II) Alternative

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"I needed them all to sign their forms, you know." Ignis pressed a finger to his glasses to push them up as he shot Rayne a pointed look. She merely scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Listen, Iggy. You can get your paperwork done later. There're a thousand things I need to tell them before they put their names on any waivers."

"These are far more than waivers," the advisor muttered. Gladio clapped a hand down on his friend's back, flashing a broad grin.

"Don't worry about it, Iggy. You'll get the #$%^ you need eventually."

"I need it now, Gladio," Ignis bit back bitterly. Gladio reached forward and pulled a thin pile of pages off the top of Ignis' stack, thumbing through each quickly. With a grunt, he tossed them back on top.

"This is all boring legal stuff. We're on Noct's good side—it can wait."

"I'm not worried about Noct—"

"Iggy," Rayne snapped, flashing a smile moments later as she calmed herself. "I'll send them your way after this meeting, I swear. It's just really important that they fully understand what they're getting themselves into."

"I think they understand by now."

Rue wanted to melt through the floorboards as three pairs of burning eyes bored into her. If looks could kill, she would be nothing but a pile of ashes on the ground the instant the words spilled past her lips. You're a #$%^&*% idiot... Stuttering, she squared her shoulders to give off the appearance of confidence; she looked like a scared anak with a mediocre posture.

"Hi, Rue," Rayne finally said, though she sounded both hesitant and irate.

"Hi," Rue breathed out, shaking her head. "I'm, uh, sorry to interrupt. I just—" She cut herself off upon meeting the sharp eyes of Ignis Scientia. Holy #$%^, calm down, dude. He looked pissed. She turned back to Rayne. "I need to talk to you about the selection." The king's primary shield sighed, glancing up at Gladio. "I-it's just that—"

"We have to be somewhere right now," Rayne interrupted. Rue was shocked that she sounded genuine. She thought for sure the soldier was going to chew her out right there. Gladio nodded, resting a hand at the base of Rayne's back as he pushed her towards the door. "Meet me in my office in half an hour. You know where that is?"

"Yeah," Rue nodded, shuffling away from Ignis.

The advisor shot the two a final scowl before turning and heading for the opposite door, his arms still loaded with a thick, heavy stack of forms for the new glaives. All alone in the broad expanse of a gymnasium, Rue ran a trembling hand through her hair and scanned the shelves of training weapons that lined the back wall. How many hours had she spent in here over the last six weeks doing nothing but practicing and fighting and asking for advice? How many people had she seen drop from the program or get the boot before the final pool was left? And for what? She kicked at the floor, shaking her head. A waste of time is all it was.

Tearing her eyes away from the racks, she headed out the same door Ignis left through and walked toward the staircase that would carry her to the second floor, where the King's four close friends and servants had their offices along with the man in charge of the guards and Cor the Immortal. Very few people tended to roam around the Citadel, and today was no different. The silence of the second floor was a sharp contrast to the bustling busyness of the first. Rue slowly paced down the hallway, reading the plaques that hung beside the heavy black and silver doors as she passed them. The office she sought was placed between those of Gladiolus Amicitia and Cor Leonis. The sign outside read: "Rayne Callen: Kingsglaive Administrator." Rue snorted, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. They couldn't come up with a better title? She's a hero.

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