Never Piss Off (Y/N)

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The reason our chapters were so short before was because we were too lazy to copy the exact script, so now it's going to be longer, but maybe a different script.

"Goodbye... Angel"

How? How did he know about that? No one should know about that.


"You're such a weakling! You should have been born a boy!" I gazed up at the speaker, clutching my arms with my tiny five-year-old hands. I flinched back as the man finished his 5th bottle of beer and threw it at me. It hit the wall next to me and shatered, leaving tens of miniture cuts all over my body.

"I'm sorry sir." I mumbled, looking at the floor.

"We should never have kept you! We should have thrown you out in the streets the moment you came here!" He threw another bottle, but this time it hit me square in the face. My hands immediately flew up to my face where blood stained my (s/c) skin, and glass shards protruded from my flesh. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping it was all a dream.

"FATHER! NO!--" I heard my brother, Michael, scream, and I opened my eyes to see my father standing before me. He was looking at his feet, where my brother's lifeless body lay with a bloody knife stabbed through his heart.

"no..." I whispered, my eyesight faded as I was filled with rage, "NO!" I walked forward, stepping up to my brother's body. My face was blank, but my (e/c) eyes filled with hatred, as I ripped the knife from Michael's chest, and held it threateningly before me.

"You ca--" I interrupted him by rushing forward with a speed I didn't know I possessed, and thrusting the knife into his gut. He fell to the floor, but he wasn't dead yet. I pulled out the knife, and walked toward his head. All common sense had left me, I was filled with hatred and a feeling of unhealthy giddiness. I was enjoying this. I held the knife carefully as I carved my father's heart out, then I ripped it from his body as a spray of blood flew from his empty chest.

"Well, who knew he had a heart." I giggled. Then I turned to Michael and kneeled beside him, "I promise Michael, I will destroy all those evil people. I promise I will protect others from a fate like yours." (Yes, even though you are five, you have a large vocabulary.) I paused, people like me need a code-name right? How about-- "Angel of Death." It's the perfect name. As an angel, I am a savior to all those being hurt, but I bring death to those causing the pain. "Besides," I smiled sadly, "Our parents did name you Michael after 'Gods' Archangel who defends the world from evil. Now, I will do so as well."

--Flashback Over--

"Ugh!" Sugino stretched his arms above his head, "The crappy weather's finally over!"

I walked behind Karma, Nagisa, and Sugino as they conversed, too tired to pay attention to their conversation.

"Yeah, it's gonna get hot soon." Nagisa added.

"Let's start spending more time outside," Sugino continued, "I wanna be more active."

"Sounds good, you know I'm game." Nagisa agreed

"Sounds good. I've got a workout planned soon actually." I slipped into the conversation.

"Really?" Nagisa asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, some rich guy has been trafficking exotic animals, and I get to go kill him!" I beamed.

Sugino and Nagisa sweat dropped, while Karma smirked, "I'll gladly join in that fun, but for now, what would the three of you say to some fishing?"

"Fishing?" Nagisa asked, "That sounds fun, what's in season?"

Suddenly Karma grew horns and a devil tail, "In the summer months, delinquents are out in troves. We used Nagisa as bait and there's no limit--!"

I cut Karma off with a glare, "I'm all for beating up some people, but we are not using sweet little Nagisa for your evil plot!" I hugged Nagisa close to me in a protective manor.

"Seriously though," Sugino interupted, clearly eager to change the topic, "Let's do something."

"There's always the beach." Nagisa suggested.

I clutched one arm over my chest, and the other over my stomach, "No way am I going to the beach! It's a nesting ground for perverts!"

Karma looked at my body and smirked, "I don't know, I sure would like to see you in a skimpy swimsuit (Y/N)."

I was about to punch him when some baseball player called over to us, "Hey hey! Look who it is! Long time no see Sugino!"

"Way to never come by and say hello to your old teammates," one of the baseball players who had a derpy face spoke up.

"Yeah, I know. I suck." Sugino said,

"You were pitching in the big tournament next week, right?"

That's where I spaced out. Ugh. Don't get me wrong, I like some sports, but talking about sports? Boooooring! Listening to other people talk about sports? No way!

"Hey, come on. Be nice," The first guy with weird eyebrows commented, "he won't understand. Burning the candle at both ends is a privilege of the gifted."

"Humility much?" Karma spoke up, "Wow. Sounds to me like somebody thinks they're one of the chosen ones."

He huffed, "I am--"

I threw a rock straight threw the fence and it whizzed past his ear, "Oh, shut up." I growled, "though you are right. You are one of the chosen ones. Not very many weaklings like you get the honor of being on my hitlist." I could see that his teammates were terrified of my angry glare, "Sadly, there's a line, so you'll have to wait to die, but next time you open that damned mouth of yours, Eyebrows, I will destroy you." I was getting angrier and angrier by the second, no one insults my friends, "I will rip your limbs from your body and slowly pluck every hair from your head. Don't worry, I'll make sure you survive the ordeal so you can feel all the pain I will rain down upon you, and--"

I was interrupted by Karma putting his hand over my mouth and picking me up. He carried me bridal style, hand still over my mouth, away from the baseball team. "Damn, you need to calm down," he huffed.



We'll get to the rest of the baseball stuff later, but, sorry for being gone so long. And I don't know why I'm apologizing bc I doubt anyone is actually reading this. Oh well.


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