Why did you leave #2

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Its been 3 months since Shawn left me. I still don't know why. I thought we were perfect together. We loved each other. What about all those dates, cuddles, kissed we had? I can't just forget about them. As i buried myself in thoughts, there was a sudden knock at the door. Who could it be?

I got up to open the door. It was Amelia my  best friend. "Heeeeey y/n you look.... awful" Amelia said trying to sound as sympathetic as possible. "I know, i'm just not coping on my own" you replied. She was the one who set me up with Shawn. Niether of us understood why he left.

Amelia looked at me sadly, and said " y/n I know its hard, but you have to move on".

"How can I move on, its easier said than done"

"I know that.... which is why I set you up on a surprise date with somebody I know" Amelia said with a smirk

"You did WHAT!" I screeched 

Amelia said nothing she just laughed and pushed me towards my bedroom. "You're going on this date, i don't care what you say now come on lets get you dressed. I brought you a new outfit.

Maybe this date would be a good idea. It could take my mind of Shawn for a while, I thought.

I stared at myself in the mirror, feeling all kinds of things. What if I mess it up? What if the guy hates me? And who on earth is he?


"I'm coming" I yelled as I made my way down the staircase and into the car.


After around 15 - 20 minutes we finally arrived to the restaurant. My stomach started to feel all funny as i was feeling extremely nervous. 

"Ummmn Amelia, why do you look all shifty?" I questioned

"No comment, now get your ass inside, he'll be here in around 5 minutes."

I laughed as I made my way in. 

I gave my name to the waitress and she seated me on a table off too. I sad quietly and read the menu. 5 minutes passed. Nobody arrived. 10 minutes passed. I began to lose hope. I put my head down and began to sob quietly. All of a sudden, i felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and the sound of the chair screeching towards me.  I recognised the touch, i put my head up, it was Shawn. Shawn freaking Mendes. I didn't have the energy to talk, he could see the tears in my eyes.

"Y/n you look as beautiful as the first time I saw you, what are you doing here" Shawn said as he placed his warm hand on mines. I decided not to take it off beacuse it felt kinda right.

"Amelia set me up on a date, and he hasn't arrived".

Suddenly Shawn's eyes widened "Really y/n Amelia set me up on a date too, I was beginning to think she stood me up."

After a few seconds of thinking I realised what Amelia had done. She'd set us up.

"Oh that little dalek, she set us up"(a/n hehe a little Doctor who reference) I said as I giggled but quickly saddened again.

Shawn seemed to notice my change of expression because he soon asked "y/n whats wrong"

"Why did you leave, you know how much I love you."

"y/n, come on we need to have this conversation somewhere else. " Shawn stated sadlY

I nodded and quickly followed him. 

~ Skip ride there

I entered Shawn's family home. You see Shawn left me our home, and he  moved back in with his parents just temporarily as he searched for a new home. He gestured for me to sit down and so I did.

"So.. why did you leave? Was it because of me? Did you find someone else? Or did you just... fall out of love with me" I said saddened by the words I had just said. I never imagined myself in this position especially with Shawn.

"Oh god no I didn't fall out of love with you, and god no I would have never moved on with someone else, you can't see it y/n can you"

"See what Shawn, what am I missing"

"I'm not good enough for you. I keep leaving you for tour. What kind of boyfriend leaves his girlfriend alone. You deserve better than me" this time Shawn began to cry i hated seeing him like this

Quickly I stood up, I tried to speak but I couldn't instead I hugged Shawn tightly and placed my head on his chest crying. I whispered to him "You're way to good for me. I can't believe you ever chose me. I know you leave me for tour sometimes, but that's ok you always make up for it when you come back. I get it if you want to leave. I respect your decision" I said whipping my tears.

Shawn looked into my eyes and said "I need to do something first, before I go home"

I nodded sadly. Suddenly Shawn pulled me into his embrace and kissed me passionately.

"Wait. you're staying" I asked 

"Well YEP how could I have ever left you"

I laughed but then said "well then where were you going then."

"Home" he simply replied

"Isn't this your home"

He smirked and said "our home".

He began to get ready quickly so we could leave. There was a few moments of silence so I decided to tease him. "Shawn..."

"Yeah y/n"

"You haven't even asked me if I wanted to stay with you" I said trying to keep a straight face

"Oh" Shawn said sadly 

I giggled and said "Just kidding, I love you"

"Y/NNNNNNN that wasn't funny you owe me now"

"Owe you what"

"This" Shawn said kissing me passionately..... again. How I missed his soft lips

"and ...I love you too" Shawn whispered


Just a quick note. Requests are on hold for a while because of personal issues. Anyway hope you guys are allright. Love you :)

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