One Shot - I love you

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Sorry, it's not the best art, and I can't draw faces very well either.
A birthday special for Sammy.

In a far corner of the world, lay the land on which no sane creature would dare set foot. The dark forest of the Shadow Realm contained no living animals, for even they were afraid to enter the territory that the witches control. Ten years past, a child was locked high above the earth in a tower with no doors. The only entrance was a window at the top of the tower where the witch would enter to guard the princess. Every year, a knight was sent into the forest to save the princess, and every year, the horse returned alone. On the tenth year of the princess's imprisonment, a new knight was sent into the Shadow Realm to rescue the maiden.

As the knight reached the entrance to the wood, she stepped off her stead, drawing her sword, and entered the darkness alone.


High up in the lonely tower, the beautiful princess struggled to brush the knots out of her long green hair. As she yanked the comb through her tangles, a hand reached out, gently resting on the princess's. The princess released the comb and let her friend carefully comb through her silky locks. As the girl set the comb on the ground and kneeled next to the stool that the princess sat on, she frowned slightly, "The new knight has entered the forest, Princess."

"I know," the childlike voice spoke, "And please, call me Kaede. You've been my only friend for ten years, you can call me by my name."

"Of course," the girl stood and brushed her hair behind her ear, "but you know I cannot allow that human to pass. They must slay me before they can take you from this tower."

Princess Kayano frowned, "I wish you wouldn't fight every creature that comes near this tower, Draakon."

"I know," Draakon responded sadly, "but I have been ordered to stop everyone even at the cost of my own life."

"I wish you wouldn't speak so lightly of losing your life," the princess whispered to herself.

Draakon raised an eyebrow an opened her mouth to ask what she had said, but suddenly stiffened and turned to the window, "I must leave now, Princess, the knight seems to have made it through the woods faster than I had expected."

The princess opened her mouth and reached out to stop the girl, but was too late as Draakon leapt through the window, free-falling toward the earth. Before she could reach the ground, she began to shift. Her fingernails grew to claws, her body elongating and growing scales as she transformed into a sleek black dragon. A long tail grew as she stopped her fall with a strong beat of the wings that sprouted from her back. She landed on the ground and faced off against her armor clad opponent. The knight raised her silver longsword and charged at the dragon, dodging the flames that shot from the dragon's mouth, and sliced the lizard's underbelly. As golden blood dripped from the wound, the dragon moved with surprising swiftness, swiping at the knight and sending her flying backward into a tree. The knight quickly stood back up and attacked the dragon with a flurry of strikes. Draakon growled at the many cuts on her body and swiped her tail at the knight, knocking her off her feet. The knight stood and began to speak, "I am the knight Oriolt! I am here to save the princess, and I will not be stopped by a demon such as you. I will give you one chance to keep your life and hand the princess over to me!"

Draakon growled and spoke into the minds of those near her "I will not allow you to have the princess. If you cannot defeat me, you are not worthy to take her. I will not allow you to take her from me!" The knight was beyond shocked at what Draakon had said, but had no time to speak as she barely escaped the plume of fire aimed at her. Oriolt and Draakon exchanged blows, both taking on significant damage. The princess was terrified at the state of the two and had to find a way to stop the fight before one of them died. She leaned out of her window and shouted for the two to refrain from fighting any longer, but was interrupted as her hand slipped and she tumbled out of her tower and toward her inevitable demise. She shut her eyes tightly, but opened them slowly as she felt herself stop falling. She was wrapped up in the tail of the midnight dragon, Draakon's soft eyes staring back at her. Draakon put her down gently before turning back to the fight, yet Oriolt had disappeared. A pained roar came from the dragon as the knight snuck up and stabbed her sword into the dragon's (e/c) eye. Draakon began to turn back to her human form as she clutched her eye in pain. Kayano rushed toward her as she collapsed from blood loss. The princess lay the dragon's head in her lap as tears dripped from her face onto the (s/c) face below her. "Why are you crying?" Draakon smiled weakly.

"I-it's my fault!" The princess cried, "It's my fault you got hurt!"

"It's my job princess," the injured girl rested her hand on the princess's face, "It was inevitable that I would die eventually. With my death you will finally be free to find love." She turned to the knight who was barely still standing, "Finish me off, Knight Oriolt, you have bested me."

"No!" The princess held Draakon's hand against her cheek, "Don't die! I already found love!" Tears spilled from her eyes as she sobbed, "I love you, (Y/N)!"


You may continue reading or leave it there.


(Y/N) smiled as she struggled to stand, her fingernails growing into claws, "Then I shall not die, for I have received the blessing of the one I love." With that, she rushed toward her opponent with the last of her strength, "I will not let you be taken away from me!"




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