Finals Part 2

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The finals were over, and it was time to get our grades, but I wasn't worried. I sat back nonchalantly, as I knew I would do well on the tests.

"Alrighty class, this is it. The test scores are in." A long dramatic pause ensued, before Koro-Sensei continued, "Without further ado~, the English portion.... first in E-class... oho~ first in the entire grade, Nakamura, Rio!"

Everyone cheered as Rio fanned herself with a paper, "That's right!"

I smiled at Rio, and winked, "Nice job! Pretty and smart, what a catch." I smirked slightly as I saw her ears turn pink.

"Bravo my dear, I'm glad to see my misgivings about you're enthusiasm were unfounded." Koro-sensei held out her test paper as Rio walked toward the front of the class.

"Hey, nothing comes between this girl and the promise of cash. There is the little matter of your tentacle, right, you haven't forgotten?"

"Perish the thought." The octo-teacher's face turned red with a circle, before he continued to hand out the other papers.

I wasn't really paying attention, but I caught the gist of it. Basically, Kanzaki got first in E-class for Japanese, but that (kind-of hot) jerk Gag-ashuu got first in the grade; In Social Studies, Isogai got first in E-class and in the whole grade; Okuda got first in the whole grade for Science; and more.

"But..." Koro-sensei looked a bit confused, "(Y/N), where are your grades?" I smirked and held up my papers, "100 in every subject, first place over-all! (Y/N)! You didn't tell us you're so smart!"

I shrugged, "You didn't ask."

-Time Skip-

I walked toward Karma as he stood under the tree with his crumpled up test paper, "Yo! Ranga! I can't believe how horrible you did on the finals, I mean, I thought you were smart! You should try studying next time. Trying to get by on luck and attitude alone? Well you saw how that turned out," I smirked, "with a massive screw up." Karma turned red in embarrassment and anger, and shoved past me in anger. I smiled sadly, "I know... I know how hard it is to lose. But if you give up when the problem is as unimportant as this, you won't be able to get back up when you need to.

You never really fail, until you decide it's best to not get up at all.


"It's always the same, they always leave. Why does everyone I love always leave! Why do they leave me alone in the dark? I can't take it anymore. I can't...



Stop... Please... Don't leave my alone in the darkness of my own mind...



Someone... someone save me...



That's right. I'm just a broken doll, an unwanted toy. Maybe they're right. Maybe it'd be best if I just disappeared. After all, broken things are always thrown away.

-Time Skip-

"You're pathetic. No wonder everyone leaves you in the end. No one wants you (Y/N). Just die."

Stop it... stop it. STOP. STOP! "STOP! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! JUST SHUT UP!" I couldn't bear it, I'd endured so much, and everyday was the same thing: endure, stay silent, repeat. I didn't want the same old routine anymore; I didn't want any of this.

I held the tool in shaky hands. I was scared, and the tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. My vision was blurry, but I could see the glint of metal before me, the red substance that stained the steel from where I had pricked my finger. I had been left by everyone I cared about, but maybe... maybe it was for the better. My brother... I'm sorry, I can't bare the thought that you have to see me like this... broken. Michael... "I'm coming."

(A/N I wrote a memoir, and most of this flashback I got from my memoir and just edited it to match the storyline. Thankfully, I'm still alive. : )


I opened my eyes to see the white ceiling above me, my nose was assaulted by the smell of Insulin and Iodoform(antiseptic). "She's awake!" my vision was blocked by the relieved faces of men and women in masks and white lab coats. I struggled to move, but my arms were held down by restraints. I was terrified, who knew what these people would do to me! "Oh," a woman with beautiful blue eyes squeezed my hand comfortingly, "You must be scared right now, but don't worry. You're in the hospital right now, we had to put restraints on you because we were afraid you would hurt yourself again, but we'll take them off soon. Just try to stay calm and rest a bit, okay? You've obviously been through a lot."

I stopped struggling. Why was this woman being so nice to me? Didn't she know how destroyed I am? How I hurt everyone around me? "Why? Why do you care about me?"

I couldn't see her mouth behind her mask, but I could tell she was smiling by the crinkle around her eyes, "I'm a doctor, but I'm also a mother. I don't claim to know what you've been through, or that I've felt your pain, but this is the reason I became a doctor." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Because I want to save people. I can't help people with their personal problems, I can't cure depression, but I can give people a second chance. A chance to get back up.

"No matter how many times you fall, If you get back up and keep living... you'll never fail."

-Flashback End-

"Okey Dokey class! A fine showing on the finals, you managed to snag the top spot in 3 out of 5 subjects. Let's get this assassination attempt out of the way, shall we? 3 students can pick whichever tentacle they like."

"Hold up octopus! What's this BS about us only having the top three spots?" Terasaka questioned.

As Terasaka and his goons argued with Koro-sensei about Home Ec being a subject, I cringed and looked at my test paper on Home Ec: 87. I don't understand. I can cook... kind of... okay, I can heat stuff up in the microwave, but still! How did Teraseka get a higher grade than me? I hit my head against the wall as I internally cried about getting a worse score than a total dumbass. But, I guess seven tentacles was worth it. "Sigh."

Karma looked at me from across the room with a look that said, 'did you seriously just say *sigh*?' I glared at him and looked away, only to find that I had missed a lot more than I thought. What was this about going on a school trip?

"YAY!!!" I cried, "VACATION!!" I paused and thought for a moment before thoughtfully saying, "If I get an assassination job on the class trip, I'll get even more famous as an assassin, and they'll never expect it's me because E class isn't even supposed to be going on the trip! This is brilliant!" The class slumped and sighed. "Hey! It's a good plan."

"Always thinking about assassinations, (Y/N). Try to have some fun for once," Karma commented, "Oh wait... you probably don't even know how to have fun."

"I do so!" I hopped off of my spot on Ritsu, and stormed toward Karma, pressing my forehead against his and glaring. "Just shut up you... you overgrown... Elmo!" Karma just looked at me with an unreadable expression, "Right? I mean, Elmo is red..." I stepped back putting my hand on my chin thoughtfully.

Class POV

'So cute!'


A/N 1234 words! Yes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm working on my writing skills, so I hope you felt SOME kind of emotion when reading this chapter.

I wanted to come up with an original nickname, but I couldn't think of one, so I just looked up 'Things that are red' on Google.

Anyway, next time, we'll be doing... something. I have no idea what to do in the next chapter.. Yay!




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