XXXII) Shadows

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Rue's hips began to ache from how long she sat alone on the floor of she and Ignis's room, sorting page after page into several piles around her. It was the same process over and over again: check the name, find the name the lengthy text Ignis sent her, find their job, put them in the pile. More people worked for the Crown than she thought, though many of the names fell under the category of "deceased" or "fired." She even found her own information and, unsure of what to do with the paper, set it into its own neat pile. The stack of papers Ignis brought was almost past her knee when she unloaded it from several different cases; now, it was divided into three tall piles and her own single page that sat to her left.

After Ignis put her to work, he vanished and had yet to return. The sun was going down by the time she set the last paper into place, throwing her fists up in an exhausted show of victory. At some point, she'd changed into a more comfortable outfit, reusing the clothes she wore on the car ride to Cape Caem. Her legs cried out in pain as she stood, stretching, and her arms protested to the weight of the papers as she shoved them into their respective cases, wincing when she pinched herself a couple of times.

"I see you're finally finished."

Rue was too tired to be startled by Ignis's voice, turning to face him with her hands pressed to her hips.

"Where were you?"

"Speaking with Noctis."

"For that long?" Rue frowned, watching him as he nodded and crossed his arms. "Is everything okay with him?"

"Much better than it was before," he replied, sounding quite pleased with himself. He headed toward his back, kneeling down to dig for something. Rue settled in a chair by the table.

"What's everyone else up to?"

"Noct and Prompto have moved on to more important things, namely video games. I believe Rayne and Gladio have left to spend some time around the city together." Rue couldn't help but notice that he no longer had an edge to his voice when he spoke about the pair. Was it possible that he was finally loosening his grip on his adoration for the woman? She doubted it. He moved on to digging through another pocket.

"What're you looking for?"

"My wallet. I could have sworn I put it—"

"On the table?" Rue picked the small leather wallet up off the table and lifted it into his view, raising an eyebrow. Sighing, he pushed his glasses up and stood, walking over to take it.

"Thank you. I must have put it there without thinking."

"Thinking of hittin' the town?" she teased, leaning back in her seat. Ignis seemed a bit lost in thought as he nodded, checking his phone. "Really? Looking for some ladies or what?" He didn't seem to hear her. "Because I'm sorry, bud, but I'm gonna have to draw the line at bringing 'em back here. I refuse to be locked on the balcony all night."

"Pardon?" Ignis frowned, looking up at her. She laughed, shaking her head.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"Something about you on the balcony," he answered, brow arched. "I apologize, I'm a bit preoccupied."


"Nothing of your concern. A simple bump back at the Citadel with Cor. That's all."

"Right." He headed back toward the door and Rue sighed, running a hand through her hair. More alone time in this weird, gothic prison cell? Ignis froze at the door as though he'd heard her thoughts, turning to face her.

"There are some rarer types of ingredients sold here that I would like to take a look at. Would you, perhaps, want to accompany me?"

"You need help grocery shopping?"

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