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Y/n pov

Positive. Positive. Positive.

Thats what all 3 tests read. I'm pregnant. Im going to be a mom. My hands began to shake as millions of thoughts rushed around my head. What will Shawn think. Will he leave me. What about his parents, will they be mad. I began to sob uncontrollably. Sure i was happy, but i was pretty damn nervous about Shawn's opinion. His opinion mattered the most, as he was my husband and the father of my - our child. He was out with the guys right now. Just being himself and relaxing, he'll be home soon though. Shawn's been rather stressed lately he's just come back from tour and all he's been doing is making songs, going to the studio and making more songs. His anxiety not been doing good either. It was only 2 weeks ago when I had to pick him up because Brian told me he wasn't eating or sleeping and was extremely stressed over well everything. If i told him I was pregnant it might impact on his anxiety even more. Its been around 5 minutes, but here i am sitting on the bathroom floor of mine and Shawn's house, crying. Suddenly, i hear the door open and my heart beat begins to quicken. The footsteps get closer to the bathroom and i attempt to hide the pregnancy tests. "Y/n i hope you don't mind but i let myself in" a familiar voice said

"Y/n, are you in there, are you okay" the voice said

"Yeah, i'm here" i said barely above a whisper 

The door began to open and Karen ( shawn's mom) walked in. She immediatly crouched down to my level and held me in her arms. "Honey, y/n what's wrong" she said to me as she wiped away my tears.

"I.. i'm, its better if i show you" i said debating weather or not i should tell her. I picked up the pregnancy test that i hid and placed it in Karens arms and waited for her reaction. "Y/n, oh my god your pregnant, i cant believe it." she said and wrapped me in her arms. We stayed in that position for a while until she said "why are you upset, do you not want this baby"

"I do, want it but what about Shawn, what if he doesn't want to be a dad, what if he leaves me" i said whilst sniffling

"Sweetie, i'm sure he wants to be a dad, and he won't leave you and if he does i'll make sure me an Aaliyah woop his ass okay," 

"Thank you"

Karen gave me a comforting smile and said "Y/n you going to have to tell him, maybe at todays dinner"

"Oh shoot i forgot about the dinner" i said as i shot up from the floor"

"Its okay, i'll make the food you just get ready for Shawn" she replied

"Your the best, Karen thank you so so much"

"Its okay hun, i can't wait to be a grandma" she said as she walked out the door.

A smile grew on my face as i made my way towards my room and picked an outfit.

~ Time skip cause i'm a lazy piece of shit :)

We sat around the table. Karen and Manny together. My mom and dad next to each other.Me on one side off Shawn and Aaliyah on the other side. My younger sister and brother sitting with each other poking fun at each other whenever they possibly could.Everything was going great, we were eating, joking and laughing. Everyone was having a great time. Everyone except me. I was still feeling nervous over Shawn's reaction. Shawn seemed to notice my uneasiness so he placed an arm on my thigh and leaned in so his  lips were next to my ear. "You okay" he whispered.

I nodded my head and sent him a quick smile, although i knew he wasn't convinced. He picked the bottle of wine up and was about to poor it into my cup until i stopped him. "Not for me thanks." He sent me a confused look but let it slide. He wanted this day to be perfect. It wasn't often we had family dinners but when it did happen it was one of the best days ever. After a couple of minutes, Shawn spoke up again. "Sorry,everyone but me and y/n have to talk so if you'll excuse us" he announced. Karen nodded and so he pulled me by my arm and lead us to the guest room and closed the door. I sat on the bed and he followed i placed my head in my arms as i knew now was the time i had to tell him. "Babe, whats wrong"

"I- Shawn i need to tell you something, its important" i said as i lifted my head and faced him

"Okay, go ahead"

"I, i'm pregnant"i stuttered

"I knew it" he muttered 

"Wait, what how"

"I could tell, you've been vomitting the past week, you've been eating the most unusual things, your time of the month was 2 weeks ago and you haven't asked me for a massage or some chocolate chip muffins like you usually do, and the most obvious clue is you never drank wine, for god's sake y/n you always drink wine." he smiled at me

I giggled as he finished his sentence. This was one of the things i loved about Shawn. He always spotted the smallest things. "So, Shawn you're going to be a dad" i looked up at him and smirked

"And your gonna be a mom"

"I can't wait"

"Me niether" he leaned in and kissed me passionatly. We felt so in love and happy that we didn't realise somebody had walked in.

"Shawn, mom said to - woah what the heck ew stop kissing" Aaliyah said as she covered her eyes and faked vomit sounds

I laughed as Shawn's cheaks began to blush " Mom said what"

"She said to hurry up and come"

"Okay we'll be there in a minute".

Shawn looked up at me and smiled " So are we going to tell them" 

"Yep, we are" i replied as Shawn's arm held mines tightly. We both made our way back to the main room where everybody had finished eating.

"Everyone, we have something to tell you" shawn announced

"Your getting married" Aaliyah squeeled

Shawn shook his head and continued "not yet but that's next on my list". I felt my face heat up and Shawn looked at me which was the cue for me to continue.. "I'm pregnant". I said

I waited a few seconds for there reaction, and Aaliyah immediatly sprang out her chair and pulled me into a hug. "Omg, y/n im going to be an aunt, im so freaking excited." i giggled at her reaction as she made her way to Shawn and said. "Finally, you did something pretty damn amazing"

"Ummn, Aaliyah everything i do is amazing" Shawn sassed back and Aaliyah rolled her eyes jokingly

We eventually exchanged hugs with everyone and the rest of the night consisted off everyone guessing the gender of our baby. 

"I love you" i said

"I love you too" Shawn said

"I wasn't talking to you, i was talking to my baby" i said as i placed my arm on my stomach

" Shut up and kiss me" Shawn said as he kissed me

"Eww get a room" my brother and sister said in unison

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