Bullseye (Ending)

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OMG, I'm actually gonna do this, okay. I haven't updated in so long, thanks to RignJaimeAradnas and Anomymous0w0 for the comments. I'm sorry if it's not good, I haven't written in a while.

Creativity: 20

"Umm..." I hesitated as I looked at the materials before me, "Sodium bisulphate, sodium chloride, and water? but I feel like i'm missing something..."

"Oh," Okuda looked over from beside me, "you need salt." She grabbed a bottle of salt, and passed it to me. I blushed as our hands touched, and focused on her beautiful purple eyes.

"Watcha doing?" Kayano piped up from behind me. Startled at the sudden noise, I dropped the salt, almost falling off my chair as I waved my arms wildly to regain balance. My flailing knocked over the beaker of liquid, spilling the solution all over her shirt. "Oh no!" she gasped, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!"

I chuckled, "It's okay, you're the one who got dirty. I have a spare shirt in my bag, you can use that."

She blushed and wandered off as I began to clean up the mess, talking with Okuda as we laughed about the situation.

After about 20 minutes, I got worried. 'It shouldn't take that long to change her shirt...' I got up, my friends following me as we split up to go find Kayano.

Kayano POV

"Oh schist-" I heard a concerned voice mutter from the doorway. I looked up from the book I was reading, to see (Y/N) standing at the door, follower by Rio, Okuda, Karma, Nagisa, and Maehara. "You read it?" She asked, her eyes nervous and defeated.

"Yeah..." I blushed, "I didn't know..."

"Well I guess this class has unveiled all my secrets, "she walked further into the classroom and sighed, "yeah, I like multiple people."

I saw the others perk up, focusing their attention on (Y/N). Maehara was the first to speak, "Who?"

She sighed again, rolling her head back as she contemplated her words, "Everyone but you Maehara."

Karma opened his mouth to speak, but Maehara cut him off, "You like Terasaka?"

Her head shot up, "No you idiot! I meant everyone in this room!" Her face turned read after the outburst, and she buried her face in her hands."

"Sharing is caring," Karma smirked, "and you seem to be the few who can make me care."

Okuda blushed, "Carbon can form 5 or 6 covalent bonds..."

I could see (Y/N) smile softly as they spoke.

Rio ruffled Okuda's hair, "I have no idea what you just said, but I like multiple people too, so... yeah."

Nagisa opened a dictionary he pulled from one of his pockets (damn boys' clothes and their pockets!), "Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, relationships with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all partners involved. Umm... I think..."

I closed the book and stood up, "me too."

(Y/N) took a deep breath, and blurted her question as quick as she could, "It may be kind of weird and I know it's not normal but would you all care to be in a relationship with me please?"

I smiled, "I'm pretty sure we all just said yes."

She glared at me playfully, "well I'm still mad at you for looking through my diary!"

We all laughed as we came together for a group hug, smothering (Y/N) in affection. I looked up as I heard a sniffle, only to see Maehara wiping his eyes with his sleeves, "that was so" he sniffled, "touching. So- so beautiful."

He fell backward as a shoe hit him smack dab in the forehead. I looked back to see a smirking (Y/N), her arm still raised, "Bullseye."

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