Lost weight part 2

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A/n this is part 2 to my previous imagine if you haven't already go check it out :)

~ The morning after y/n pov

I wake up to the sight of my beautiful boyfriend laying at the side of me. I just wanted to kiss his gorgeous face but i couldn't move. After dinner yesterday things began to get a little.... eventful.  I lean over slightly and kiss Shawn's cheek. He immediately smiled and spoke "Morning beautiful"

"Morning, now get your ass out off bed." i replied forcing myself out off Shawn's grip

He groaned but followed me downstairs and we sat together and watched Stranger thing even thought the both if us had already seen it. We were watching it peacefully until Shawn randomly said "Y/n im hungry" shawn said 

"Well what do you want me too do about it" I replied already knowing his reply

"Cook for me, please" Shawn said with big eyes that I can never resist

"Fine, but you have to pay me" I replied

Shawn looked at me trying to see if I was serious or not then replied with "How much?"

"One kiss but make it good" I said he chuckled and leaned in kissing me slowly and passionately. After a while we both pulled away and Shawn led me to the kitchen as i began to make Shawn pancakes. Once i had finished, Shawn eagerly sat at his place on the dining table and start munching on his pancakes until he noticed me not eating. "Babe why aren't you eating" Shawn asked as he place his fork down next to his half eaten pancake.

"I'm not hungry" I answered 

Shawn pushed his plate away from him and said "Well i'm not hungry either again."

"But Shawnie your always hungry, eat up please" I pleaded

"No y/n if you don't eat then neither will I"

I rolled my eyes and began to walk up the stairs until Shawn shouted "where are you going"

"I'm having a shower" I replied with a bit more attitude in my tone than I intended to use 

Half an hour later

Shawn pov

I don't know what gotten into y/n. She just wasn't eating. And I knew it had nothing to do with the diet she said she was on. You cant loose that much weight in just 3 months. But i trust her, i love her so i decided not to question her too much. I guess i was just worried, a few years ago  her best friend died in a car crash. From that day she became depressed and she sometimes self harmed and starved herself. And the hate comments did not help at all, it just made her feel even more worthless. I was afraid she'd do it again. We entered therapy and she's been free from depression for 2 years. I didn't want her to fall into the trap again. Suddenly, i heard a loud thud. I ran up the stairs and headed towards the shower where y/n was. I knocked loudly on the door "y/n open up" I yelled her name several times but she didnt answer. I lost my patience and kicked down the door. It opened on the second time. And that was when i saw her. My beautiful y/n laying on the floor. "Babe" i whispered as i checked her pulse.

It was there but it was weak. Very weak. I checked her arms and legs and any possible place for any self harm scars. There were no new ones but a few old ones from when she used to do it. I picked y/n up and i drove us to the hopital.

~Time skip cause im lazy

I watched as the doctor began taking y/n bloods and placed tubes everywhere. She was okay. The doctors said she was lucky i found her. My hand had been on y/n at all times and i didn't let go afraid that if i did she'd be gone. Forever. After what felt like forever, i felt and arm squeeze mine, i looked up and it was y/n she was waking up.

Y/n pov ... again

I looked to the side and saw Shawn staring at me. His eyes were red and puffy and his hair was messy but to me he still looked amazing. "Y/n your awake, what happened"

As if on cue the doctor walked in saving me from replying. She looked at me with sympathy and said "The results are back, the cause of y/n fainting was due to the changes in blood pressure caused by starvation, i'll leave you two to talk.

Almost immediately Shawn began to cry. "Why baby, I thought you were over this" 

Unable to reply I burst into tears uncontrollably and Shawn pulled me into a hug. "Shhh baby, im sorry don't cry you don't have to tell me, shh baby" Shawn said as he rubbed my back in effort to calm me down.

"I'm sorry Shawn, ever since you left for tour I was able to cry without you seeing me. I've been seeing all these hate comments and they hurt me so so much. I know its stupid, i know your going to tell me to ignore them but its hard they're everywhere. I was going to self harm at first but i knew you'd notice straight way because i always wear your shirt in the morning ever since the last scars healed. So instead i starved myself so you couldn't see the scars. I ate very little everyday. I'm so sorry Shawn. Im such and idiot. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry" 

We both cried in each others arms for a while until Shawn finally spoke up and said "Y/n i love you and i love my fans. Sometimes they can get a little jealous. You shouldn't take that as a negative thing you should laugh about it because they're jealous of a wonderful person. Thats you y/n. Every day you make me feel loved. Every little thing you do makes me love you more. I'm sorry that you were like this whilst i was gone. I promise never to leave you again. I love you y/n don't forget that."

" I love you too, i'm sorry I wont do it ever again."

"Thank you baby now go get some rest."


My fingers are aching after this imagine. Anyways hope you enjoyed :)

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