoo if you didn't know)

BROKEN SECRETS (Assassination Classroom x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now