Perfect Moment

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He stopped, but only long enough to say, "I'm not your brother. Call me by my title... The Reaper."


3rd person

The students crowded together at the bank of the river, staring worriedly as a frantic Okuda tried in vain to pump the water from your lungs, as Kayano cried beside her with the girl's head in her lap. Behind both girls stood Nakamura, trying to comfort Kayano as she brushed (h/c) hair from the drowned girl's (s/c) face, and an angry Karma, fists clenched, glared daggers at Terasaka.

"This is all your fault!" Karma gripped Terasaka's neck tightly, as the latter struggled for air, "(Y/N) wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't been such an idiot, and gotten strung along like the dumbass you are!"

"Karma, stop!" a blue haired assassin rested his hand on Karma's elbow. (because Nagisa can't reach his shoulder, lol. Short people problems. hahaha.. ha... *crying in corner*)

"No way!" Karma continued shouting at the Terasaka, now adding poor Nagisa into the mix, as Okuda began to give up hope of being able to save (Y/N).

As she pumped (Y/N)'s chest in rythm, she murmered, "Only one more option." And she steeled herself for what was to come, as she parted (Y/N)'s lips, and gently blew air into her mouth. (CPR *winkwink*) She lifted her head, and opened her mouth to speak the sad news, before a spluttering was heard, and (Y/N) coughed up what could have been a half pint of water.

The class stared, and began to cheer and worry over her, as (Y/N) carefuly sat up, looking around in confusion, "What happened?" she questioned groggily.

Rio knelt beside her, and began to explain the situation, "So ater Itona was defeated, we saw that you were just laying in the water and not breathing. So, I carried you over to the side here, and Okuda started performing CPR on you." As she said this Okuda blushed and looked down, and (Y/N) couldn't help the smile that crept to her face. "Kayano was really worried about you too."

(Y/N) looked over at Kayano to see the tears flowing down her face, and lifted her hand to wipe them away, smiling gently. "It's not your fault Kaede. I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I let you drown. Just smile for me, please?"

Kayano cracked a smile, and hugged (Y/N), as Nakamura continued her story, "Nagisa had to calm everyone down, especially Koro-sensei and Karma." (Y/N) turned to Nagisa and smiled sweetly, thanking him, "Koro-sensei was rushing around in a frenzy, and Karma started yelling at Terasaka. It was crazy!"

(Y/N) turned to face Koro-sensei, "-_- Really?" Then she turned to face Karma, "And you," Karma stiffened at your tone, before you started talking in a babyish voice, "I can't be[w]ieve you were so worried abou[w] me. Awww. [Da]'s so sweet Ka[w]ma." She smirked.

Karma started blushing madly and walked over to (Y/N), his hair shading his eyes. He stopped when he reached her, picked her up by the waist, and threw her into the water. "Shut up."

She started laughing, and that moment, as if frozen in time, was perfect. Water droplets reflecting the sunlight, showering (Y/N) in a rain of sparkles, head tilted to the side, eyes clothes as her sweet laugh filled the air, and the class around her blushed at the beautiful scene before them. It was perfect.

For now.



Yeah... this was a filler, but we have to work this week for a wedding, so we won't have much time to write. Wrote this on the plane, while half asleep so it might not be very good. Oh well.

Isabel told me, she has Summer Break in America right now. Lucky! (We all live in different places, sadly.) Mari- France, starts in July. Sammy and mine- Australia, starts in December (BLEH). So all you people who have summer break:



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