Terrorist Attack

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RIP to all those who died and suffered in the New Zealand terrorist attack. May you all rest in peace. Warning this may be distressing to some viewers.


Shawn was currently at a concert, and i was watching him backstage as he sang beautifully to the crouds of Canada.Shawn's mom (Karen), his sister (Aaliyah), and Grandma Ava were in the crouds along with the hundereds of screaming fans. I loved watching my fiancé  sing, i could feel the energy and love he was giving as he sang. Occasionally as he sang, he would take a few quick glances at me and y/s/n ( your sons name) and smile. 

Everything was going perfect. Everything was wondeful. I didn't want it to end until i heard a loud bang .... and then another ... and another. People screamt.... and cried. Quickly, i held a crying y/s/n in my lap and made my way to a shocked Shawn. 

"Babe are you ok " i yell in a concerned manner

"Yeah i - i'm fine, what just happened" a startled Shawn asked

"I dont know, i think it was a terrorist attack" i said as i cradelled both my son and Shawn in my arms

"Oh god, wheres Mom, Aaliyah and oh dear god no.... what about Grandma.

Shawn jumped onto his feet as he searched through the hundereds of panicking fans in search for his family. I could tell how scared he was so i grabbed him by his face and gentally kissed him attempting to reassure both him and myself to stay calm and everything will be ok.

After what felt like forever, we finally saw a crying Aaliyah on the floor.

"Oh my god Aaliyah are you ok" Shawn asked clearly concerned as he examined the blood on her arms

"He shot her.... Shawn - h- he shot Grandma, Mom's gone to the hospital with her. S-hawn you should've seen her she looked so hurt and s-" 

Before Aaliyah could finish speaking Shawn enfolded her into a hug, and gentally lifted her back up and we headed towards the car and to the hospital.


On the way to the hospital we dropped y/s/n at Shawn's dads house because we didn't want him to see his Great Grandma in such a state. The whole ride there Shawn was silent and panicking. I tried my best to calm him but i couldn't. We walked inside the hospital and was greeted by a nurse who was called Miranda. We took a seat in the waiting room as we noticed Shawn's mother, she immediatly ran u to us and hugged us as she sobbed uncontolably.

"I'm sorry i-m so sorry i don't think she's going to make it" Karen said as she continued sobbing.

The nurse let us in 2 by 2. First Aaliyah and Karen, went in. After around 15 minutes they came back out and it was mine and Shawn's turn to visit Ava. We walked in hand in hand and sat on each side of the bed each of us holding one of her arms. 

"Shawn, y/n, i - love you with all my heart, don't you ever forget that. And i am so sorry i don't think i'll be able to make it to your wedding."

I looked at Shawn as tears began to fill his eyes i suggested "Maybe we could have it now" i smiled weakly wiping away my tears.

"I would love that thank you so much y/n"

We called both Karen and Aaliyah in. Aaliyah got her phone out and vidieod the final beautiful momments of Ava at our wedding.

"I, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, take thee, y/n/y/m/n/y/l/n, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.

We both read our vows and eventually were officially married.

Ava squeezed our hand tighlty as we all took turns to hug her. She gestured for me to bend down so she could say something "Thank you y/n for making Shawn feel loved, thank you for making me a great grandma , thank you for all you done." i suddenly felt tears fly down my cheeks and as she could feel her breath sorten she said

"Now you lot. Listen to me , i love you all with all my hearts and i don't want you to ever forget that. I don't want you to cry for me i want you to be happy. I love you all so so much" she smiled at us and slowly gave her last breath

The sound of the beep went off the life support machine as nurses and doctors rushed in to attemt to save her. There was nothing they could do. She was gone. Along with others of this terrible incident. 

Shawn held me into a tight hug and whispered "I love you so much"

I replied "I love you and im so sorry"


To all those affected by the New Zealand attack know that you are not alone. I am always her to speak to. Let us pray for the lost angels who were taken in this devasating attack. Each day just take 1-2 minutes remebering these lost souls. May they always stay with us in hearts and may they rest in peace x

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