First Kiss - Ending

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"Kayano," the concerned (h/c)-haired girl settled herself next to the silent greenette, "what's wrong?"

A short silence ensued before the muffled words of the girl could be heard, "I'm fine."

"Dumbass," (Y/N) sighed and Kayano glanced up in shock before quickly lowering her head back to her knees, "It's obvious you've been crying. I'm not dumb, I can see that you're eyes are all puffy, and why else would you be all alone? You usually love hanging out with the others."

"I told you, I'm fine," she choked back an obvious sob, "I'm not crying."

(Y/N) was silent for a moment before she wrapped her arms around Kayano and pulled the girl toward her, "It's okay to cry, it doesn't make you weak. I want you to understand that I'll always be here for you. I know you're sad, so tell me what you need. Do you want me to hold you, help you, or just listen?"

Kayano began to cry, finally letting the tears flow as she hugged her (h/c)-haired friend close, "Just..."

"It's okay," (Y/N) comforted, "I'm not going to let go." Kayano nodded, and they sat together as she bawled her eyes out against (Y/N)'s chest. (Y/N) began to sing, hoping to calm the girl's flowing tears.

(A/N You don't need to listen, but it's a good song.)

When the girl finally calmed, she looked up at the (s/c) face of the girl who stole her heart, "I'm ready to talk." (Y/N) smiled as a prompt to continue, "I-it's just that... today is my sister's birthday. Akira... she was all I had left, and now... she's gone... He killed her."

(Y/N) eyes widened, "Akira... is your sister?"

Kayano nodded, "Did you know her?"

(Y/N) smiled sadly, "Yeah... her fiancé is-... was my Uncle. Yanagisawa... The man who ruined so many lives." Kayano pulled back from the hug and stared in shock, unable to speak. (Y/N) leaned her head back to look at the sky, "Do you... do you hate me now?"

Kayano waved her hands in front of her face rapidly, "N-no! I could never hate you! It's not your fault!"

(Y/N) chuckled, "You know, Yanigasawa and Akira were supposed to get married. Whether or not you believe in destiny, our families were meant to be intertwined together, but I'd much rather have you as my girlfriend... if you'd have me." A dark blush formed across both girl's cheeks, "I mean, you were my first kiss."

Kayano closed her eyes and took a deep breath, leaning in and pressing her lips against (Y/N)'s. (Y/N) smirked, "I'll take that as a yes."


Extended Ending

"By the way," the greenette hid her smirk, "you said our families were meant to be intertwined, right?"

"Yup," the (h/c)-haired girl tilted her head, looking at the girl.

"Then that means you're supposed to propose to me, doesn't it?"

"Yup," (Y/N) pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a green ring pop, and wiping the smug face right off her girlfriend.

"HUH!?" Kayano blushed a bright red and fell backward, met by the laughter of (Y/N).

"So," the (h/c)-haired girl smiled, "if we make it through high school, will you marry me?"

"YES!" Kayano lept at her girlfriend embracing her in a tight hug, "So you better make it through high school with me."


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