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Written: April 8, 2019

It's Saturday morning and I'm rushing around my house in a panic. Gotta have snacks and drinks, the house has to be clean, the project materials have to be ready. AHHH!!

So, yeah... I'm a professional assassin and I'm partially insane, but I am just HORRIBLE in social situations. "How am I supposed to make small talk? How do I know when I should talk? What do I-"

I was interrupted by Alex hitting me upside the head with her shoe. "Calm thyself! It's just a few hours, and this person can't say anything bad about you. You're great, and if they do," she suddenly grew a dark aura, "I will kill her."

I smiled, Alex uses... unconventional ways, but she always knows how to calm me down. "You're right, I shouldn't be worried. This'll be awesome!"

dunununununun dununununun BATMAN~ (A/N our brother programed our doorbell to sing this everytime someone rings it, and I find it hilarious, so I just had to put it in.

"I'll get the door." Alex said, jumping over to the door while trying to put her shoe on at the same time. She opened the door to a nervous looking Okuda. "Go on in, I'm just heading out. See ya (N/N)!"

"U-um..." Okuda pulled her braid nervously.

"Sorry Okuda, that's my housemate, Alex. She's a bit weird... anyway, come in! I have snacks and drinks ready!" I gently grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the living room. I sat her down on the couch and sped over to the kitchen for the food.

As we munched on cookies and milk, I decided I should start up a conversation. "So, I have a brilliant plan, and I need your science skills to help me. I want you to help my build a freeze ray! Yeah, it sounds crazy, but I'm sure with my knowledge of weapons, and your scientific prowess we can make the best freeze ray ever!" I realized I was get all worked up, and I sat down muttering a faint 'sorry' with a slight blush prominent on my cheeks.

I looked up in shock as I heard Okuda giggle. She smiled, and she didn't seem so nervous around me anymore. "It's fine (Y/N), I think this project will be really fun, and... I'm glad you think so highly of my knowledge of science." She looked at her lap and fidgeted nervously, "I mean, it's not really much of a help when it comes to assassination, so I'm pretty much useless..."

"No way." she looked taken aback by my serious expression, but I couldn't help it. I know how it feels to feel useless. It's horrible, and I couldn't let anyone go through that. Especially not someone as sweet and innocent as Okuda. "You aren't useless. I heard about your poisoning skills. If our teacher was a normal human he would be dead! Sure it's not the best way of assassinating by offering the poison straight up, but all you need is a team! And that's what you have in E class. A team. In fact, if it weren't for your scientific knowledge, this freeze ray would be a dud before I even started! So let's get to work! Let's prove to all those A class drongos what we're made of!"

With that, I pulled her upstairs to the science lab, and excitedly began explaining the details of the project. She would be cooking up the freezing solution, while I was to build the gun. I was so excited I was literally jumping in joy. I know, an assassin acting so immature? But I just couldn't help it!


I held the gun steady, as Okuda slowly poured the mixture into the canister. When all the liquid was out of the beaker, I closed the tank, and Okuda set the beaker with the rest of the barrels of liquid. Of course, we made it in bulk, we gotta be prepared after all!

I smiled and hugged Okuda, "This was so much fun!" I handed her the gun and had her aim at the dummy in the corner of the room, "Will you do the honors?"

She looked shocked, but nodded and pulled the trigger. A blast shot from the weapon and fog filled the room. As soon as it cleared, we looked up to see that the Terasaka-look-alike (Get it? Dummy? HaHa... No? I'll just be going then...) was frozen in a thick veil of ice. "We... We did it!" She yelled, then immediatly covered her mouth, blushing.

I laughed, she's cute when she blushes, "Yeah we did!" I yelled as I high-fived her. She smiled, and we left the science lab. It was getting late, and it was time for her to go back home. I know that we spent the whole day together, but it was so much fun I wish it could have lasted longer.

She blushed, "Me too."

"Oh? Did I say that aloud?" I scratched the back of my neck as she giggled. She turned around and headed toward the door, but I stopped her. "Wait. It's getting dark, and you shouldn't be walking home alone. Let me take you home. Besides, I wanted to talk to you about my plan to assassinate the teacher." She smiled, and we talked quietly as I walked her home.

Today was a pretty good day.



You just hung out with sweet little Okuda, and actually had fun!


*cough* ahem. Anyway, you built a freeze ray and it was awesome! I didn't have time to write about your hangout with Kaede and Rio, so that'll be next chapter! What fun'll you have with them? What's your secret plan to assassinate Koro-Sensei?

Isabel: Will you ever find LOVE?

Shut up. Anyway, FIND OUT NEXT TIME!




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