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"This sucks," I groaned, as I looked at the file in my hands. I won't have the pleasure of seeing my classmates wipe that creepy smirk off of Asano's damn face. I sighed as I re-read the papers. I had gotten an assassination request the day of the games, but at least I would have the opportunity to get out my anger. "Here we go." I sighed, rolling off my bed to get ready for my job.


I had no idea why, but the request told me to kill some rich business mogul. Though I don't know the reason, I don't necessarily care. The job had a high pay, and it was supposed to be difficult, so I had no complaints. I needed something to get my mind off of school troubles.

I looked up at the building, towering above me. The man, was supposedly staying on the 5th floor suite in this hotel. Going in through the front door would be too difficult, so I decided to simply climb up the walls. Making sure my (h/l) (h/c) hair was tied up, I pulled on my gloves and grabbed onto the closest windowsill, heaving myself up. I repeated the process until I reached a 5th floor window. I pulled out a suction cup and glass cutter, and press the suction cup onto the glass. As I was preparing the glass cutter, I... dropped it. I groaned in anguish and simply kicked a hole in the window. I slipped through the broken window and landed on a pile of broken glass. I had made it in, but when I looked up....


I had landed in the laundry room, and it was full of security guards. I guess they like to flirt with the laundry people, but I was in huge trouble. The guards started shouting and rushing toward me, a few reaching for their guns. I would usually only kill those I was hired to kill but...

I sighed, letting instinct take over as I mercilessly slaughtered the men and women in the room. As I fought, I let my mind drift.


I was curled up in the corner rocking back and forth. I giggled, and, with widened eyes, repeated the phrases I had been saying for three days straight. "Daddy died, Mommy cried, Brother passed away." I giggled again and continued to repeat nonsensical words to myself.

In Another Room

The men looked at the footage of the young, 5 year old girl. They had found her in her house, covered in blood, and holding a human heart close to her chest. She had been giggling insanely, but the doctors had merely assumed it was because she had watched her whole family die in front of her. They were discussing her mental condition in hushed tones, until the little girl's voice suddenly stopped. They turned to the monitor to see the child with a wicked grin, her arms were covered in bloody scratches, as if she had clawed at them. She turned to look at the camera, and the doctors shuddered. Her eyes showed so much murderous intent, that it was terrifying.

"Daddy's drunk. Mommy's stoned. Brother saved my life. Michael died, Mommy cried, Daddy had a knife!"

The doctors were surprised to be hearing this new information, but the little girl wasn't done yet.

"Daddy had a heart. I ripped it out myself. Mommy had a brain. I saw it go SPLAT when the car tires came."

The doctor's couldn't beleive what they were hearing. She had killed her parents? Why would such a sweet little girl do such a thing?

She started giggling and screaming out, "I killed them. I KilLed ThEm. I KiLlEd ThEM. I kIlLeD tHeM!" she quieted down again, before whispering, "I'll kill you too."

--Flashback Over--

I stepped over the bodies of the fallen guards, and past the carcasses of the poor maids, to the door. I had slipped an extra maid's uniform over my outfit, so I could blend in as a hotel worker. Using this disguise, I calmly walked through the hallway looking for the room number.


I looked up at the man who had taken me in. After I had escaped the mental hospital, I had been roaming around Japan with no place to go. I had been in a bit of a predicament when the man had saved me. I was known as 'The Angel of Death', as I had wanted, for killing all those evil people, but some considered me a murderer. I had killed a mob boss, and I had now been cornered by the rest of his men. I was most likely going to die, but that strange man killed them all, and saved my life! He asked me why I had become 'The Angel of Death', and I explained about the death of my brother and all that had happened that night. He promised me to teach me the ways of assassination, and he would make me his partner when I was ready. He told me he would take care of me, he told me he would be my new big brother, but that wouldn't last for long.

--Flashback Over---


(A/N) Yeah.... Sorry 'bout the short chapters. We just needed to get a chapter out there. Sorry we haven't updated in a while. Personal problems that I will not bother you with.

Anyway.... Cliff Hanger!! \_(o-o)_/ But, hope you enjoyed this glimpse into your past! I'll try to write more...


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