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(A/N/N) Annoying nickname

3rd POV

"-Now every time I catch people looking at me sideways, everytime I think of how you blunt me with my own knife, my skin itches so badly I can't sleep through the night!" As creep scratched his face uncontrollably, the (h/c) haired girl cradled in Karma's arms began to open her (e/c) eyes, "I hope you're proud boys and girls, because you've condemned daddy to hell!"

A soft groan could be heard from the girl, "...Kinky."

Kimura sweat dropped, "You just woke up, and that's your first comment!?"

(Y/N) shrugged, "I do have another question," she looked up at the red head's face above her, "why are you carrying me like in those old romance movies?"

Karma sighed, and looked away, blushing at the close contact. A few moments passed before Terasaka stepped up to the plate, "Well..."


Karma carried the unconscious girl out of the lounge and back to his classmates, watching as your hair fell in front of your sleeping face. You looked like a fallen angel. (A/N fallen because you're a killer, and somehow you ended up in this hellhole we call earth.) When he met up with the rest of the class, they worriedly hurried over and the girls began fussing over (Y/N).

"What's wrong?"

"Is she okay?"

"How does she still look cute when sleeping?"

"*blush* fjsafhk..."

"Karma! What did you do to her?!"

"Hey," Karma complained, "I didn't do anything, she did this to herself." He was given confused glances and decided to elaborate, "Somehow she got separated from you girls, and ended up in the bar area, where I found her hanging out with a three teenage guys, all four of them intoxicated."(A/N Big words! "I know words, I have the best words. But there's no better word than stupid." Thank you Donald Trump for that wonderful peice of insight.)

"(Y/N)," Kayano put her hand on your forehead, and immediately pulled back. "I know she's drunk, but she shouldn't have such a high fever," she murmured under her breath, "could it be... Did she get sick from that drink too?"

"Kayano," Nagisa questioned, "is something wrong?"

She shook her head slowly, "N-no, nothing's wrong."

"Well," Terasaka grunted, "I'm not carrying her anymore," he waved his hand at Karma dismissively, "you do it."


--Flashback Over--

"Oh," the (H/C) haired girl chuckled, "sorry about that."

"Well," Karma set her on her feet gently, "we'll talk about my reward later."

He winked and she shook her head, "Karmas, am I right?"

The class 3E students laughed, followed by an angry Takaoka yelling, "You!" He pointed to (Y/N), "You and Nagisa are the two who ruined my future!"

"Uh... no, that was you." (Y/N) smirked, "It's not our fault you're weaker than a bunch of junior high kids."

He growled, "You must answer for the grave injustice done to my reputation!"

"Then he asked the shortest students to come because he knew Nagisa would be one of them."

"Nagisa and (Y/N) had every right to do what they did to you."

Karma stepped forward, "Hmmm, I see. So, this actually has a lot more to do with you settling a score than anyone saving the world. Think about it, is beating up a kid gonna repair your self esteem?"

(Y/N) raised her arm tentatively, "Actually..."

I was silenced as Terasaka yelled, "Look you crazy son of a bitch, Nagisa kicked your ass by your own rules so you've got no one to blame but yourself!"

"And (Y/N) beat you because you stink! ... literally, you really need a shower." (Y/N) stood up proudly, "Oh, and even if you had won, we'd still despise you."

"Nothing you could have done would have changed out minds!"

"I don't know, money or (f/f) are pretty convincing..."

Karma looked at me in exasperation, but immediately turned back to Takaoka as he spat, "I don't remember asking for your opinion! Love me or hate me maggots, I'm the guy who could take you out right now with the push of a button!" He seemed to calm down as he turned around and began walking toward the stairs, "You, short round, let's go up to the heliport. Bring (A/N/N) with you."

I growled, but followed him up the stairs, dragging a silent Nagisa along with me. As they stood across from Takaoka, a knife at their feet, Takaoka blew up the stairs behind them. Rendering them unable to receive backup. (Y/N) stood silently staring at the knife as Nagisa kneeled on the floor, apologizing to Takaoka. As he stepped on Nagisa's head, (Y/N) snapped out of her trance, swooping down to grab the knife and swiping at Takaoka's stomach. He jumped back, but not in time to avoid getting cut slightly. "𝔻º'𝓉 uᴿ𝓉 ᴿ𝘪ℕ𝔻s."

(Y/N) and Takaoka exchanged blows, as Nagisa looked on in shock. (Y/N) sliced at Takaoka's arm, leaving a thin line of blood pooling from the injury. He growled and punched (Y/N), sending her flying back towards Nagisa.

Nagisa POV

The fight was amazing, I couldn't keep my eyes off the fight as (Y/N) and Takaoka battled it out in front of me. I watched as she was sent toward me, but something was wrong. That punch hadn't been strong enough to hurt such a strong assassin such as herself, yet she was struggling to stand. She wobbled back in forth, her eyes closed tightly, one hand on her head as the other clutched the knife tightly. "(Y/N)?" I reached a hand toward her, but she brushed me off, steadying herself and taking off after Takaoka once more. Her eyes were glazed over, and she looked so angry, but she also seemed to be in pain. I looked behing me when I heard a familiar gasp, "Kayano? What's wrong?"

"You have to stop the fight. Please! (Y/N)'s sick! I figured it out earlier when I saw she had a fever, but I was too nervous to mention it."

"What?!" Karma's eyes widened as he looked between Kayano and (Y/N), "She can't fight in that condition! She may be strong, but even she has her limits!"

I nodded and grabbed her arm before she could rush Takaoka again. She glared at me, but her eyes softened when she saw my face. "(Y/N)," I pulled her into a hug, "don't do this. You're going to get hurt. Let someone else save the day for once. Please, just let me be the knight in shining armor to save the princess. You matter a lot to me (Y/N), and I know how strong you are, but I also know how stubborn you are. I can't let your pride be the end of you. So, (Y/N)," I held her hands in mine, looking into her eyes, "will you do me the honor of letting me be the one to save you?"


I looked into his sweet blue eyes, and felt a smile grace my features. I nodded, "Of course." He smiled, and that smile woke me from my haze. I could feel the damage from the fight, and the side effects of the sickness in full force. I felt my knees buckle underneath me, and fell to floor, my eyesight darkening as a single thought crossed my mind,

Maybe vulnerability isn't a weakness after all. Maybe I just chose the wrong ones to trust. Thank you... 3E.


A/N Sunday 7/7 through Friday 12/7 we are not going to be able to write, so sorry if the chapters seem a bit rushed. Just want to get some content out before we'll be gone for a week.

Thank you for reading everyone, I hope you like this story.


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