I miss you

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Hearing the familiar bubbling tones coming from your room you immediately drop the dishes into the sink and postpone their washing rushing to your computer. You had a feeling he would call you right when you start doing something, but you can't be annoyed, because you've been waiting for his call all day. You haven't seen Shawn's handsome face in days, because he broke is phone's camera lens so you couldn't FaceTime him, but now he has his computer and he is calling you on Skype.

You start panting by the time you reach your desk with the computer on it and you click on the little green button while sitting down and waiting for the screen to load your boyfriend on it. It goes grey for a while, the pixels start dancing around before he finally appears in front of you, just when you also hear his voice.

"Babe? Can you hear me?" he asks in a raspy voice.

"Yes I can! Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," he chuckles and the screen is finally fully loaded, though his actions are a bit dashed and late to his voice, but you couldn't care less. "You look so beautiful! I love this color on you," he smiles at you and you glance down, because for a moment you even forget what you are wearing. It's a deep blue hoodie of his he left at your place before going on tour and clearly, you have been wearing it quite often.

"Thanks, some dude left it here," you joke making him arch an eyebrow at you, but he obviously gets that you're not serious.

"Oh really? Should I be worried?"

"Not even a bit," you sigh lovingly admiring his beautiful features on the screen. It has been a month since you last saw him and it's still another week until you fly over to Europe to spend some time with him. You are holding up just fine, but you can't deny you are missing him, you miss his touch, his presence around you, his strong arms around your body at night, making you feel safe and at home.

"Good. Man, I miss you so much baby," he sighs and you notice the slight melancholy in his voice. He hasn't been hiding his feeling and how much he wishes you could be with him, but you can't just drop everything and fly after him, unfortunately. But you already have three weekends scheduled to spend it with him, two of them you going after him, one is his turn to come back.

"I miss you too, but it's just one more week, remember?" you tell him trying to cheer him up, not showing how hard it is on you as well. You have to be his rock, he is under a lot of stress, touring is tiring and he has been all over the place, he even had a breakdown last week when he called you in the middle of the night panicking. You talked to him on the phone for hours because he said your voice is the only thing that can calm him down. Therefore one of  you had to stay strong for the other.

"Yeah. Don't even think about going sightseeing, we are not gonna leave the hotel room." His playful grin makes you giggle. No doubt he is horny, usually he is having a hard time keeping his hands off you and being so far from you must be like torture for him. 

"Just one walk, please?" You put your lips at him giving him your best puppy eyes. It's going to be your first time in London, you want to at least see the most famous landmarks.

"You know I can't say no to you," he licks his lips with bright eyes.

"I know, it's because you love me," you say confidently, earning a chuckle from him.

"Yes I do, that's your luck."

"It's not just luck, you know I did all of it on purpose," you comment with a meaningful look at his face on the screen.

"Oh really?"

"Of course! I made you fall for me so hopelessly you'll never ever want anyone else. You are stuck with me forever, your fate is to admire me until the end of time."

His happy laugh makes my lips curl upwards. He runs his fingers through his hair leaning closer to the camera.

"Is it weird that I'm totally fine with it?"

"Not at all, cause I'm totally fine with doing the same with you," I softly say making him smile at me lovingly.

Then I hear someone walking into his room and a frame walks through the screen behind him, making him turn around.

"Now?" Shawn asks disappointed at the intruder, but I don't hear the answer. "Alright, give me ten minutes."

The stranger, whom i soon realise is Andrew, walks out and Shawn turns back to me with a frown.

"Babe, I have to go. We have to be at the arena earlier."

"It's okay, go, do your thing."

"I'll call you in the night, so for you it's going to be the morning," he say doing the quick math with the time zones.

"Okay, good luck at the show babe," you smile at him with an aching heart that he already has to go.

"Thanks. Good night baby, and I love you!" Leaning closer he kisses the camera making your laugh.

"Dork," you roll your eyes, but you absolutely adore it when he is so playful.

"One week, love you."

"Love you too," you smile at him before the call ends. Shutting your laptop down you return to the dirty dishes in your kitchen as you keep telling yourself that just one more week and he can actually kiss you, not just the  camera. 


Hope you enjoyed this x

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