LIX) A Circle and A Half

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Rue adjusted her wrist guard anxiously, twisting it until it pulled tightly against her skin and burned. The glaives filtered one by one into the gym, yet again locked outside the doors to await their fates. Rayne tested them less than a week before—it seemed she was dissatisfied with them all. This time, she intended on testing Rue. Relir jammed her elbow into Rue's ribs, jerking her head toward the next young man to filter inside.

"Think she'll save you for last again?"

"Probably." Rue sighed, falling back against the wall. Her stomach twisted anxiously. "What if I haven't made enough progress? Think she'll give me the boot?"

"Rayne? The woman adores you; you've got nothing to worry about. At this point, we're all just scared of getting yelled at." Relir ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head. "No one's getting kicked anytime soon, sadly."

"Sadly?" Rue raised an eyebrow. "Got a new source of hatred?"

"Maybe." Relir fell against the wall and jerked her head to the right. "The guy at the end of the hall, the one who looks eighty-three years old from here."

"Him?" Rue frowned, narrowing her eyes in an attempt to see him better. "What's wrong with him? I don't even recognize him."

"He just got back from Gralia," Relir muttered, kicking at the smooth floor. "Does nothin' but write all #$%^ day. Doesn't seem affected by what he saw." She paused, brows furrowed in frustration. "It's just... Either Eren exaggerated what's going on there or this guy's #$%^&*^ in the head." Rue's heart skipped a beat and her lips pursed. The mention of his name sent a lurch of pain through her chest. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Rue sighed, glancing back down the hall at the young man. "Maybe it's just really different there now."

"He was there with Eren," Relir insisted. Rue shook her head.

"Just... drop it."

"... Fine."

Relir fell back against the wall, crossing her arms. Her uniform pulled snugly against her skin, tracing the curves of the muscle she'd worked so diligently to build in her time at the Citadel. Rue tore her eyes away and sank down to the floor, tired. Their emergency trip to Lestallum was draining enough, but the visit to the cave sucked all the life from her bones. Wonder if Ignis is sick of my moping yet. Huffing, she knocked her head against the smooth wall. I hope so. Maybe he'll snap me out of it. She couldn't stop feeling the grimy walls and seeing the deep, deep darkness that swallowed her whole a mere two years ago. 

"Relir, you're up," Gracen called down the hall, flashing a grin and knocking his writ against Axel's.

"Wish me luck," Relir grumbled, ruffling Rue's hair as she passed by. Rue batted her hand away, rolling her eyes.

"You'll be fine."

The hall steadily emptied as, one by one, Rayne turned sweaty soldiers out only to steal another away. Rue picked at her boots, knowing full well she was saved for last for a reason. Please just talk this time. Her heart squeezed when the last person left her alone. Something told her this wouldn't result in a deep discussion about family drama. Finally, the doors swung open and the young man Relir pointed out previously peered out at her.

"Need I remind you?" he asked, deadpan. Rue sighed and stood, brushing off her clothes.


He didn't reply. Shrugging his coldness off, Rue headed inside the open room. Rayne waited in the center of the room, skin slick with sweat and cheeks bright red. She whipped her long hair out of her cold eyes and watched her challenger enter. Rue swallowed her fear as best as she could, but it only doubled in force when the thud of the doors closing sealed her fate. It's just Rayne. Anxious, Rue waited. Rayne eyed her, arching an eyebrow.

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