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"I laughed because I want to cry,

I talk loud to keep my secrets silent,

I smile because I'm breaking inside,

Instead of the painful truth, I hide behind a beautiful lie."


As (Y/N) fell into hysterics, Doctor Quinzel wrapped her arms around the child's small figure and hugged her close, "(Y/N)..." even dying, the doctor managed to smile, "I promised to save you. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to you in time." (Y/N) tried to get her to stop talking, but she continued, "Promise me one thing before I go? Promise that you won't waste that second chance I gave you."

"I-I promise."


"Please don't leave!"

"I won't..."

"You're the only true mother I ever had!"



"(Y/N)... I love you..."

"I love you, too..."

"Don't forget me."

"Please, don't go..."


"Doctor Quinzel..."




"No! Please, please... mom..."


"She's dead," the dark-haired man stood before the crying (e/c) eyed girl, "Now there's nowhere for you to go, and no one for you to turn to. So come with me, I am the only family you have left."

"You are NOT my family! Lovro is my real uncle! We may not be related by blood, but he's more my family than you'll EVER  be!" (Y/N) denounced him, struggling to her feet.

"I'm certain that soon enough, you'll find that you will never belong anywhere and come running back to me. I'll be your white knight, in a world of darkness." The man turned to leave, "I'm sure we'll meet again, my little (Y/N)." And with that, he was gone, and (Y/N) collapsed again, crying as she hugged her knees and let darkness overtake her.


"They caught that girl again?"

"Yeah, we put her on floor 4."

"Floor 4?"

"The floor for the most violent and unstable patients?"

"But she doesn't seem to be too dangerous. She's just a kid."

"You're new here, so you haven't heard the stories, but she escaped once, and killed over half the people at the institution."

"Plus, the reason she was here the first time is that, at the age of 5, she killed her entire family."

"This time, she killed all the employees at the hospital that took her in to treat her injuries. Only two people, the teenage children of one of the employees there, survived."

"Poor kids had to watch her brutally kill their parent."

"Wow, I think I might just use those saved up vacation days."

"I don't think anyone wants to go anywhere near that monster."

As the doctors conversed about their new patient, the subject of their conversation lay in the corner of her padded room, crying, all alone.


Days later, the patient had finally stopped crying, but her eyes remained empty, void of emotion. She barely ate and refused to speak. The doctors, who had earlier been afraid, had begun to grow worried. None of them managed to get the child to even move from her corner, so they decided it was time to bring in the big guns. Doctor Dionysus was able to pry into the minds of anyone and affect their sanity. When he opened the door to the fourth-floor room and stepped inside, the (h/c) haired girl finally looked up as a shiver ran down her spine. He told the story of what had happened in the hospital room; a man entering, a girl murdering, and everything in between.

When he told of the death of the kind doctor, he finally received a reaction, yet it was not the one he was expecting. The girl jumped up, glaring at the doctor before her, and plunged her hand into his chest, ripping out his heart, "She isn't dead. She can't be! She promised! She told me she wouldn't leave!" Kicking the door with all the force she could muster, and it shattered into pieces, as she ran through the broken frame, searching for the lost doctor.


"No," she kneeled on the grass as she stared at the circle of light her torch made ahead of her, "She's not gone. She told me she wouldn't leave. She told me she would save me! She said she loved me... how could she leave me..." She caressed the newly built gravestone, "Doctor Harley Quinzel. Loving mother... of two..." Her view was blocked as a torrent of water gushed from her eyes. She seemed to have an endless amount of tears to shed, yet no way to stop the cause of them. Wiping away her tears, (Y/N) began to laugh. It just wasn't fair. It was so pathetic it was funny. How could one little girl carry such a burden, how could one little girl destroy everything around her? Why did that one little girl have to be her?

"It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over."


"I'll kill you... Uncle Yanigasawa."

--Flashback Over--

Quote by Jim Morrison

(A/N Thank you Uncle, and I'm sorry I was never there to wipe your tears)

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