Tired Of Waiting - Ending

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I'd recommend playing the music now.

As the dark-haired girl continued her search through the forest for her missing classmate, she stopped at the edge of a clearing. Before her the (h/c)-haired girl stood, staring up at the clouds with a melancholic expression.

"I know you've got the best intentions
Just trying to find the right words to say
I promise I've already learned my lesson

"I'm so tired, sitting here waiting
If I hear one more 'Just be patient'
It's always gonna stay the same

"So let me just give up
So let me just let go"

She held her arms out, holding an invisible partner as she began to move. Her dance was simple at first, an amateur waltz in a square step.

"You don't know what it's like
You don't know what it's like

"Can't stop these feet from sinking
And it's starting to show on me
You're staring while I'm blinking
But just don't tell me what you see

"I'm so over all this bad luck
Hearing one more 'Keep your head up'
Is it ever gonna change?"

Twirling and spinning, her (h/l) (h/c) locks flew softly around her face. Her (e/c) eyes were closed as she danced to her song.

Okuda stood there, mesmerised at the beauty in front of her, dancing as if all her burdens had been lifted for this one song.

"Let me just stop trying
Let me just stop fighting
I don't want your good advice
Or reasons why I'm alright

"You don't know what it's like
You don't know what it's like

"Don't look at me like that
Just like you understand
Don't try to pull me back"

Her steps slowed as she neared the end of the song.

"Let me just give up
Let me just let go
If this isn't good for me
Well, I don't wanna know

"Let me just stop trying
Let me just stop fighting
I don't want your good advice
Or reasons why I'm alright

"You don't know what it's like"

Okuda steeled herself for what could be the most terrifying moment of her life, and, taking deep breaths, straightened her skirt as she stepped out of the shade of the trees. She let a soft smile stretch across her face as she approached her prey. "Th-that was really good, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) spun around, her shocked expression soon replaced with a fiery blush, "You saw that?"

"Yeah..." Okuda began to fiddle with her braids, "but, I just wanted to say th-that I- I don't want you to give up. You worked really hard to get this far, and I don't want you to let go..."


"You said, i- in the song, that you're tired of waiting?" she took another deep breath, "Well, I am too... so I... I'm just gonna say it... (Y/N) I really really like you!" her voice rose at the end as she prepared for rejection.

"It's just, so hard. So hard to say those three words. Because I'm afraid. Afraid that if I say it I'll be committing, and if I commit, it'll be that much harder to lose you."

"You'll never lose me, I promise. I'll stay by your side no matter what. I know I can't wash away the blood or pull you from the darkness, it's a part of you, but I'll be your light. I'll stand by you in the darkest nights, and hold your hand when the nightmares come."

A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, "Promise?"


"Then, I... I really really like you too, Okuda."


Extended Ending

Behind the bushes, watching the scene before them, Yada brushed a fake tear from her eye, "That was so sweet!"

"Yeah, but I'm still sad Okuda got to her first," Kayano pouted.

"She was so assertive," Rio clutched her chest, "my little Okuda's all grown up."

"Didn't you like (Y/N) too, Rio?" Hinano questioned.

"Yeah, but they're just such a cute couple!" Rio fangirled.

"Thanks, but you shouldn't be spying. You're not Koro-sensei," a voice spoke from behind them.

"Well, yeah," Sugino commented, "but-" suddenly he stopped talking, and the entire spy squad slowly turned to look behind them. There stood (Y/N), one eyebrow raised, with Okuda hugging her from behind.

"Mine," Okuda whispered, just barely heard by the class, and the (h/c)-haired girl who smirked at her girlfriend's protectiveness.

"Hehe... oops...?" Koro-sensei nervously chuckled.











A/N Voila! Ending #2! Okuda x Reader!

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