Dishes to Dancing

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You scrubbed the dish whilst admiring the soft hues that painted the sky behind the CN tower.

Since moving into Shawn's apartment, Toronto hadn't failed to amaze you. In fact the first month of living there, you were hardly ever in the apartment, but instead you were down on the streets exploring all the hidden gems of the city. Shawn had been unexplainably excited to have someone to learn more about Toronto with, as in his first year in his apartment he had only left his condo to go to the studio, his family home and occasionally down the same main road to get his groceries.

However he insisted on wearing a ridiculous 'disguise' (which consisted of a dirty blonde wig you had worn for Halloween once, a duffel coat 'to hide the tattoos' he'd told you before putting it on in the middle of summer, it was fair to say he had ditched the jacket 10 minutes in, and some horribly fitting glasses), which no matter how much you told him it would only attract more attention to him, he would adamantly deny it, claiming that he'd watched enough spy films to know how to pull off a good disguise.

You threw the damp towel at him as he walked past, giggling when he jumped slightly as it hit him straight in the face before falling to the floor. He bent over to pick the cloth of the floor and raised an eyebrow at you.

"You've got help me out here Mendes, I'm not washing and drying mister" You teased, poking your index finger onto his chest. He pulled back, a hand reaching up to his chest where you'd just prodded and gasped mockingly.

"You did not just get dish water on my new Calvin Klein shirt" he exclaimed dramatically

"At the price you paid for that," you gestured with your hand to his shirt "you could have bought a waterproof coat to stop you getting dish water on you but..." You trailed off, placing the hand that you had behind your back into the sink, submerging it with the warm water "You didn't" and with that you reached forward with your soaking wet hand and wiped it all over his clothed torso. This time his gasp was genuine, his facial expression changed into one of shock and disbelief.

"You did not just do that" He breathed, not sure how he should react to the situation

"I think I did, now start drying before I get even more water on you" you chuckled at his stunned expression as you turned your back on him to continue the washing up. When Shawn returned to your side and started drying up, it took you a second to realise that he was topless.

"Shawn what are you doing?" you stopped your movements to face him, trying your hardest to focus on his face instead of his perfectly toned body.

He glanced sideways at you before going back to drying a chopping board you had cleaned earlier. Oh, so he was giving you the silent treatment. You initially tried to ignore him ignoring you but you couldn't stand the silence for long. So you turned on the speaker and put the 'favourite songs' playlist the two of you had made months ago on shuffle, smiling slightly when you heard Give me love by Ed Sheeran start to play. During 9 to 5 you started to sway your hips slightly 'accidently' bumping your hip into his and brushing his bare arm with the space just below your breast as you leant over to place a mug on the draining board, biting back a smirk when you heard his breath hitch in his throat. You both knew he wouldn't be able to keep it up for much longer.

When the familiar opening to 'inside out', also know as Shawn's salsa song, filled the room, you could tell by Shawn's body language that he was at breaking point with the whole trying to ignore you thing. This was his song the two of you always danced to and knowing Shawn better than you knew yourself, for the first time since the start of his little game, you made no attempt to touch him, in fact you moved a step away from him, knowing that he simply wouldn't be able to handle the distance between him and you. Sure enough, about twenty seconds into the song, you noticed his eyes start to flick back and forth between the bowl he was drying and you, failing miserably at trying to be inconspicuous. The song was nearing on 45 seconds when his hips started to sway to the upbeat rhythm of the song. You recognised this as the beginning stages of 'Salsa Shawn'. The cracks in his exterior were so evident you were sure he was going to give up any time soon. Surely enough when the chorus hit, you felt him grab your hand and next thing you knew, you were being spun around in a circle. When he had stopped spinning you, he pulled you into his naked chest, but this time he didn't react when you placed your wet hands on his back, if anything he held you impossibly closer.

"i'm sorry" He murmured into your hair, inhaling the sweet smell of your shampoo he loved so much, he would never admit it but when he went on tour, he would always steal a spare bottle from your side of the bathroom cabinet. That way he would smell of you, he would smell of home.

"I'm sorry too, now, may I have this dance señor?" You jokingly bowed slightly, your hand outstretched.

"Of course señorita" He said in his best Spanish accent. When he grasped your hands and positioned himself so he wasn't too far away but wasn't so close that he'd end up tripping over you (because he had done that several times before), the smile radiated off of his face, you beamed back at him as he started to move his hips to the beat, you following his lead shortly after. Soon you were in your own little world, dancing around your kitchen. Shawn occasionally spinning you around making you squeal. You both burst out laughing when you tried to spin him, but instead of him twirling, the height difference caused you to hit his face with your arm as you tried to reach above his head.

Before you knew it the song had ended and you were tugged into his chest once again. You felt his warm breath in the crook of your neck and his soft curls brushed against your cheek. Your hands travelled up to his hair to rake your fingernails across his scalp. He let out a soft moan, wrapping his arms even tighter around you as you lightly scratched his favourite place.

"I love you so much Shawn" You felt him smile into your neck before he pressed a gentle kiss to your sweet spot, just under your ear.

"I love you even more honey" And with that he removed his head from your neck and swiftly attached his lips to yours to stop you from arguing that you loved him more.

"No, I lo-"you managed to breathe out when he broke the kiss for a millisecond

"Shut up" he murmured before pressing his soft lips back onto yours, silencing you again, because he knew words could never describe how much he loved you.


Worst fear part 2 is still in the making, anyways I hope you enjoyed this.

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