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With the trip to Okinawa coming up, the class was working our butts off to train for the assassination vacation.

"Ugh.. you adorable brats! Go ahead, spend summer vacation working up a sweat. I'll be relaxing, thank you very much." Irina sighed as she relaxed in a beach chair.

You need this too, Proffesor Bitch." Mimura commented, "In fact, I'd say of everyone here, you need to level up the most."

"I'm an adult hon, we're sneaky. You'll go at him with that hard work, and I'll piggyback off you to steal the show."

"Will you now," A deep voice startled Irina from her smugness, "Some things can be counted on to never change."

"Lovro! Sir!" Irina screeched in surprise.

Lovro I jumped up and ran toward him from behind, making sure that my steps were silent and my presence well hidden. When I neared Lovro, I leapt as high as I could and fell toward him, grabbing him in a headlock. He flipped me off him and threw a punch toward my face, but I ducked and thrust my elbow toward his solar plexus. I just barely missed as he grabbed my arm and tried to pull it behind my back, but I flipped over him, and tried to sweep his legs. He jumpd forward, turning around mid-air, and threw a powerful kick at me. I leaned back far enough that his leg swept over me, missing by a hair's length. (It's great for limbo.) Lovro stepped back again, and I stood up before beginning to laugh as Lovro, very uncharacteristically swept me up in a hug. "Lovro!"

"(Y/N), I see you are doing well." He set me on the ground before turning to Irina, "Certainly better than my actual pupil." Irina shivered under his gaze, and I shook my head in sympathy, "Unless you want to fail, wear something respectable!!" Irina raced away in fear to change clothes.

"Hey (Y/N)," Kayano walked toward me, "How do you know Mr. Lovro?"

"He's like an uncle to me," I smiled sadly, "He... he's one of the people who saved me."

"Saved you?" Yada asked, "From what?"

I looked at the ground, as Lovro walked over to me, resting a hand on my shoulder, "From myself."


I walked down the dark alley, clutching my head in pain. A second chance. She gave me a second chance, and this time I won't waste it on such futile things as trust.

I watched as a businessman opened the door to his house, as his daughter jumped on him and held him in a tight hug. Smiles. Hugs. Laughter. It's not fair. Why do I have to watch everyone around me smile with their families, when all I got was Hell?

As I watched the streets, I saw a man and a woman stop in front of the businessman's house. The woman took out a key and opened the door to the house, was she his wife? But then who is the mysterious man that came with her? He was leaning against the brick wall of the house as if he was waiting for something. I studied him closely, almost forgetting the madness taking over my mind. Not even a minute had passed before the man looked straight at me, crossing the street calmly to stand right in front of me.

I backed up a bit, "What do you want?" I growled.

"(L/N) (F/N)."

"H-how do you know my name?"

"Ms. (L/N), also known as the Angel of Death."

"Don't EVER call me by my last name," I growled, "and by the way, the 'Angel of Death' is gone. I'm (F/N), the Mad Hatter."

"I see. Come with me."

"No way! Why would I go with you? I can't trust you!"

"Не можеш, али нећу те повредити. Ви сте обећавајући убица, пратите ме." (You can not, but I will not hurt you. You are a promising killer, follow me.)

"Како бисте знали?" (How would you know?)

"Because I spoke in Serbian, and you answered in the same tongue. If you can speak multiple languages so easily, you can go anywhere. And if the reaper had an interest in you, you must be very strong." The man began to walk away.

"Hey! I don't even know your name!"

He stopped only long enough to say, "Lovro Brovski."

(A/N Got it. Lovro Broski, right?)

My eyes widened, I recognize this. This moment. When he left me. I can't trust this man... but... maybe it wouldn't hurt to follow him for now. I can protect myself after all. "Хвала вам." (Thank you.)

--Flashback Over--


A/N Wrote this at 9:50, and just woke up, so it might not be very good.

Next chapter will be the assassination (or part of it at least)

Side note: They were speaking Serbian

!!!IMPORTANT QUESTION!!! Should we finish this story up soon, and have them confess during the cave part, or should we keep going?


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