Gossip Queen and Pudding Princess?

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Written: April 14, 2019

I woke up to the bright sun shining directly in my face. I groaned and grabed my gun, firing through my open bedroom window. "DAMN YOU SUN! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME SLEEP?" wait... sun... sunday... "OH MY FREAKING GOSH, I FORGOT ABOUT TODAY!" I jumped out of bed, getting tangled in the sheets and falling face first onto the floor. I was about to scream at the blankets for tripping me, but I looked at the clock. 12:03, Dammit. If I don't hurry, I'll be late.

I stumbled into the bathroom and quickly showered, then brushed my (H/L) (H/C) hair into (H/S) (hair style). I put on (outfit), and rushed downstairs. I grabbed my phone and wallet before running out of the house and to the café.

When I reached the café, I saw Rio and Kaede waiting for me. They had dressed up really nicely, too. Kaede wore a green knee length dress with a blue blazer over it. Rio wore a white knitted sweater and blue-jean shorts. I stared at them, "DAMN! You guys are really pretty!"

Kayano blushed shyly, and Rio smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder, "Damn right I am."

I laughed, and we sat at a booth in the corner. Kayano ordered a massive pudding, Rio ordered a hot chocolate, and I ordered (f/f) and (f/d). While we were waiting for our orders to come, Kayano dedcided to start a conversation, "Ummm... not that we aren't glad you invited us here, but... why DID you invite us out?"

"That's simple!" I smiled kindly, "I wanted to get to know the Gossip Queen and the Pudding Princess. Besides, I'm new to this school, and I thought you guys could tell me a bit more about this school, and E-Class."

Rio raised an eyebrow, "Gossip Queen and Pudding Princess? I like the sound of that. And you came to the right girls if you want to know stuff! Kayano's so quiet people always let their guard down around her, and as you said *hair flip* I'm the Gossip Queen."

"So where should we start?" I asked, as the waiter set our meal on the table.

"How about from the beginning? The start of the year."

"Sounds great."

"Well, we were all kinda down in the dumps from being put in E-class, and that's when Mr. Karasuma walked in. He's a really blunt guy, and barely gave us any time to process what he was saying before he handed out the anti-sensei weapons and just left! Like, seriously! Who tell kids they're going to have to kill the creature that blew up 70% of the moon, and then just walks off like it's nothing?" Kayano began. I sweat dropped, remembering the first time I met Karasuma.


"He did WHAT!!!" I yelled, not caring if the other customers stared at me, "Okajima that PERV! Next time I see him I'm gonna smash his camera into oblivion! "

"Calm down (F/N)," Kayano put her hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

I sat back down next to Kayano, "Yeah yeah, but it's still not cool. Taking pictures of you girls in your bathing suits? Despicable! You may be beautiful but that is no excuse!"

Kayano blushed, "You think we're beautiful?" I nodded, "I wish, but... I'm flat as a pancake.." She looked down sadly.

I smiled at her, "Hey, look. I don't have large breasts, and I like it that way. (A/N Sorry if you do, it just fits the storyline) It's actually very helpful when it comes to assassination. You can fit into small spaces that would otherwise be impossible with a large bosom. Plus, it doesn't hurt when you hug someone, and it's easier to fit into my armor when anyone insults my friends." I smiled evilly, imaginary devil horns growing from my head.

Kayano smiled, and Rio sweat dropped. "Anyway.... you never told us anything about you. You've just been listening to us rant this entire time."

"Aww... but I like listening to you," I winked, "I guess I could tell you a few things about myself. You see, I'm a professional assassin called the Mad Hatter. I used to have a partner, but... something bad happened. I'm pretty smart, and get great grades. I'm pretty lazy, and I looove (f/f). And... that's pretty much it."

"You're an assassin?" Kaede questioned. "You don't really seem like any assassin we've met."

"What happened to your partner?" Rio asked, "Was it a girl or a boy? Did they die?"

"Woah woah," I put my hands up in an 'I surrender' pose, "One at a time. Kaede, yes I am an assassin. I'm a bit different because I'm not very good with... people." They nodded in understanding, "My partner was a boy, and I don't really like talking about it. We had a... falling out. Maybe I'll tell you more some other time, just... not today.

"Oh. Sorry (F/N), I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Rio looked down.

"It's fine. If we hadn't gone our seperate ways, I never would have met you guys and all of E-class. So, I'm glad." I put up a smile, even though I really didn't feel like it. "But it is getting late, so you guys should be heading home. I'll walk you." I payed for the food, and we left the café, laughing and joking as we made our way to their homes.



HAH! I wrote a chapter! Happy now Sammy?

Sammy: This chapter sucks! It was only 889 words!

Shut up! *ahem ahem* Tomorrow they go back to school! Will we finally get to see (F/N) and Okuda's assassination plan? Will it work? *cough* no *cough* What is (F/N) hiding? Who was this mysterious partner?

We know, but you'll have to find out in the next chapter!

-Isabel The Lazy

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