LXV) Empty Handed

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Rue threw her sword as hard as she could, having braced herself long enough. It was the squeeze of her stomach that signaled the warp through time just before it happened. She suddenly found herself across the room, clutching her sword to her chest as she stumbled, catching her balance before she fell. Relir shouted, throwing a fist in the air, and Dex shot her proud smile. Taking a deep breath, she bowed jokingly, earning an eye roll from Arius. She knew he meant well. Rayne thumped a hand down on her back, laughing.


"Shut up. You haven't figured it out after, like, twenty years," Rue scoffed, shrugging Rayne away.

"Hey, don't pull that. I have a thousand more important things to do than learn how to warp."

"Yeah, me too," she puffed, wiping the sweat off her face. "Like watching TV with my cat."

"And Iggy?" Rayne added under her breath, grinning.

Rue felt her heart skip a beat as she rolled her eyes and stepped back in line. If she wasn't red from the exercise, she would've been red from the comment. It was strange knowing the world discovered her little secret—and it was revealed in a moment of drunken idiocy, no less. Relir clapped a hand down on her back, shaking her friend.

"Look at you go! No improvements, my #$%."

"Try telling that to Rayne," Rue mumbled, rolling her sore shoulder. "Every time I talk back, she threatens to uninvite me to her wedding."

"First of all, unnecessary," Dex commented, lowering his head the slightest bit so they could hear him. "And secondly, she would never get married without Ignis Scientia's sweetheart present."

"Shh," Rue hissed, glancing around to see if any glaives heard. "I don't want—"

"They're gonna find out eventually," Relir shrugged.

"Okay, but not now."

Rue shot them both stern looks before paying attention again, listening to Rayne lecture them about posture and strength training and all the jazz she usually lectured them on before setting them free for the day. As everyone headed out the door, Rue twisted the bands on her arms slowly, shooting Ari a thin smile. He merely stared a moment longer before leaving, too. Sighing, Rue headed toward Rayne, pulling her hair out of the tight ponytail on the back of her head.

"Got anything fun planned for tonight?" Rayne asked, glancing up at Rue as she put a training sword back on the wall rack.

"No," Rue shook her head, tired. "But I don't usually have plans until five minutes before they're happening."

"A spontaneous one," Rayne muttered. "Should've known."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to know if you're doin' anything with our good pal Ignis."

"Why would I be doing something with our 'pal' Ignis?" Rayne paused, frowning at her gloved hand.


"Because what?" Rue demanded. "Some of us can go a day without seeing our boy-toys."

"Oh, is that what he is?" Rayne snorted, shaking her head. Rue sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

"But... We'll probably wind up hanging out at some point tonight."

"See, here's the thing," Rayne laughed, leaning forward on her sword. "Those of us who can't go a day without our boy-toys? We live with them and cut the commute."

"A bit early, don't you think?" Rue countered, raising an eyebrow. Rayne shrugged.

"Yeah, but something tells me you'll be together a long time."

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