Crappy day

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"Shawn, can you get that?" You yell across the room as the phone rings. He rushes across the room and picks it up, you can hear him talking to someone but you're so busy you don't even care. You continue to vacuum the carpet when you can hear the deafening crying of your newborn. "Y/n, I'm on the phone, take care that?" he asks calmly. In a huff you turn off the vacuum and quickly walk over to the child. You rock her back and forth but she continues to cry. With the baby in one hand you begin to make her a bottle of formula. To your left you notice the pot containing your dinner was boiling over. Your parents were visiting and the stress was really getting to you. "Shawn!" you scream a little more aggressively then you meant to. He storms into the kitchen, "what?" he demands. At this point you were so angry, not at him specifically, just angry in general. "The dinner!" you yell. The baby is still screaming in your arms, the phone starts ringing again. You look around the house and it's not even close to being clean. Shawn aggressively turns off the stove and takes the pot off the burner. "Don't yell at me y/n." He states, not yelling, but with attitude. A tear falls from your eye. You give the baby her bottle and put her in her crib. You sit down on the couch holding your head in your hands. You start to cry a little harder. Shawn slowly walks over and sits beside you. He gently places a hand on your back. His eyes droop and he looks so worried to see you this upset. You move closer to him and rest your head on his chest. He wraps his arms around you. He holds tightly. He begins to runs his fingers through your hair. "I'm sorry for yelling, I just.." You say. Shawn holds you tighter and stops you mid sentence, "no, it's okay. I understand." He softly whispers in your ear. You pull back and stare him in his eyes. He runs his thumbs down your cheeks and gives you a half hearted smile, "I love you y/n. I'm sorry too." You grab his jaw and bring him in, kissing his lips. "Please, don't ever stop loving me?" You ask him, feeling more tears knocking on the back of your eyes. Shawn shakes his head, looking upset. "Never.

Shawn Mendes imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now