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As the others talked, I strolled up to the man stealing the underwear, "These people, leaving their underwear out in the open like this? And they wonder why anyone would steal it." I sighed, "So, Mr., why are you cosplaying as Celty and stealing clothes? Jk, I know the answer! I betcha, Yan-SHIRO, is right around the bend preparing a trap for our teacher. Am I right or am I totally right?" The man started to run and I roundhouse kicked him straight into the grasp of Koro-sensei, who ripped off the helmet to expose, "Karasuma's underling. Can't say I expected that." Koro-sensei began to ask him questions when the trap sprung, walls popping up from all sides and surrounding him, "That I did expect. Well, this isn't my fight, so I'll take a quick nap. Wake me when one of them dies."


I opened one eye in annoyance as Koro-sensei's annoying voice broke through my thoughts, "Well, there you have it, Shiro. I suggest you go quietly and leave him to E-class. Also... I'D APPRECIATE IT IF YOU'D SPREAD THE WORD THAT I AM NOT, IN FACT, AN UNDERWEAR THIEF!!"

"AND TELL PEOPLE I'M A B-CUP! GOT IT!? B-CUP!" Kayano added.

As I was still groggy from waking up, I groaned, "But pancakes are yummy..." Kayano blushed and covered her face with her hands while the others stared at me in disbelief. I shrugged off their stares and looked up at Shiro, "Y'know... you remind me of someone..."

"I believe you are mistaken, we have only recently met, (Y/N)," Shiro droned, "Besides," Itona screamed and fell from Koro-sensei's tentacles, "it seems you have more pressing matters to attend to."

"It hurts!" Itona groaned in pain.

"ITONA!" Koro-sensei and I shouted in worry.

"It hurts! Feels like my head's gonna burst!"

"That would be the agony of defeat," Shiro informed, "his tentacles are gnawing away at his brain."

"Hang in there Itona!"

"Seems losing to you a third time was quite the blow. Failing to carry out this little scheme of mine is clearly more than he can bear."

"Damn you, Shiro!" I jumped up and threw a punch toward his face, but he dodged by a millimeter.

"Now, now, (Y/N). Shouldn't you be more worried about taking care of poor Itona? This is goodbye Itona," he began to walk away.

"Hey, come back here!" Koro-sensei questioned, "How could you call yourself his guardian?"

"Asks the monster playing classroom. Why feign concern when all you really do is destroy? Mark my words, I will not tolerate your existence. In the end, I'll kill you."

"Shut the Hell up!" I ordered, "Both of you! We have better things to do than worry about that Pillock!" Just as I said that Itona super-jumped out of sight, and Koro-sensei promptly collapsed.

"Koro-sensei!" The class worried.

"Duffer," I huffed.

"Don't worry, I'm just pooped. Nothing a little rest won't fix." Koro-sensei laughed.


"Your human side is finally starting to show," Koro-sensei noted, "that's a positive sign."

"Big brother," Itona looked up.

"I prefer Koro-sensei if you please, a much more appropriate name I think."

"Promise not to go all nuclear on us, okay?" Terasaka seemed surprisingly calm, "We've been through a lot of crap tonight because of you, but come quietly and we're willing to let it slide. So just, you know..."

"Shut your face," Itona growled, "We fight. Come at me, right now!"

"You heard him Terasaka," I glared, "shut your face. And Itona," I turned to face the boy in question, "as hot as you look when you're all pissed and stuff, I'm still a bit too tired to fight right now. Would you mind coming peacefully? We can fight or whatever in the morning, but it's past my bedtime and I missed my afternoon nap."

The class looked at me weird again, and Itona seemed to pause for a moment. A light blush spread across his cheeks before promptly disappearing, "Oh dear!" Smoke bombs exploded around us, "This is anti-me powder!"

"Casting my ward adrift was all part of the plan Koro-sensei," Shiro and his gang appeared from the smoke, "Come along Itona. You have one last duty to fulfill." A net was thrown at Itona, trapping him, as the goons grabbed him and loaded him onto the truck, "Rescue him. You are his teacher."

I felt kind of bad leaving the class behind, but, as I ran after the truck, I realized it was probably for the best. They would probably just slow me down, anyway. Plus, that man seemed so familiar, I needed to find out who was hiding under that mask. Also, he's got one of my fr-, I mean, he might fetch a hefty price if I turn him into the government.


"There you are," I stepped out from the shadows, panting a bit from the long run.

"Are you here for Itona?" The hooded man asked.

"On the contrary, Shiro," I walked slowly toward him, "I'm here to see you."

"Oh?" he faked confusion, "and for what reason would that be?"

"I think you know exactly why I'm here," I stopped a few meters from his position, aware of the guards closing in around me, "Who are you, Shiro? How do I know you?"

"How you know me?" Shiro answered, "You'll have to figure that out yourself. As for who I am... shouldn't you know? I'm the white knight."

I stepped back in shock. I knew that line from somewhere, I just couldn't remember exactly where I had heard it before, "Wait, are you-" something heavy collided with my skull, and I heard a faint 'oops' before the world faded to black.


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