Wedding Planning

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You sit at the table with a tight smile on your face, fingers tapping on the cloth that lays perfectly over the table. Every time you raise those fingers to tap them again your engagement ring shines in the sunlight.

You look down at her watch again, glaring at the time.

"Let's start, I don't think he's coming. Must be stuck in a meeting." You say to the lady who's smiling at you sympathetically.

She nods, and looks away as you let your smile fall and hurt settle in.

You go on with the cake testing, choosing the vanilla cake with buttercream filling since that's a common ground and Shawn shouldn't have a problem with it.

When you get up to leave she gives you a quick side hug, squeezing your shoulders in encouragement.

You get in the car, pulling your phone out of your purse, clicking on his contact name, yet again and being sent to voicemail.

"Hey it's Shawn, leave a message and I'll get back to you!"

"Hey, um I'm hoping you got caught up in an important meeting or something. Just wanted to check in because I haven't heard from you in a while. Call me back, oh and this is your fiance."

Your voice is low and your speech is slow and defeated. You sigh and shake your head as you click your phone off, a blank screen staring back at you.

You drive home, feeling sluggish and like giving up.

This has been the usual with the wedding planning. He'd say that he'd join you for something and then be a no show. It felt so embarrassing, scheduling things for the two of you and then always being just by yourself. Everyone was always silently judging you, and making comments about what your marriage would be like if he couldn't even show up to the cake testing. 

You arrive home, slipping in the door silently. You take your heels off on your way to the bedroom, moving around your home and changing into something more comfortable than the tight white dress you were in.

You find yourself in some running shorts and one of his shirts, hair thrown into a messy bun, padding off to the kitchen barefoot to make yourself dinner.

Usually you would make him some too, but since you haven't heard from him all day you figured he won't be home for dinner so what's the point of making him food if it's gonna be thrown out anyway?

You make yourself a sandwich with some cut up fruit and chips, pouring yourself a small glass of wine.

Sitting at the breakfast bar alone you jump when you hear the door open. His boots clack when he walks across the hardwood, finding you quickly.

"Hey," He says walking into the kitchen, rolling his sleeves up and looking around the counter. "Where's mine?" He asks turning to look at you, pointing to your sandwich.

"Didn't make you one." You answer, picking at your chips.

"Oh, okay." He says a bit confused, looking in the fridge for what he can make. "We don't have much food." He chuckles, "Guess we should go shopping."

"Go right ahead." You say setting your empty plate in the sink and walking away.

"You okay?" He asks watching you stop in the doorway and look over at him over your shoulder.

"No I'm not, but it's not like you care." You mutter, walking away.

"Woah, hey." He says following you to the living room. "Where did that come from?"

"From the truth."

"That's a bit unfair, I care."

"Yeah sure you do Shawn."

"What's wrong with you?" He asks, his anger starting to rise.

"You're what's wrong with me."

"Excuse me? What did I do?"

"Nothing, and that's the issue. You've done nothing."

"What's wrong with that?" He asks confused.

"I can't do this right now, I don't have the energy for this."

"No you started this don't walk away, tell me."

"What were we supposed to do today Shawn?" You spit at him.

He stares at you, blinking and not answering.

"We had the cake testing but of course you forgot, don't worry I picked one out anyway."

"It's just the fucking cake Y/n, I really don't care."

That's what struck you the most. "If you don't care then why are we doing this?"

His eyes widen, "We're doing this because you want this." He points at you.

"No, please if that's why we're doing this then lets just fucking stop."

"So you don't want a big wedding anymore?"

"I do, but not by myself."

"You're not by yourself, I'm here. I'm the groom."

"Really? Because it sure doesn't feel like it." You roll your eyes.

"Excuse me?" He spits, face going red with anger.

"You don't get to say that you're here when you just told me you don't care and never show up."

"Why do I have to be there though?"

"You don't understand it do you?"

"Understand what?"

You sigh, walking away from him before you say something you'll regret.

"Where are you going?"

"Shawn can I ask you a question." You turn to look at him, tears in the corner of your eyes.

"What?" He sighs, crossing his arms.

"Do you even want to get married anymore?"

Your question throws him for a loop, he was not expecting that and he's shocked speechless as you stand there with tears in your eyes. You stare at him with your broken eyes, slowly falling apart in front of him.

"How can you even ask me that?"

"Because it doesn't feel like you want to get married anymore."

"Are you crazy?" He asks shaking his head, not thinking clearly as the hurt flashes across your face.

"I just need some effort from you."

"Effort? Are you kidding? I think I'm putting in enough effort, you just don't choose to see it."

That's what fires you up again.

"Fuck you Shawn, you haven't been here to do anything. I've had to do everything, show up to all these planning things alone and get judged because I'm there ALONE!"

You start to storm off, heading to the guest bedroom.

"Where are you going?"

"I need some time alone, this time I'm leaving you to deal with this alone!" You yell, slamming the door and locking it.

He stands defeated, trying to comprehend everything that just happened.


Anyone want a part two...

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