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A/N I'm feeling a little (a lot) emotional so don't kill me when you read this. Italics mean the persons thoughts :)

^ Gif at the  top relates to the story. Oh and yes it is Doctor who... again. Not my falut i'm a wierdo who binges on Doctor who episodes. 

Y/n Pov

Today was the day. I was going to move to Toronto. Permanently. My life long dream was coming true. The only thing that was bad was I had to fly there. The thing was I always hated planes. I hated the way they sounded when about to take off. I hated the way the plane shook whenever there was a slight turbulence in the air. But if I wanted to achieve my dream off becoming a model I had to do this. I sighed as I made my way towards the gate.

Shawn Pov

I loved tour. So much. It was amazing. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. But today was the day it finished. I was on my way back to my hometown, and I felt overly excited. Finally, after so long I get to see my family. I made my way towards the gate. And that's when I saw her. The most beautifully, eye catching girl in the world. Sure that was an exaggeration of how I felt. Really she was the most beautifully eye catching girl in the universe. I must've been staring at her for a long time because she looked at me and giggled. I blushed and waved at her. She waved back. All of a sudden a voice spoke on the speakers. "Can all passengers boarding the Plane to Toronto make there way towards the plane as we are ready for departure". I made my way towards the plane, hoping to see that girl again.

Y/n Pov 

I made my way towards the plane. Searching for my seat. 36B. 36B. 36B. I thought. God damn it where is that seat. And that's when I saw him. The same guy as before. He looked breath taking. "Hey, I sit next to you, is that okay" I asked my heartbeat quickning

"Yeah that's more than okay" he smiled back gesturing for me to sit down before him. What a gentlemen!  We sat in silence for a bit until he began to talk "So what's your name"

"Y/n" I simply replied

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he muttered but i heard it 

I giggled  and said "Thanks what's your name"

"Shawn Mendes, i'm suprised you never knew that"

"I do know, but i thought i'd let you feel normal for a while." 


"No problem" i said flashing him a smile which he gladly returned.

We talked for a while and learnt a lot about each other, and we exchanged numbers. He understood my ambition to become a model and said he'd support me 100%. He complimented me a lot too. He stared out the window the light from outside shining onto his face, making him look even more beautiful, if that was even possible. He's amazing. Y/N WHAT ARE YOU THINKING. You just met this guy he could be a psycho. He could just be an ass like the other celebrities you've met. ( A/n just go with it.)

Shawn noticed me staring because he started to laugh. "Enjoying the view y/n" he giggled

"Sorry" i said blushing terribly

"Don't be ,i find it kinda cute that your staring at me. 

I blushed again. "Stop your making me blush"

"Stop what"

"Being cute" i replied 

Shawn began to laugh and simply replied with "Not my fault"

After we had finally finished laughing, i noticed Shawn staring at me. "What Shawn, enjoying the view" i said mimicking him from before. He smiled and said "Yes, she's honestly the most beautiful person i've ever seen". I stared deep into his eyes, and we both began to lean in. We kissed slowly but passionately. "I love you y/n" Shawn mumbled breaking our kiss "I love you too Shawn". 

"Will you umm be my girlfriend" Shawn asked as he scratched the back of his head nervously

"I think we are past that stage but of course i will" i said as we kissed again quickly but with the same amount of passion. Many disney and harry potter shows later, the plane began to shake. And thats when my anxiety began to quick in. Shawn seemed to notice this because he placed his arm onto mine and squeezed it. "Shawn what is it , what's happening". I asked afraid of the answer.

"Its okay babe, probably just turbulence. I sighed as i began to relax a little. Around 15 minutes later the plane shook again and this time it was more violent. That was when a flight attendant rushed in. "If i could have your attention, please everybody, im sorry to be the one who has to tell you this, but there is very little chance we will survive this, we will attempt to evacuate but unfortuantely we don't have enough parachutes for everyone. It has been a complete honour flying with you all. And again i'm sorry." (a/n im not crying, i promise)

The plane erupted into tears and screams as people began to evacuate. " I love you y/n so so much, im so sorry this is the last time we will ever see each other."  Shawn said as tears strolled down both our cheeks.

"I love you so much" i replied as we hugged holding onto each other.

Soon we were the last people left on the plane along with the pilot and flight attendant who was still attempting to keep the plane upright whilst the passengers left. We checked the emergency supplies and there was only one left. "Oh god Y/n im so sorry , you haven't even achieved your dream yet, im so so sorry, please take the last one"

"No shawn, im not taking it ,I thought being a model was my dream, and then i met you. You gave me joy, you gave me love all in the space of a 8 hour flight, i love you forever and always."

"Please y/n take it, we dont have much time" Shawn pleaded

"No, Shawn together or not at all"

"I love you to much to leave you hear lets jump we can spend our final moments together eh" Shawn said 

"Lets do it then"

Soon after that we hugged each other tightly, Shawn's grasp on me and jumped out of the plane. (use the gif to imagine) We exchanged our last kiss, and our last i love you's. All of a sudden there was nothing.

3 rd persons pov ( a/n the confusing part)


My name is Anne. I was a flight attendant on this journey. I thought my life was going to end when i realised that there was only one parachute left, even though they're were 4 people still on board. I saw Y/n and Shawn together, they looked so in love so i knew one of them had to take it. However niether did they promised to spend there last moments together, and so they jumped out the plane in each others embrace. I was shocked at first, but proud at the love they had for each other. It was then they died, tragically, in each others arms. Y/n never got her dream but she did meet her soul mate.

~ The end

A/n I put this song in it just to make you cry.

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