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(A/N Please ignore the Evil Kermit. My sister refuses to let me erase it.)

Chapter 25!

We had just finished the regular events for the sports fest, and it was finally time for the pole toppling game. The opposite team had some buff as hell people on their team, but I really didn't care, "KILL THEM ALL!!!" I yelled as I was held back by my classmates. I struggled to escape their grasp, continuing to shout, "No! Lemme go! Bow down to me peasants!"

Karma came up and hit me on the back of the head, while the annoying voice of the announcer reverberated through the stands, "We have a special guest on the field today, the E-class Princess, the cold-hearted Demon from Hell, (L/N) (Y/N)!"

"I'm not some Princess!" I shook my fist at the announcer, "I'm a f***ing Queen!!"

"I'm starting to feel bad for A-class," I could hear the people in the stands talking amongst themselves, "Yeah, (Y/N) seems really pissed."

'Of course, I'm pissed! That damn Asano almost kissed me! Though, seeing Kayano like that was almost worth it. She's kinda hot when she's evil.'

I shook myself out of my thoughts and focused back on the game, blocking out the voices of the crowd and announcer. The only thing that mattered was the game, I had to win. My teammates stood with their backs against the pole, and I sat on the grass, waiting for my turn to strike. The offense ran straight at us, but none of us even flinched. Yoshida and Muramatsu broke from the pack and rushed to stop the other team, only to be tossed aside violently. 'All part of the plan.' I stifled a laugh as Karma mimicked the other team's accent. (A/N They spoke like cowboys, is that really what people think of America? Mira: ... Sammy: Yes, absolutely. No offense, of course.) The opposing team stopped the conversation and rushed straight at our defense, but were blocked by 'operation tentacles.' The boys all jumped into the air, dogpiling onto the four linebackers, and Itona jumped onto the top of the pole, pushing it down and pinning them down. Now we're really playing. I closed my eyes, waiting for the order to strike.

"(Y/N)!" Isogai's voice sounded in my brain, "Now!"

I ran to the pole where Asano stood, a smirk wavering on his face, meeting Yoshida and Muramatsu right as they jumped to grab Asano. E class rushed up behind me as I roughly began to throw my opponents away from their pole. E class grabbed Asano but were thrown from their position by Asano's martial arts skills. This was where I came in, I jumped as high as I could, landing on Asano's shoulders, and being thrown roughly to the side. I grabbed the pole just in time and swung around, wrapping my legs around his waist in order to keep him still. "Check." I huffed, slightly out of breath. I grabbed his shoulders and Asano tried his hardest to pry my hands away, but it was too late. Isogai linked his hands together, and Itona jumped to the top of the pole, dragging it down with him. Asano's eyes widened, and he ripped my hands off his shoulders, pushing me away, but I refused to unwrap my legs, and Asano came tumbling off with me. The pole hit the ground with a thump, Itona jumping off just in time to not be crushed. Our classmates began to cheer as the E-class team celebrated their success. I would have joined them, but I was staring wide-eyed at Asano who was leaning over me, pinning me to the ground. (Picture above ^^)

I gaped as Asano's surprised expression turned into a smirk. I wanted to look away, yet somehow I couldn't as Asano leaned down, lessening the space between our faces. His lips were a mere inch from mine when he was roughly pulled back by an angry Karma. Rio and Kayano rushed over to us from the stand and stood protectively in front of me as Nagisa offered me his hand. I stood up with a bit of help from Nagisa and walked to stand in between Rio and Kayano. Karma held Asano by the collar, glaring at the smirking boy, while Kayano yelled at him, "What did I tell you about kissing (Y/N)?! Don't you dare come near her!"

I put a hand gently on Kayano's shoulder to calm her, and she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a hug. Rio took her turn to glare at Asano, slapping him twice before turning back around and dragging me and Kayano away from the scene.


I ran through the hallway, ignoring the confused glances of the main campus students, and slammed open the door to the Principal's office. There he stood, not a speck of dust on him, standing above the bloodied bodies of the four linebackers from before. Asano was backed against the wall, trying hard not to show his terror. I growled, walking toward the principal, "Leave them be, Gakuho."

The principal turned toward me, his usual evil smile plastered on his face, "And why would I do that?"

"You said it yourself," I stopped just in front of the principal, looking up at him with a glare, "I've got some tricks up my sleeves. Except, this time," I flung my arm to the side, a knife sliding into my hand, "it's more dangerous than a little blackmail."

Principal Asano's evil grin widened as he looked at me, "Go." Though he looked at me, it was obvious who he was talking to, and the Exchange students struggled to stand, rushing out of the office with Asano walking behind them.

When the door closed, I turned back to Gakaho, "I have one more thing to say. I know all about your past, the way you taught before, and what happened because of it. I know all your secrets Principal Asano."

Gakaho's eyes widened, and I continued, "As much fun as this little game of ours was, I'm going to have to end it now." I put away my knife, replacing it with a black king and tossing it to him, "CheckMate."


A/N I know we said we were going to write only a few more chapters, but we still have a lot of stuff we want to get in, and nothing else to do with our lives.

Well, I at least, have nothing better to do with my time.


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