Too Late

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"(Y/N)," the yellow octopus lay one of his tentacles on my shoulder, "I know it's hard, but you need to tell us the rest of the story. I understand why you would hide these things from us, but you're part of E class now. You're part of our family. There's no need to run from your demons anymore."

"We're here for you, (N/N)," the green-haired pudding queen hugged me gently, "and we won't leave you."

"No matter how much you want us too," Fuwa joked.

I looked up, a sad smile playing on my lips, "It's too late."


Leaving a trail behind me, I exited my childhood prison. Turning to look only as my bottle was empty. Sitting on the cobblestone I watched as the sunset shone through the grimy windows, making it seem as if the old townhouse was finally burning to the ground, bringing with it all those memories, good and bad. As I flicked aside the primer, I smiled as the image came to life before me. The warmth coming from the house chased away the chills in my bones, the lights dancing across my vision. Blue and orange waltzing in harmony to the crackling of the music as the invisible cassette spun on its wheel, needle skipping as sparks flew into the night sky before dying out as they fell to the earth. Grey snow staining my skin with the memories contained within those walls.

"Why is it that people fear the most magnificent things, yet worship the ugliest. Flames consume, they burn, they destroy, yet without it, the world would remain as cold as our hearts. The power of the thing that protects, yet cannot be touched is something out of a storybook. Look at the way the flames twirl among the coals, can't you see the beauty in the heart of the fire? It's the same beauty you can find when you paint the world in the colour of love."

"Видиш лепота у смрти?"

"These colours paint the world in the brightest hues. We live in darkness, yet are surrounded by light."

"Тама се квари."

"Као и ја"


"It's too late for me..."


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Видиш лепота у смрти? = You see beauty in death?

Тама се квари. = The darkness is corrupt.

Као и ја = As well as I.

BROKEN SECRETS (Assassination Classroom x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now