Concert Proposal

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Shawn had been acting weird all day, making you suspect that something was going on - whether it was good or bad, you had no idea.

However, Shawn had told you to come to his concert. He told you it was going to be really special.

Shawn had slipped onto your hotel room balcony when his phone rang earlier this morning. You could briefly see that it was Geoff calling, but the second Shawn saw it, he hopped out of bed quicker than you've ever seen him move in the morning.

You laid there in bed, silently listening to his conversation with Geoff.

"Yeah, that's the one. No, no, I want it to be the classic black velvet case. Trust me, Geoff, she has no idea. Thanks for doing this man, I truly appreciate it. Alright, yeah, just drop it off before I go on stage.

It was this moment when you pretended to wake up the second he came back into the room.

You had no idea what the conversation was about, but you knew it had to do with you somehow. Of course, that made you extremely suspicious. But you decided to ignore it.

"Hey, babe. You just wake up?"

You nod, stretching out your arms and collapsing back onto the bed, belly first.

"Hey, none of that!" Shawn said chirpily, putting a plain black t-shirt on. "We have a big day today and you're not going to want to spend it all in bed."

"But, Shawn," you whine.

"But, Shawn no. Get your ass out of bed, now." You raised an eyebrow at him and he smiled. "Get your ass out of bed, now, please?"

You rolled your eyes, doing as he said and walking past him to head to the bathroom. However, Shawn wrapped his muscular arms around your frame, pulling you into his chest and placing his lips on yours in a gentle, yet deep kiss.

"What's with you, this morning?" You ask, your brow furrowing together.

"Nothing." He smiles, "I'm just in a super good mood."

"Wonder why." You mumble, kissing his cheek and disappearing into the bathroom to get a start on your day. 

It wasn't until you two showed up to the stadium that you noticed anything more suspicious.  Geoff showed up right before Shawn was scheduled to go on, handing him a brown paper bag. Shawn gave him a hug, thanking him or something, you weren't too sure - you were just watching what was going on.

She was standing backstage, well really off to the side, as she watched Shawn preforming in the arena. He was holding his guitar up, singing into the microphone, eyes closed and mind completely in the moment.

She smiled, heart stretching as he sang out. She loved him like this, completely blown when he did what he loved. She kept a hand on her lips, watching him perform perfectly before her.

The song ended, and she started to back up, expecting Shawn to say his goodbyes and the team pulling their gear off the stage. However, her brows curved in confusion when he stayed on the stage, looking out with a large smile.

"I've just got one more surprise, one more amazing thing before I leave tonight," he yelled out, smiling widely. He looked over at y/n hand extended towards her.

"Baby," he said softly, motioning her. "Come here"

She walked out with wide eyes, hand taking his as the crowd clapped and called out to her. She looked at him, lips parted.

"Shawn," she whispered. "What are you doing?"

"Babe," he smiled, looking at her. "You are the most beautiful, kind, loving person I have met." He stared into her eyes, the bright lights beaming down.

"look i guarantee there'll be tough times but i also guarantee that if i dont ask this i'll regret it forever, I love you, with every inch of my being, and I don't want to spend a minute without you and I know in my heart that your the one for me".

Her mouth parched as he got down on one knee, hand sifting through his tight back pocket and looking up at her, curly hair sprawled and bright brown eyes before her.

"Y/n Will you marry me?" he called out to her, raising the top of the small blue box to show her a silver sparkling ring.

She pressed a hand to her mouth, tears slipping from her eyes. The crowd screamed, claps emitting and shouts filling the air. She hiccuped, nodding and lending her hand down as he slipped the ring on her finger, smile wide and eyes bright as he rose, engulfing his arms around her, kissing her softly as the sounds of claps and shouts echoed through the stadium.

"I hope that was a yes." Shawn chuckled

"It was, I love you" she said whilst wiping her tears away.

"I love you too, can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Shawn Mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now