XXIV) Honesty

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"You said those kids have still been attacking," she mused. Ignis paused his scrolling through text messages and stared at the surface of his table. "If that's true, and I simply haven't been informed, then what state is the world in right now?" Ignis swallowed his bite and thought in silence for a long time, sensing she had more to say. "And why is it being hidden?"

"You must understand," Ignis started, straightening and looking up at her. "I am not sure what liberties I am at to share classified information with you."

"I went to a meeting with the King to discuss the Kingsglaive's next move, is that not enough?"

"You were training in the Glaive; those matters you are familiar with."

"What difference does it make?" She carefully sipped the steaming coffee to make sure she got her mixture of cream and sugar just right, brow furrowed. She was clearly irritated the more she thought about it. "We've just been fed lies for two years, then."

"No," Ignis corrected firmly. "Noctis has been trying endlessly to reunite the—"

"Trying doesn't cut it!" she snapped, her spoon hitting the countertop with a clatter. "All those people that are still out there dying even though the world's 'back at peace'... All those families that are being torn apart as we speak..." Rue looked over at him, shaking her head. "And he sits behind his walls and wastes his time with rebel groups to ensure that his reputation still stands in favor of those who have already received their rescue."

"It's not your place to make such remarks," Ignis gritted back. She was taken aback for a second, but it didn't quell her sparked anger. The advisor glowered at her from his seat, sensing the hostility in her voice. "The reason you've yet to be told such things is that you can't be trusted. Your loyalties switch at the slightest promise of power and you've hardly remained in the Citadel for longer than a month at a time."

"And you have no right to make judgments toward my dealings with Cameron," she retorted, unable to bite her tongue as the stuffy feeling in her chest grew stronger and stronger. A voice that was easily muffled cried for her to shut up, reminding her that this was her boss. "I didn't do what I did for power, and if I'd known the consequences, I probably never would have come back." A tense silence overtook the room and Rue fell back against the counter, crossing her arms and forcing herself to meet Ignis's sharp gaze. "I lost everything because of the Fall, and I was one of the lucky few to be recovered from the ashes. But there are those out there who are still suffering as I did through the Dark... That's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy."

"We can only move so quickly—"

"Ignis, you have no part in it! There is no 'we'!" she cried in frustration, hurrying toward the table. Her palms pressed against the wood and she stared hard into his eyes, trying to force him to understand how his allegiance was failing him. "You're a glorified secretary! I don't care how much paperwork they give you," she shook her head, realizing that was she coming down from her adrenaline rush as dread replaced her anger. Still, she persevered. "You need to be in that throne room. Noctis's intentions are good, and Cor probably helps a lot, but they can't foresee the consequences. If that's what you were raised to do then do it, #%$^&*."

"... May I ask what caused this sudden outburst?" he inquired. Rue sighed, straightening and heading back toward her coffee. Slowly, she stirred it, unsure if she could even stomach it anymore.

"I can't stop seeing those girls, just laying there, dead, because I killed them." She shook her head, watching the smooth drink in her mug swirl. "Those kids... They're coming from places like the outside, where all they know is death and the hatred for Noctis that they were raised on. There were the faithful few who hoped for his return, but most people resented him for leaving in the first place. Most still believe we would have been better under Niflheim's rule."

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