XXII) Always Downhill

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~7 years before~

"How was your day?" Rue asked cheerfully, stirring the macaroni and cheese in the pot before her. The coils of stove glowed red hot, coated in the same fine layer of grime as the rest of the house. Her belly was swollen, peeking out from beneath her tight tank top and her free hand rested on top fondly. The front door closed with a shriek, the thump of kicked boots hit her ears, and the shuffle of a jacket signaled an impending conversation. She looked over shoulder to the tall, scrawny man that stood at the door, hanging a heavy, patched jacket on the rusted hook before him.

"What do you think?" Casper replied with a huff, brushing the long, wispy hair that had escaped the bun on his head out of his face. He scratched at the scruffy hair that was growing in on his face and shoved a hand into the pocket of his ripped jeans.

"Rick on your #$% again?" she guessed, plating the stale pasta. He scoffed, heading to the kitchen to join her. His hands wrapped around her midsection, fastening over the front of her stretched stomach. She winced as his bony chin dug into her shoulder. He smelled like cigarette smoke, which she supposed was desirable compared to the alternatives.

"When isn't he?"

"Right?" Rue lifted the spoon she'd used to dish out their dinner, turning her head to meet Casper's curious gaze. "You wanna lick it off?"

"This my dinner?" Rue snorted and rolled her eyes, leaning into his kiss.

"No. Just put it in the sink when you're done."

Casper huffed, taking the dented spoon and placing on top of the pile of dirty dishes that had accumulating for weeks. Flies crawled between plates and bowls and cups, preferring the moisture and warmth of their home to the cold outside. Turning away from the scene as though it was a normal part of his daily routine, he plucked a plastic fork off the edge of the counter and took the fuller of the two plates to the couch. Rue followed like a lost puppy.

"How was your guys' day?"

"Well, we woke up at noon," Rue started, smiling to herself at his attention. "And then we took a nice, long bath after cleaning out the tub. And then we had lunch—"

"Which was?"

"Two apples and a lot of peanut butter."

"Of course."

"And then we waited for Daddy to come home."

"Is that what you both call me?"

"Casper," Rue rolled her eyes, shoveling her dinner into her mouth. Casper's cocky smile fell and he went back to eating, staring at the denim jacket that was hung by the door.

"You should really be doing more around the house when I'm at work."


"Y'know." He swallowed his mouthful of food, gesturing with his fork. "Like clean the place up for me?" He reached forward and pinched the back of her arm; she jerked it away, frowning. "And, I mean, no offense, but you're getting kinda big. Maybe do some maternity exercises or something." Rue felt each word stab through her heart like a knife. She lived to please this man who'd swept her off her feet and saved her from her over-controlling father, and she'd failed to do that much.

"I'm sorry, I'll try to keep it cleaner. It's just harder to get down on the floor when I can't bend—"

"Yeah, yeah. You're just losing all your muscle. Figure it out." He turned to face her, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. "And I'd appreciate if you don't freak out, because I'm not some douche who can't provide for his own family, but I quit today."

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