Lost suitcase

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"Shawn, would you please stop bouncing your leg?"you asked, running out of patience, as the two of you sat on one of the airport benches.

"Oh, sorry," he mumbled, finally sitting still, looking around nervously.

It was the middle of the night, and luckily you weren't bothered by the fans a lot. You landed in this small airport in the middle of France only twenty minutes later than the rest of the team that had to fly in on another plane since there weren't enough tickets. Shawn's bodyguards flew out with you and were standing a few feet away from your bench, waiting for Shawn to make up his mind.

"Babe, maybe we should get going," you started, grabbing his attention back to your face.

"But my suitcase-," he tried to argue, but you were quick to interrupt him.

"I'm sure they will take care of it. Us staying here for an hour won't speed up the process, Shawn," you tried keeping your voice as soft as possible, despite the annoyance.

Since you have landed, Shawn was extra cautious of getting his small black suitcase back. For some reason, he wanted to grab it himself, but after ten or fifteen minutes you realized that his suitcase wasn't anywhere to be found. Shawn grew very nervous, and you had talked to a few staff members, giving them your contact information in case they have found his suitcase. However, he refused to get back to the hotel without it. You were told that it might be possible that his suitcase was sent here on another plane that should be arriving in an hour, and he wanted to make sure that he will have it.

"I can't lose that suitcase, Caitlin, it's crucial for me to have it," he shook his head.

You glanced at the two bodyguards watching you. They couldn't hide the disappointment on their faces when they have realized that Shawn refused to leave once again.

"You can go to the hotel with Jake, I'll stay and wait," he continued, this time his voice lower than usual, as if he felt guilty to let you leave without him.

"I just don't understand why you won't come with me. It's not like staying here will help you get the suitcase," you sighed.

Shawn took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers and putting your locked hands into his lap. He felt guilty for making you wait with him, knowing how tired and sleepy you were after the flight. He also realized that the longer you stayed, the more were the chances of you fans finding out and creating a crowd. The two bodyguards probably wouldn't be able to secure you for one hundred percent and the most logical thing to do was to leave.

"There is something very important in the bag if anyone finds out it's mine...It's gonna be a disaster," Shawn felt like he wanted to give you a reasonable answer, but you couldn't understand what he was implying anyway.

"If it's about documents then whoever leaks them will have to deal with consequences. I'm sure it will be fine, Shawn," you squeezed his hand in yours.

"Yeah, right," he mumbled underneath his nose.

After ten more minutes of waiting, Shawn was turning more impatient. He started to bounce his leg again, annoying you a little but you didn't say anything else. You were sure that the suitcase will be found very soon and that he had nothing to worry about, but Shawn seemed so concerned that it made you wonder if he had something scandalous in his bag. But what could it be? He wouldn't admit and left you thinking about it for the rest of your waiting. Sometime later Shawn finally decided that it was enough.

"It's probably my fault, I should have taken it with me," Shawn said, standing up, signifying that he was ready to leave.

You stood up right after and grabbing the rest of your luggage you walked towards the exit.

On your last day in France Shawn and you had the whole day to yourselves. Shawn had finished his show a day before, and because you were leaving the next morning, this was your last chance to see the beautiful wonders in France. He knew that you were dying to see Le Pont des Arts as you had bought a small love lock that you wanted to secure on it. After walking around Paris the whole day, you and Shawn had finally stepped on the bridge. Although a lot of people had stopped you for pictures, Shawn's bodyguards kept their distance for which you were thankful. You truly wanted the experience to be memorable and having bodyguards by your side wasn't the most romantic sight. However, Shawn made it wonderful. He wouldn't let go of your hand, and you walked on the bridge stopping by every few steps to get a glimpse on all of the love locks. It was mesmerizing to see how many people have their locks here to promise to love each other for the rest of their lives, and it became a mission to spot the weirdest locks and point them out to each other.

"Look, this one looks like the one you bought," Shawn pointed to a small golden lock that looked like the one you had in your hand, ready to hang.

"It does, must have been from where I brought it too" you let out a chuckle.

After walking a little, you spotted a perfect place where you could hang your lock. You pulled Shawn's hand towards the direction, and he followed you without complaints guessing your intention right away.

As you turned away and freed your other hand from Shawn's grasp, you busied yourself with trying to hand the locker.

"Shawn?" you called without even looking at him.

You were ready to close to lock and waited for him to do it with you, but heard no response. You waited for him for a moment, but after not seeing Shawn by your side, you turned around a little annoyed, ready to complain, when the sight brought you to a shock. Shawn was kneeling right behind you with a nervous smile on his face. Your hands immediately went up to your face, closing your mouth to resist a loud gasp. Shawn breathed in, before speaking.

"Caitlin, you are the only one who can make my day just by smiling at me. You are so amazing, you're empathetic, caring and beautiful both inside and out. And you make me the happiest man on the planet," Shawn extended his hand towards you, and as you placed yours in his palm, he gently squeezed it, "I know this might not be perfect, and unfortunately I don't have the ring on me, but will you marry me?"

You felt your eyes tearing up, as you nodded your head, again and again, unable to speak. Shawn let out a relieved chuckle and got up from his feet. You immediately wrapped your hands around him, pulling your body to his as soon as you could. You've heard people clapping around you and felt Shawn's body shaking as he laughed. You both have forgotten about other tourists on the bridge, but it was the least important thing the two of you could care about.

"You know, it was hard to accept, but I figured that I can't miss this opportunity and should propose without the ring," Shawn whispered, craning his neck.

You looked up at him with a smile, closing the distance between you.

"Did you forget the ring?" you asked curiously.

"I've left it in my suitcase. I'm sorry I don't have a ring on me now, but it will be on your finger in a matter of days, I promise," he continued whispering.

"Is that why you were so stuck up about that suitcase?" you laughed in disbelief.

"I know, I'm stupid for leaving the ring in it," he laughed too, as you still held each other.

"You're impossible," you shook your head, staring into his eyes so lovingly, "It doesn't matter, I don't care about the ring anyway."

Shawn leaned forward and placed a soft kiss onto your lips.

"Good, because I am still not sure I'm getting my suitcase back anytime soon."

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