Secrets Unveiled

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Definitely not my art, I could never do that. ^^


I blocked another attack from the Mafia goons, dodging and attacking, taking down enemy after enemy. I was doing a pretty good job, but my mind was still on the incident from yesterday, and that was my biggest mistake.

Okuda POV

Walking at the back of the group, I could hear the whole conversation without having to voice my opinion. I've always been the shy, back of the class, good girl, and I was afraid that if I opened my mouth to comment, I might say something that would negatively affect my image. Don't get me wrong, I was beyond angry at what Asano had done, but even if I had the power to do anything, I don't want to get (Y/N) in trouble for it... I sighed and shook my head, 'no use thinking about it now.' Looking up, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move in the alley. I called the others over, and we walked into the alley, Karma and I leading the way. I gasped as my eyes took in the broken and bloodied body, (h/l) (h/c) hair plastered to a (s/c) face. Karma and Nagisa rushed to (Y/N)'s side, while Kayano immediately pulled out a phone and dialed the hospital. Rio and I tried to stop (Y/N)'s bleeding, but there was only so much we could do.

When the emergency vehicle came, and we, somehow, managed to all squeeze into the seats, we were quickly rushed to the hospital. (Y/N) was brought to a surgery prep room, but not a single nurse or doctor dared to come near the room. Karma stalked up to one of the nurses with pretty brown hair and blue eyes and demanded to know why no one was treating (Y/N).

The nurse shivered, "That girl deserves to die, she's a monster!"

Nagisa, (the sweet kid he is), tried not to get angry, "And why exactly is that?"

She glared at the door behind us where our injured classmate lie, "She's a murderer! No one would dare go near her for fear what happened last time will happen again. She--"

"That's enough." A stern voice halted the woman's gossip. The voice belonged to a doctor with brown hair and bright blue eyes, "I know how you feel about her Lillian, but we have to help. Not only because we're in the medical field, but because of..."

"I know..." The woman, now identified as Lillian, sighed, "Frances, I'll start the prep, get ready for surgery... and call mom. She needs to see the girl."

Nagisa POV

After the surgery had ended, we were called into an office, where we were met with three people. Two of which were the people we had met before, Frances and Lillian, but the third seemed at least 20 years older. She must be the mother they had spoken about. She had long reddish-orange hair and green eyes, even her skin seemed tinted slightly green. She stepped forward to introduce herself, "My name is Pamela Isley, these are my children, Frances Hartford, and Lillian Danvers."

Obviously the different last names were because of marriage, but, "Why do you look so different from your kids?"

"Karma!" Rio scolded, but he just shrugged it off.

"Oh, it's alright," Pamela said, "These aren't my biological kids, my wife and I adopted two wonderful children before... Anyway, you must be friends with (Y/N)!"

I nodded, "You know her?"

"Not personally," she replied, "but my wife used to be a doctor here, she would come home and tell me about the patients she had that day, but for weeks, all that woman could talk about was (Y/N) and what a great kid she was."

"Mom made a promise," Frances continued, "that she would help (Y/N) get better... but she died before she could get the chance."

"(Y/N) murdered her," Lillian growled.

"Lillian," Pamela's voice was stern but sad, "I know something must have happened. Harleen was usually assigned to the suicide victims or those with mental instability, but (Y/N) was doing better..." She shook her head sadly, "I know it's an invasion of privacy, but you should know about this. Before I tell you the story, you should probably watch this.

(Video is the flashback from chpt. 20 'Mom' and chpt. 21 'Promises')

"Harleen promised to save (Y/N). She's gone now, and I know it's a lot to ask, but please, fulfill her promise? Save (Y/N)."

Kayano took Pamela's hand in hers and looked her in the eye, "We promise. We'll help your wife save (Y/N)."

Pamela smiled, and Frances stepped up to me, "I knew her when I was younger, (Y/N)'s a good kid, she's just... a little bit...



A/N Sorry it's short, the next part will be out tomorrow as usual.

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