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Written: April 2, 2019


(L/N): Last Name

(Y/N): Your First Name

(H/C): Hair Color

(E/C): Eye Color

(F/C): Favorite Color

"YOU ATE MY CANDY YOU... YOU DEATH EATER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I held my dagger threateningly toward my opponent.

"Oh no." Alex grumbled in a bored voice, "Look. I know something that'll cheer you up quickly." I loosened my grip on my weapon but continued to glare menacingly. "There's a new job for you. All you've gotta do is kill some Mafia goons."

A wicked smile made it's way onto my face as I lowered my weapon, "Spill."


"Sixteen down, 5 to go..." I giggled with a sadistic grin, wiping the blood from my face. Suddenly I spotted a gunman out of the corner of my eye. I rushed up behind him and held my knife at his throat. "Here's Johny!" I smirked as I slid the kife across his neck, the knife glided through gracefully, the warm blood flowed over my fingers. I dropped the dead body and let him lay, crumpled, on the floor, as blood soaked the pavement of the warehouse. I turned around just as three other men rushed toward me, guns blazing. I jumped up to avoid the bullets and landed beside the first attacker. With swift movements I broke his neck, and he dropped to the floor, dead. I looked at the second one as I skipped toward him, the insanity and bloodlust seeping from every pore. I whipped my gun from my belt and shot repeatedly, making sure not to hit any major arteries. I wanted to watch him bleed to death before my very eyes. I wanted to see the terror in his eyes as the truth dawned upon him. And I wanted to watch his life fade, as he slowly slipped into an eternal slumber. While I was distracted, I had completely forgotten about the third attacker. He hit my head with the back of his gun, but, being the amature he is, only managed to annoy me. I swung around, grabbing his hand and twisting until I heard a satisfying crack. I picked up the heaviest thing I could find, and aimed for his chest. I heard the sickening sound as his ribs broke in multiple places. I looked up at the man's face to see tears streaming from his eyes. "Aw... A grown man crying? How weak. Your heart must be really soft to being crying so pathetically. Should we check?" I grinned evilly as i plunged my hand into his chest, ripping out his heart.

As blood sprayed from the wound, I saw my last opponent pressed against the wall. He seemed to be trying to merge with the wall. His body was shaking, and his eyes shone with fear. "I-I know you!" he stuttered, "Y-You're th-the famous assassin n-named The Mad Hatter. Y-you're called that because your completely insane when y-you kill, and y-you always l-leave a t-top hat behind after y-you kill someone." (A/N: don't judge, I couldn't think of anything better.)

"DING DING DING! Give this man a prize! Oh! I know!" I yelled, as I pulled out a (f/c) top hat, "You get the honor of wearing this after you die!" With that I grabbed his his face, and slammed his head down on the concrete so hard his skull cracked open. "Oops, well thankfully we can cover that mess with this beautiful hat." I murmered as I sat the man up and covered his now-showing brain with the hat. "Perfect" My (e/c) eyes shined with pride at my work. "Now, time to go home. I need a nap!"


"(Y/N)! GET THE HELL DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Alex yelled from downstairs.

"Geez! I'm coming! Ugh, she's such a drama queen sometimes." I murmered that last part to myself as I threw a way-too-big (f/c) hoodie over my black shorts and t-shirt. I stumbled down the stairs rubbing my eyes sleepily as I headed toward Alex's voice. When I looked up, I saw that I was at the front door, and Alex was staring at me accusingly.

"(Y/N)" she spoke in a dangerously low voice, "why the hell is there a hot government worker here?"

I looked toward the open door to see that there was, indeed, a government worker standing in front of me. He raised his eyebrow when Alex mentioned he looked 'hot', but said nothing. "Got no idea," I grumbled, then turned back toward the man before me, "so... what are you doing here Mr. Porcupine-Head."

He winced when I called him 'Porcupine-Head' but decided against commenting on it. Instead, he tossed me a bag and said, "You have been hired to go to Kunugigaoka Junior High to assassinate your teacher. He is a yellow octopus creature, that can move at mach 20, and blew up 70% of the moon. If he is not killed by the end of the year, he will do the same to the Earth. You will be moved to class 3-E, which is the class that has been assigned to kill the octopus. His name is Koro-sensei. You start tomorrow, and in that bag is your uniform, an anti-sensei knife, and an anti-sensei gun. They only work on Koro-sensei, not regular humans. You are also not allowed to kill anyone at this school. Obviously, you will be payed for this mission, and an extra 10 billion yen will be given if you can complete this task. I will send a guard to to pick you up tomorrow. Goodbye." And with that, he promptly turned and walked back to his car.

"Well... that sure was blunt. Anyway, better get planning I guess..."



Hope you like this story so far, my updates will definently have no pattern at all, but I will try to update as often as I can.

BTW it's and Assassination Classroom x Reader story. That includes girls. If you don't like that, you can shove off, but don't complain.

Well! CYA!


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